map-marker Bradenton, Florida

Scared of losing pet

Went to see Dr Taylor for a skin breakout on my beagle. He said it was allergies and prescribed antibiotics and a special skin shampoo.

visit cost me 232.80$. I called the vets office the next day cause my beagle started developing a rash and asked to speak to vet about it. he told me everything was fine it was just a reaction to the antibiotics and said it would settle down by the next day. Three days later I had to rush my pet to an emergency pet care center cause my vet office could not fit me in.

my lil girl was having breathing problems and the rash got worse. the emergency vet said she was having a reaction to the shampoo and Dr taylor should have known that.

emergency vet said if i kept bathing her in shampoo it could have killed her. I am never going to pet first again

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