Greg T Qam

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Verified Reviewer

Poor to no service

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Went with this company in may 2021 and still not delivered on what was promised they are great story tellers by all means as there is always an excuse

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  • Nil
  • You will get burnt

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Keep away

Alanzo Omk

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer

Do Not Deal With Readystart

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

If you are thinking of using them, don't!!! Purchased a website from them, took 2 years to get a webpage that didn't work!

Have now spent a lot of money on it, getting it up and running by another web developer. Paid for all the add-ons and advertising, got nothing.

And they are still advertising our site for sale. The only time you get hold of them is when you are buying, once you pay no support and no return calls.

Take your money and get someone to build you a website, and you will be way ahead.

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  • No pros
  • Will not deliver

Preferred solution: Nothing lost my money with them

User's recommendation: Do not deal with them.

map-marker Melbourne, Victoria

Customer who has been thoroughly cheated and sickened

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

My sincere advice to anyone considering business with ReadyStart, first think about why its difficult to locate their review tab on google. They are a bunch of cheaters, who make easy money by ripping people off, then make people on fivver do their job, and never deliver.

I have lost $5000 to them and still mossing in action with no product, no money and all the time and energy i have invested believing in them! I am available to share my full story to anyone to help prevent what i went through.

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User's recommendation: Please DO NOT engage in business with them. I have lost my money and so much time and energy with no putcome!


Would you be able to get in contact with me

Readystart Business Solutions_CustomerCare

Thank you for your feedback to Readystart. This entire commented is verified as absolutely false in that Readystart has NEVER taken any funds without performing any works and this client is more than welcome to email our support team which they conveniently haven't and set to harm our reputation online.

We work very hard with our clients to develop their sites and assist them in their online journey. While there are difficulties and delays along the way especially in the past 12 months with covid and recently natural disasters, we still hold strong and push to resolve any issues. Sadly we find that any client who becomes bitter is a result of them unhappy with how their business is performance after the development phase and this almost 100% due to their own lack of owner intevantion and dedication. We can ASSURE you that this particular client hasnt attempted to make any contact with us to resolve their matter (If it is in ANY way true) so we of course are always happy to rectify any issues they may have).

We work 100's of hours on developments and yes while we do sometime hire outside help (I.e Fiverr) as we were short in staff, we STILL ensure works are completed. Yes there is as chance for delays, but this is normal in this type of development. We are with clients side by side for years so of course issues arise!

The fact that this person mentions that we 'make people on fiverr do their job' immediately tells us that works were done and this is completely fabricated. We really hope anyone looking to this will not Judge Readystart unfairly and look to real life feedback that we can provide including real owners who are actually trading and working hard.

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Expect lengthy delays and a lot of excuses

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Very disappointing experience. Extremely slow progress, lengthy delays and a lot of excuses.

Most things promised were not done. Work only delivered after constant requests and reminders.

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  • Do not deliver

Preferred solution: no solution. I have given up

User's recommendation: buyer beware

Readystart Business Solutions_CustomerCare

Thank you for the comment. We are sorry that you felt that your experience was disappointing we certainly had huge dilemmas over the past 18 months that effected our work flow such as staff shortages which in this industry are not easy to replace however we are always transparent and do finish our work despite the challenges.

It is very unfair to suggest that what we all endured over the last 2 years were 'excuses' . Many businesses suffered and have never stopped working for any client despite their being delays. The fact that your works were completed (no matter how slow), shows our commitment to our clients. We would NEVER cease works or stop support for any client no matter what.

We understand that reviews are posted for almost everything nowadays such as not getting a smile at a restaurant. There is always something that isnt perfect but please understand that businesses very work hard behind the scenes just as we did with your project .

We are real people and such comments are upsetting but they certainly can be resolved. Unfortunately we cannot see your details but If you still operating your business feel free to get in touch with us to chat about options to you.

Benedetto Cvl

Wish I had read the reviews for this company. Still waiting a year later for the site. $4500 down the drain

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