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| map-marker Worcester, Massachusetts

Shady Company

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The first thing to understand is this is now the same company as Evergreen Plastics who was once their only competitor. Since the buyout the customer service is in the toilet.

The new owners, again the same owners as Evergreen Plastics now, may be intending to tank the Plastruct line altogether.

They moved the offices to Evergreen's offices and seem to have exactly one person on customer service for Plastruct. At least I've emailed several times about problems and delays with my order and only every - eventually - got emailed back from one person. DO NOT waste your time trying to call them. Whatever their customer service used to be you will not get through or they will not answer and you cannot leave a voicemail because the message box has been full for two years now.

Refunds/Cancellations will take weeks to process and you will need to hammer their email to make it happen even that quickly.

Their website is a bad joke from 1991. No organization to speak of. You need to download their PDF catalog and find what you want there and then use the search box on the website to search for the product number. You will still get five or six hits that way but it's better than the thousands you get clicking into what passes for their categories.

Stock numbers on the website are also a bad joke, especially when it comes to the packs or displays.

They may list a given pack or display as in stock but they put the packs and display kits together as they are ordered apparently and the stock listed on the website bears no connection to them actually having the contents of the kits or displays in stock. Instead of reaching out through phone or email they will just allow you entire order to hang in the ether indefinitely. When they do ship it the slowest boat to China for your stuff. There are no options to pay more for expedited shipping as I believe they do not have the staff anymore.

I really cannot recommend this company at all.

For regular sheet styrene (polystyrene, plasticard, whatever it's called where your from) you're better off buy an entire 4 x 8 sheet of it online and having it shipping to you or buying smaller quantities on Sleazebay or Asian Sleazebay. If you desperately want some of the specialty pieces they offer go ahead and order but be prepared to wait, watch it like a hawk and hammer their email if your order doesn't seem to be moving. From what I've read in online forums since my issues it has become very common since the buyout that an order doesn't move until days of hammering their inbox have passed. For an idea of how long you're going to wait I made an order at the end of August 2023 and did not get it until October 2, 2023.

Absolutely unacceptable on all counts.

As I can get away without their specialized components I will not be doing business with them ever again. If their products at least work as well as advertised I may buy some their stuff from one of the many online modeling shops as there are no modeling shops near me since the last one closed down during the pandemic.

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User's recommendation: I would recommend buy from some one, anyone, else. If you really need a specialty part they make I would suggest trying to find it from a reseller that has it in stock even if you pay a dollar more for it. I would actually avoid buying Amazon as many (maybe most these days>) are actually what's called a dropshipper. Dropshipping means you're selling it, your name is on the box when a customer gets it but it's actually coming from someone else. In this case that would be Plastruct directly which would put you into the same boat as me. Find an online modeling retailer that actually has it in stock. Email them if you have to.

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