map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Raymond Borgfeldt

Deported Criminal wanted in the United States for fraud, Counterfeiting, Identity theft & stolen merchandise. Raymond Borgfeldt previously owned & operated a pro audio wholesale business called Proaudioline Inc.

& Absoluteproaudio out of Miami Florida until he was deported from the United States in May 2009 back to Sweden. He currently resides in Stockholm Sweden & is in hiding from the Swedish Tax Authorities due to Vat Tax evasion.

He's known for smuggling pro audio equipment for many years into Europe through his eBay company called UKPROAUDIO. Traveled monthly to Europe smuggling equipment to evade vat tax.

He's a terminated dealer by all Manufacturers for breaking all dealer policy's & territorial laws.

Known for writing insufficient checks & stopping payment on them while he sells the equipment & avoids his debts.

Uses many identity's & company names. Please caution doing any business.

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Just a bunch of garbage as usual


This information is all too true, and I hear more and more about unfortunate people whose lives are turned upside down after trusting this scammer. Did change his name recently, though Steven Olofsson may or may not be exactly right.

Very hard to tell, as clear sociopathic tendencies mean that he lies more than half the time.

Avoid at all cost, and report anything suspicious. Don't accept gifts or coupons of any kind, as these will be fraudulent, and could get you into trouble.


Changed his name to Steven Olofsson & operates Audiovisual Sales LTD out of Gloucester UK. (Is a Swedish man who's name was changed from Raymond Borgfeldt) Known to get your money up front because he's not an authorized dealer to purchase your pro audio...but then never follows through & keeps your money.

He does this to people out of the Country so that he's out of jurisdiction from you being able to get your money back. Then he avoids you, never takes your calls, & if he does, has a long list of excuses blaming everything & everyone else for where the money is. Bank issues, shipping issues, back orders, etc etc etc...eventually he never comes through & you loose thousands of dollars. It's happened over & over for years with this thief & too numerous company's & people throughout the World.

He's a vagabond with no residence or ownership of any there's nothing to sue him for or any way to get him served.

He just skips town & is off to another fool to take them for thousands. Don't be fooled by this *** man!


Ray Borgfeldt's phone # 954-376-****


Ray's phone # 954-376-****


The gap is closing on this fraudster


Now resides at 1 malmesbury rd in Gloucester UK with roommate Scott Dickson & funnels his stolen pro audio on ebay store Audiovisualuk. Also operates under Audio Visual Sales UK LTD at Morelands Trading Estates on Bristol rd. in Gloucester.



Fled Sweden for Gloucester GB & Dubai.

Avoiding arrest.

Call the Police if you see this man!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-112410

i have seen this man

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-727267

Is Borgfeldt/Olfosson still alive? Someone left him an inheritance!

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map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

*** Man

Raymond Borgfeldt owner of Proaudioline Inc. out of Miami Florida frauds friends, consumers, & manufacturers.

Known for Identity theft, counterfeiting free rental car vouchers, Insurance fraud, breaking dealer agreements, & insufficient checks.

He's an expert at building your trust through small favors, gifts, & connections. Helps you open an eBay store for audio equipment, manages the purchases & shipments until he gets your personal identity information & then charges on your credit cards without authorization. Buys large amounts of inventory from manufacturers & then stops payment on the checks.

Sells audio equipment to consumers overseas who cannot receive warranty's or repairs from the manufacturers.

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No longer living in Miami Florida. Was deported in 2009 to Sweden.

Now see in Dubai & Gloucester UK.

If you do business with him, your at risk of identity theft.

If you date this man, your at risk of financial ruin.

He's a home, no car, no stability...just alot of BS about what he wants you to believe. If you see him, call the Police..he's wanted in several Country's with outstanding arrest warrants!



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spotlightaudio s
map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Love Fraud

Proaudioline - Love Fraud

Ladies beware of Raymond Borgfeldt!

He's only interested in your credit cards or your money. He'll take his time to build your trust & shower you with small gifts, perfumes, short get away vacations to Las Vegas or the Bahamas, flowers, free rental car vouchers, & dollar store items.

He'll call you throughout your day & talk about his integrity & that he only wants the best for you. He'll shower you with compliments & then ask to borrow money or need to use your credit card after a romantic dinner.'ll end up Broke with poor credit ratings!

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Please contact crimeinvestigativeservices@***.com if anyone knows of this man doing business in the Pro Audio Industry.


