map-marker Miami, Florida

fraud juan reed

juan reed convicted felon,homeless, retaiates because we have ruined his life because of his fraudulent claims and activities. claimed to be a marine,NCIS never heard of him, Verified with Rescue misson he is a resident. no company record anywhere pig and associates.his own parents dont want him around and have a restraining order.parents have custody of his children many more charges.convicted felon all verified.find all info this link

juan reed is mad simply because we exposed him as a fraud.just look at the attached link for proof

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Everything that Juan wrote up in my name is news to me. This site was sent to me and once I read it, I knew I had to submit this notice.

I have never said the words Juan has written, never been a part of a business he created and have never supported any of his business activities. Juan needs to pull/retract all of his lies. Juan you will stop now using people names to further your cause.

You lie too much! I consider Juan's words a personal attack on me and wish to have all of his comments that he claimed came from me, removed/deleted


I am writing this oracle for the facts to be stated. Mr.

Jeffrey Morgan is has somehow put out vendetta on my son Juan Reed. My son is not perfect by a long shot. After Reading Mr. Morgan background report.

Neither is he> I'm not going to stoop to Mr. Morgan level of harassment, Lies, deceit, and calling my house acting like an NCIS Agent. I'm not going to go in depth on how crazy and immature he he is acting. All I am going to say is my son is not bad and he is a big liar.

My son never lived in a shelter. I would never allow any of my sons to live in a shelter. Juan in fact has a nice home outside of Washington D.C.. Juan has been in some trouble before for driving.

He was never convicted of felonies just misdemeanors. He has been charged with felonies driving but he has never been convicted. My sons kids are with me right now because he wanted it that way to keep them away from their mother. That was Juan's decision alone.

He stated that his own family doesnt want anything to do with him but I see my son all the time when he is in town. My son comes to my house and we go to his. This guy has some true mental problems and somebody needs to get involved. My suggestion is the church.

My son Juan just got married to a beautiful woman he known since high school. She makes very good money and he does well himself working and leading a productive life. This guy Mr Morgan has slander my son all over the internet for no reason telling lies ect. I hope one day he grows up get see he cant' hurt my son or my family.

He did 6 years in the DOD I've done 43 years in DOD. You cant hurt us cause I will not allow it. Now the next time my name comes out your vocabulary. Then you have to deal with me.

I love to take property and assets from ignorant individuals like you. i warn you to never call my house again cause your a liar. Your wife needs to know the pictures I've seen and you should be ashamed of yourself. This is all.

I will be pasting this on every webstie he has slandered me and my son on. Thank you for listening.

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Bill e Gfv
map-marker New York, New York

Scamming and defaming veterans for personal gain

The event that started this entire story was when Jere Beery learned he was under unauthorized investigation by Chuck and Mary Schantag of POW Network. The questionable investigation came about when Diane Weller publicly accused Beery of falsifying his military service record and embellishing his DD214. Gene Simes was also targeted for a similar shake down by the group.

POWNETWORK.ORG are VALOR VULTURES; they exploit the sick, demented desire of many Americans--particularly some veterans who are overly in love with themselves (narcissism)--to find someone "pretending to be a Soldier" to bully and humiliate them without any due process of law--by themselves of course; as a vigilante group--so if no due diligence is done to find the facts and they just happen to falsely accuse a veteran of being "phony", they themselves will not serve prison terms for false accusations. When the Valor Vultures are forced into admitting they are wrong, they take the web page down and never apologize for their disgusting Nazi-like crimes.

Sadly, I am not alone; I know of so far 6 other veterans who have been wrongly defamed by POWNETWORK.ORG; one of them, veteran Jere Beery well-intentionally placed his DD-214 report of his military service on the internet hoping to prove his background--only to have it used as a veritable Pandora's Box from which Valor Vultures nit-picked it to try to find offense--and failing that--make-up ones to harp on so they could have a convenient public victim to feed their racket.

