Regenesis Skin Studio
Regenesis Skin Studio Overview
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Regenesis Skin Studio has 4.7 star rating based on 2 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly satisfied.
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Review authors value the most Website and Discounts and Special Offers. The price level of this organization is medium according to consumer reviews.
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PLEASE READ THIS!!!!! Please do not leave a review for Regenesis Skin Studio in Indian Trail, NC, (www.regenesisskinstudio.com) if you are complaining about products or customer service from Regenesis Skincare (www.tryregenesisskincare.com or www.regenesisserum.com).
These are two completely separate companies. There are now a number of negative reviews on my company's business entry which are meant for a completely different company and they are not easy to remove. Please make sure that you are clear about the company whose product or service you are complaining about and find that company on this website before you write your review.
There may be legal consequences for any further negative reviews left in error for my company. Thank you.
I've known many people who used this company and have received several treatments that were very good and relaxing. I'm sure the owner of this company stands behind their services, and offers only the best professional care.
I'm sure what ever bad experiences people might of had with this skin care company, have been reviewed and handled in a timely and professional way. It's always good to hear what others have to say, whether good or bad. If anyone is unhappy with a company, always remember to call them a.s.a.p.
to get it resolved. If the company refuses to comply, then further action is required.
Resolved: Regenesis Skin Studio - Indian Trail, NC - Burned My Face
I want everyone to know that the owner of Regenesis Skin Studio - Terri McConnell ruined my face by doing procedures she's not licensed to do. I did my research on her company to find out what she's allowed to do, and these strong medical peels is one of the many she's not suppose to do.
She also does laser, & stronger chemical peels. Terri is suppose to have a doctor over see these types of procedures, and has decided to skip it. She lies to her clients telling them she highly trained, which basically means she went to a day class to learn how to do something a Dermatologist and cosmetic doctor years to learn. Do not go to this place if you care about your looks.
Your face is the first thing people see.
Don't let this happen to you!
- Dangerous practices
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Regenesis Skin Studio has an NC licensed MD as a medical director. The owner, Terri McConnell, has received extensive training on all the treatments that she provides, and has years of valuable experience.
She is licensed to perform every treatment that her business offers, and this can be verified by the NC State Board of Cosmetology who have visited and inspected the business several times over the last year after receiving calls from this woman. Each inspection has resulted in a score of 99 - the highest that can be achieved, (nobody gets 100!).
This is the only negative review the business has ever received, and there are hundreds of positive reviews available on Yelp, Facebook, Vagaro and Groupon from customers who are extremely happy with the treatments and results. Terri has been able to make a real difference in people's lives and she cares personally for each of her clients.
It is unfortunate that this woman did not follow Terri's instructions for getting this type of peel, which resulted in the herpes outbreak seen in the picture above.
The picture has been seen by the medical director and the staff at the peel manufacturer and all agree that it is herpes and not a burn caused by the peel or the application of the peel. This woman had visited the business a week before but was advised that she could not get the peel as she had an active herpes outbreak.
She was advised to see her GP for a preventative and wait until the outbreak had cleared. She did not follow this advice but will not accept responsibility for her own negligence.
A true professional skin care company should of asked these questions before doing a treatment like this. Medical history, etc....
Evey skin care professional asks me all these questions before I get ANYTHING done.
This company is at fault! This lady was burned and scared.
Read the comment above. She was turned away a week before this incident because of her herpes outbreak.
She did not see her GP for a preventative as she was told to do, so she has to accept responsibility.
She was not burned and scarred, she had herpes! All clients are questioned on their medical history etc, and some are turned away or advised to try a different treatment.
OMG what is wrong with this woman? She can't blame the esthetician if she has herpes.
As someone who works in the industry, I know that if this business was doing treatments that they are not supposed to be doing they would be shut down immediately by the state board.
I have seen it happen. It sounds like there is more to this story.
This poor client did NOT have herpes!! This business is just using this as an excuse. Lies!!!
Hahahahahaha......look at the picture dumb-dumb. Sure looks like herpes to me!!!!!
Not Herpes!! Peel burned her face!! I'm a doctor, and this is a result of the peel being left on too long.
I am the leading dermatologist in Mumbai, India. I own several clinics in Mumbai and I am a Consultant Cosmetic Dermatologist at Wellness Hub, Powai; Godrej Hospital, Vikhroli; L.H.
Hiranandani Hospital, Powai; and Nahar Medical Center, Andheri. I have been asked to comment on the picture of the lady in this business review. It is not just my expert opinion, but I am stating a FACT, that this is a picture of an outbreak of Herpes Simplex virus.
It is certainly NOT a burn caused by a chemical peel. I would challenge the good Dr from South Africa who left the comment above to contact me to discuss further if he chooses.
Dr Oz here. I would like to invite this woman to come on my TV show "The Dr Oz Show" and talk about her experiences with herpes.
We can use the show to help others with the virus and suggest ways to combat outbreaks. Please use the 'contact' button on my website www.doctoroz.com and one of my producers will contact you.
This is Dr Phil McGraw. You may have watched my TV show, "Dr Phil".
This poor woman obviously has an issue with accepting responsibility for her actions and by blaming others when things don't go her way, she can escape that responsibility and play the victim.
To cover her embarrassment of having an aggressive outbreak of the herpes simplex virus on her face, she chose to blame a business stating that they had burned her face when doing a skin treatment. While the woman is to pitied, it is not for being a victim of a skin treatment gone wrong, it is for the underlying psychologocal problems and poor mental health.
If she would like to contact me I can recommend a good therapist, local to her, who can help her to overcome her issues.