Deported from the USA to Sweden...fled Sweden & is seen traveling to Dubai & Gloucester UK.Raymond Borgfeldt's Visa # is 200610****001 His Passport # is: 5238**** His Swedish Drivers License is: 45353**** Vagverket His European phone #: +46 7********His US phone line via skype is: 1-95*-376-****His emails are: Proaudioline@***.com, Proaudiosales2008@***.com, raytravel200@***.com


Wow...what a rap sheet Borgfeldt's got going on all over the internet! I know this guy..he's well known in the Industry as VERY untrustworthy. DO NOT trust anything he says!


Raymond Borgfeldt scams pro audio company's with insufficient checks or credit lines under other alias names. He ships equipment using frauded shipping accounts & stolen credit card identitys.

Any business done through him is most likely unethical & will cost you more then the bargain he offers. Avoid any of his's a fraud!

If you should date him...hide your money & personal will be taken!


Sociopaths are the most accomplished liar you've ever met in your life. In fact, they lie so well, that even when every instinct within you tells you they are lying through their teeth, you still can't quite make yourself accept the truth about them. They are masters of the old adage that says...if you want to get away with a lie make it such a big one that your audience/victims will believe it is true, simply because they cannot bring themselves to believe that anyone would actually tell such an outrageous lie...and think you were *** enough to believe it! But their arrogance doesn't stop there, oh no, they lie, they cheat, they steal and they mercilessly use the very people who try to love them, or help them and they never...ever feel any guilt or remorse no matter who they hurt...unless of course it is themselves who are hurt.

Did I mention that they have no shame, an accomplished sociopath if caught outright, or even inconvenienced by any degree of disbelief will try to overbearingly dominate the situation with words, and if that doesn't work they will cry and whine and turn into a pitiful sniveling excuse for a human pleading for your mercy, with a lot of psycho-babble excuses for why it isn't their fault.

Sociopaths are likely to be rootless wanderers with nothing much to show for their lives. Why? For the simple reason that they are parasites. Therefore, sooner or later they always wear out their welcome and have to skip town or at the very least find a new set of victims. Of course, they always have some grandiose tale to explain their lack of home, family, possessions.... And believe me, it will be a truly convoluted tale -- starring them of course -- as the sympathetic, innocent victim of some horrible other person's treachery, deceit, thievery, evil etc. combined with lots of bad fortune and plenty of convenient reasons why they don't have any proof and why you can't talk to anyone, anywhere who can confirm any of this. If they could find and hold a job for more than a few days, no self-respecting sociopath will work for a living ...they much prefer -- and in fact live for -- the thrill of leeching off of others like parasitic ***.


Can never step foot in America again! Deported in May 2009. Currently in Stockholm, Sweden.

This man is a convicted felon in the US & under investigation for smuggling & evading Vat taxes in Sweden & the UK.


what a playa

don't hate the player hate the game


I was played like a fiddle by a *** man who I hired to work on my home and who also called me all the time and gave me little gifts. Now he is using the court system of BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA to sue me for his little gifts at exhorbitant prices. The law and regulatory agencies won't admit that he is a scam artist even though has tormented my family for over a year and is manipulating the courts to steal $35,000!

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map-marker Las Vegas, Nevada

Proaudioline Inc.

Raymond Borgfeldt owner of Proaudioline Inc. out of Miami Florida frauds friends, consumers, & manufacturers.

Known for Identity theft, counterfeiting free rental car vouchers, Insurance fraud, breaking dealer agreements, & insufficient checks.

He's an expert at building your trust through small favors, gifts, & connections. Helps you open an eBay store for audio equipment, manages the purchases & shipments until he gets your personal identity information & then charges on your credit cards without authorization. Buys large amounts of inventory from manufacturers & then stops payment on the checks.

Sells audio equipment to consumers overseas who cannot receive warranty's or repairs from the manufacturers.

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Raymond Borgfeldt now owns Absoluteproaudio ebay store. He buys pro audio equipment sideways because he was terminated as an authorized dealer.

He does NOT have the inventory listed on his store site. He waits until you first send the money through paypal & then shuffles to find someone who doesn't know he's not a dealer to sell it to him. You may wait weeks for your product if you get it. He will avoid your calls & emails in the meantime until you file a dispute, then he'll get you to drop the dispute with promises that it's shipped that day.

When you drop the complaint, you cannot go back & re-open the complaint & you still don't get your equipment. He often sells stolen equipment purchased using stolen credit cards.

Currently a police case filed in New Jersey. #08-3222

He's also under investigation for Insurance Fraud & counterfeiting.

Beware doing business with Raymond Borgfeldt of Proaudioline, Absoluteproaudio & Invision US.

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