They whine about "Stolen Valor"--when this is exactly what they themselves do against actual veterans--particularly vulnerable ones suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) who are not ready to play "Junior Lawyer" in order to defend themselves from their harassment--which is why the Schantags are VALOR VULTURES.

POWNETWORK.ORG, a tax-evading, criminal scam corporation run from Skidmore, Missouri by Chuck and Mary Schantag have posted an illegal, defamatory web page accusing me of somehow being a "phony"--which shows they have a reckless disregard for the truth and facts.

In my case, an unbalanced nut job--Sean Patrick Kraft who goes on 66-day hunger strikes and posts videos on how to build illegal machine guns began to cyberstalk me by calling my Air-Mech-Strike: Asymmetric Maneuver Warfare for the 21st Century co-author retired LTC Richard Liebert to try to ascertain my home address.

As apparently one of the more prominent frauds listed by this organization, I can state without a doubt that they have resorted to extortion, blackmail, and apparently unauthorised access to infromation they have absolutle no right to.

They also have a nasty habit of posting anything and everything that they can find on the web that is derogatory if it bears your name. I even at one point presented a witness to my service which they demanded who was assigned to the same unit as I was and who served with me. He produced his DD214 as evidence and they responded that he also was a liar and only served as a cook. Cooks who never served do not receive the Order of the Lion with Palms from the government of the Republic of Vietnam.

I do not receive any benefits from VA, I do not wear my medals nor do I wear my uniform. I have in fact been trying for almost 30 years to get accurate copies of my files and have failed at ever turn. I am proud of my service to my country and these turkeys MADE IT ALL SEEM FOR NOTHING and have finally cost me my job as a colomnist at our local paper and destroyed my reputation, and my family.

As for the *** at POWNET I would love to see who is feeding them information since I've already caught them in several lies, and would love to see fraud chargesw brought against them, along with blackmail and extortion.

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Finding the section with apologies is easy if you can read.

Most of the phonies are exposed via Freedom of Information Act requests to NPRC. Most of the complaints about the site seem to be from the same couple of guys, each verifying the other ones lies.


Does A stand for ***

tanya t Cpo

By the way, I would also like to add that if you try to call the POW Network you are directed to e-mail them, they refuse to "speak" to people over the phone.

tanya t Cpo

@ Vulture Hunter, POW Network does not post the apologies and have even ignored apologies from the people and made up additional claims against that individual and have even fabricated claims against the family members of the veteran, going so far as to post the names, dates of birth, locations of birth, locations and date of marriages, etc of the family members of the veteran they are harassing. @ A, the complaint listed above was an individual who was doing his research and posted what he found.

It's easy to sit behind a keyboard in anonymity and hurl insults at an individual making claims that they were treated unjustly by an organization, but the fact of the matter is who are you to judge anyone. Only God will judge those who have done right and those who have done wrong ultimately. I have looked at the POW Network site and while there are people on there who I am sure have not apologized for their lies or transgressions and so their pages are still up, there are just as many who have apologized who's pages have been left up and their apologies have not been posted. I have even sent responses to some of the stories on the POW Network site and they have only posted those that they can pick apart and make it look like I don't know what I'm talking about, but anything that I have sent to them that cannot be refuted they just plain refuse to post it.

Am I a so called phony listed on the POW Network? No I am not, but when I see people on there who have posed in their own defense or who's family have posted in their defense and after doing minimal research into the individual on my own seeing that the POW Network truly is a Vulture Network who is taking advantage of some injured veterans who cannot begin to know how to stand up for themselves agains this type of attack on them and their families.

What gives the POW Network the right to harass not only veteran but grieving families and families learning to adjust to a new life with a veteran who may need their care full time now? Think before speak A.


Where would one find the few apologizes? I have looked long and hard and have found none!


More whining from another busted phony. Out of the thousands of cases investigated by POW Network the number of mistakes made doesn't even fill up one hand's worth of fingers.

To their credit, the POW Network administrators also prominently apologized in these few cases. Don't let Billingish238 fool you, the only defaming going on here involves the lies slandering real veterans parroted by phony veteran ilk such as himself.

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