Pico Cleaners
Pico Cleaners ruined clothing and won't replace
While I am under absolutely no obligation to update this review, it is only fair that I do so in order for anyone reading to understand and make decisions based on the full resolution and outcome. And while I personally will never frequent Pico Cleaners again, there are others who may have a better experience - as in fact I had good service for several years until recently.
After three in-person meetings, a completed claim form with photos and receipts, several weeks of waiting and explaining (and re-explaining the situation), several phone calls, several emails to Pico Cleaners' insurance company, and a demand letter from my attorney, Pico Cleaners finally reimbursed us for the four damaged shirts they ruined. While they reimbursed us in full and finally decided to take responsibility for their actions, it wasn't without much difficulty - more than should have been necessary.
In the end, as my husband and I cordially exchanged a check for the damaged shirts. However, Jacob took it upon himself to inappropriately take my husband aside and request that we remove or update our reviews so as to not affect his business. While it is contradictory for me to write this update (as Jacob's paralegal specifically told me not to further review Pico Cleaners), I am willing to do what Jacob publicly requested and update my review. While I cannot in good faith remove my previous review as it is factual and representative of actual occurrences, I am willing to update it to show that indeed, after much aggravation, Pico Cleaners did reimburse us for the damaged clothing.
My husband picked up his dress shirts from Pico Dry Cleaners and when he went to pay noticed the pricing had changed. The clerk told him that it was because the shirts were laundered not dry cleaned. At that point my husband was very upset as the shirts were specified do be DRY CLEANED. Fortunately, the shirts were not damaged by the laundering process itself, but my husband later discovered while on a business trip out of state that the shirts had permanent tags affixed to his shirts. Without our permission, they attached via glue and heat a tag to each shirt for tracking purposes. At that point, my husband was out of town and could not do anything about it so he called me (also out of town on business) and I called Jacob (the owner) to resolve the matter. Jacob told me to bring the shirts in when my husband returned and he would remove the tags.
When my husband returned from his trip, we returned to Pico Dry Cleaners as Jacob had requested to show him the heat sealed/glued tags which had been applied to my husband's four dress shirts on the inside bottom left of each shirt. Jacob looked at the shirts and said that these were tags applied through a heat process when shirts are laundered (which again, we had requested they be dry cleaned and they marked them as laundered). Jacob said he would remove the tags and that he would dry clean the shirts and the residue/glue would come off and there would be no charge to dry clean the shirts.
Two days later I returned to pick up the four shirts with hopes that they had removed the tags and residue as promised and unfortunately, the glue is permanently affixed to the shirts & can't be removed. Jacob THEN told me he never told us the glue would come off and it wasn't a big deal. In fact, he told me just to have my husband "tuck in the shirt and nobody will see" - which isn't helpful nor was it the point - the shirts are ruined. I told him he would need to replace the shirts or pay for them and he said I could fill out a claim form and submit receipts but that the shirts were older than a few months and they weren't really worth it. It isn't his place to tell me the value or worth of these shirts - they damaged my property. I told him I would fill out the form and return it with the receipts and left. I returned two hours later with the form and receipts and Jacob had left (of course). The manager on duty called him at home and my husband spoke with him and Jacob said he would CONSIDER submitting to his insurance but it wasn't as if he "had murdered anyone - it was just a few shirts" and if we really wanted the money to "sue him". We left the claim form and receipts with the manager and told them we would call the next morning to speak with Jacob.
The next morning I called Pico Cleaners and spoke with Jacob who told me he wasn't going to submit the claim to the insurance company as he didn't do anything wrong and I could "sue him" in small claims court for the money that he "wasn't afraid of me". I told him his manager from the night prior had told us that they would take care of it and that they often ruin clothing and have to pay. Jacob denied this and then he hung up on me. Later that day I received a call from Pico Cleaners noting that they were submitting our claim to their insurance company and would get back to us by the end of the week regarding status.
At the end of the week I called Jacob (as he didn't call me) and he told me the insurance company would pay for two of the four because you can't see the damage as much on the white shirts (not acceptable solution). They offered to dry clean our clothes or do alterations as "credit" in the amounts of the other two shirts but I don't want them anywhere near my clothes for fear of damaging something I can't replace. I told Jacob that he would need to go back to the insurance company with the photos I provided and he would need to attempt to get all the shirts paid for and I would call him Monday.
On Monday I called Jacob back (again because he didn't call me) and he told me the insurance company would only pay for the two black shirts as they have not been altered and are wearable - that they did NOTHING WRONG. In addition, they want the shirts sent back to them (which I will not do as I don't trust them) and they will not write us a check (which they do on the premises per their Manager on duty) until they have all the shirts back.
To this man with no customer service in mind, the $310 he owes me is nothing but to me, it is and he owes me for his mistake! Just be honest - just be decent and do the right thing!
Do yourselves a favor and go ANYWHERE else!
Ruined Garment and Wouldn't Address Grievance
I was a loyal customer of Pico Cleaners, 9000 block in West Los Angeles for years.
Took a vintage garment to tailor to have lining replaced. My jacket was altered removing material and structure, and label which I didn't authorize.
Called the owner who jerked me around and refused to address error made by dumb *** employee. Called the owner twice, who first told me they "couldn't find my garment", then "he was in a meeting" and never returned my call. Four days later he wouldn't address the Tailor's *** up, and "couldn't speak as he was going to a Funeral".
I finally showed up in person asking the some questions to no avail.
I now have an item I don't want to wear again, as they *** it up and altered it to their own specifications.
Stay away from this cleaner. They are low, dirty liars.
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