
Poor shoddy completion of deal..

Aug 30 2017 purchased a 200t lexus. I was asked to sign incomplete papetwork and incorrect paperwork.

When i pkinted it out yo young salesman hevtold me not to worry just sign it. My expetience is still ongoing. I was told i have a 5000.mi free tite rotation and free 10000 mi service. But when i looked through paperwork i have no proof nothing in writing.

I was told lexus would pay 3 temsining leade payments but an incomplete form has only 2 payments. I wad told my car would be ready at 330. I lefy wjth the car and all incorfect incomplete papetwork atn8pm closing. Also a new gechnician was truing to compleye my paperwork for the salesman who was busy.

This is my first expetience withexus at monmouth. I am shre Mr.

Catena will be horrified wben these papers are mailed to him by me. I ask that the company correvy a d complete the papetwork a d hive me writgen proof of free 5000 mi tire rotation 10000 mi service and corrected 3 mo lezde payments on the car i returned.

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Reason of review:
Problems with payment

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