map-marker Doral, Florida

Peerless Properties Customer Care Review

I applied for an apartment and everytime i called in it was something different when i checked on the application! They told me everything looked good and that they was waiting on one of my past rental companies......but everyone i rented from never said anything bad about me so first of all please do not waste your time because they are unprofessional, unorganized, and prejudice!

Someone else had already warned me but i know that now! Bad company!

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Tuscaloosa, Alabama


6/10/16 I filled out a rental application for a townhouse that was for sublease and I feel like I was wrongfully denied. On 6/10/16 I went into Peerless properties and turned in an application along with a $50 application fee, drivers licenses and checks stubs from my husband and I.

The girl at the desk asked me how long had my husband been at his job and I explained to her that my husband had been working for a company called express employment since November of 2015. They placed him in one warehouse which was scheduled to shut down in June of 2016. Since the warehouse was approaching its closing date my husband was relocated to another place but still employed under express employment. I asked the girl was that going to be an issue and she said no her manager would take care of it.

I asked the girl how long would it take to get the application back and she assured me it would take only 2 or 3 days and if I had my current property manager send back the rental reference as soon as possible then that would help speed the process. That following Monday, June 13th, I spoke with Haley again and confirmed that my rental references had been received she then told me that they needed my husbands check stub for his upcoming check. Wednesday June 15th my husbands check stub was posted and I was able to take them a copy. Then I was told by Haley her manager just had to look over it and give her an answer but as I was walking out of the door she informed me that I could not sign a lease with them while in a lease although I was trying to have my lease start a week prior to my current lease ending.

I asked Haley if I was to pay out the remainder of my current lease would I be able to sign a lease then. She asked her manager who then told her yes. The following day I went to my current property manager and told her the situation and she called Peerless properties and talked with the property manager and told him that I was in good standings with her and that I could sign a lease elsewhere and she asked him if she needed to fax any information, he told her he would look at the application and give her a call back in which he never did. On Friday June 17th, my mother and I went up to Peerless properties where I talked with the manager and he first said he had been out of the office so he hadn't had a chance to look it over but every time that I have visited the office he has spoken with me even if just briefly and I was with my current property manager when she spoke with him so once we bypassed that lie he decides to look over the application and then tells me that they cannot approve it because my husband has not been on his job for at least 90 days and that they got an employment verification.

I then called my husbands employer who explained to me and I even had her on speaker phone to explain and she said my husband works for their company and not the place where he is currently located and she said that he had been employed with them Since November of 2015 which means he has been employed with the same employer for more than 90 days. The manager of Peerless refused to take this information saying that he cant accept it because my husband has not been on the same "assignment" for 90 plus days. I feel that I had already been given the run around and it was predetermined that my application was going to be denied or that the property was in the process of being rented to someone else but they did not want to admit that.

I also feel that my application was wrongfully denied and I was scammed of my $50 application fee. After exchanging words with the manager I asked for the information to contact the owner and all I was given was the number to the office and he told me I can leave a voicemail for the owner to return my call which I know was not going to happen

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  • That were untruthful and unprofessional they didnt even try
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Full refund

map-marker Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Peerless Properties Customer Care Review

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Terrible attitudes , they take up for each other .owner is never in .one is very disrespectful and flamboyant the other one just does what they tell her .I will never rent there again and I don't recommend anyone else to .8 months pregnant and charge for trash sitting by my door until I was able to take it out which it's not stated in lease

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Clute, Texas

Peerless Properties Customer Care Review from Clute, Texas

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

New here in Alabama, my cousin told me not to try to rent from them, but i had to see for myself even though they did not except my application for what reason i don't know they wouldn't tell me saying it's confidential, what's so confidential about my own information, it's not like they are renting out mansions they should be happy that anyone wants to live there, but i don't look at it as a bad thing, it just tells me that my God has something better for me and mine.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Peerless Properties Home Rental Review from Tuscaloosa, Alabama

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Owners beware! Do not use Peerless to rent your homes because they steal your money, lie to tenants, and are dishonest from the get-go.

Peerless has disrespectful and flat out rude representation. I was warned but they fooled me too. Go figure. The office is substandard and the inter-office banter is offensive and nepotistic.

They protect each other and lie for each employee in the office like its a game. The owner of Peerless is almost invisible and always unreachable. He is never in the office and never contacts when asked to call back. Go figure.

Potential clients/hardworking home owners- DO NOT sign anything, let alone a lease form such a disposable company. I hope and believe they will be OOB in 1-3 years due to the lack and mismanagement of company funds.

They even have a 2015 lawsuit against them from a tenant who was burglarized from their repair company.

Go figure. I hope this saves others from despicable companies like Peerless Properties.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
Zamiya Alb
map-marker Birmingham, Alabama

Poor Building Conditions

I live in a neighborhood close to a Peerless Property. Along a dead end on 5th avenue lies their property.

This building is in ver poor condition, trash everywhere and tenants are allowed to keep junk everywhere. tenants are also loud at all hours with high volume music. I called the business to ask for help, yet this has not eased anything. The conditions of their property I feel will hurt my ability to get a fair price if I sell.

It is an eyesore to the whole area.

I have called the police several times to the area, and stret lighting is not acceptable for this building either. The city needs to step in and fix this.

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map-marker Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Peerless Properties Tuscaloosa

I was warned, but I rented from them anyway... they will NOT be honest with you on your property, they will NOT attempt to handle repairs and will NOT make your renting experience a positive one.

Please stay away from their properties, it is NOT worth it regardless of what apartment they are renting. Extremely combative, angry people. Had I been a younger man with less responsibilities I may have gone to the office and knocked their teeth in. Never have I been so offended by anyone, let alone a company that I am giving money to.

It will always be YOUR fault.

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Stay away from this company. I used them to manage my rental home, and they are not any more professional on dealing with their owners.

Combative is a great description of their attitude along with dishonest.

All around poorly managed, manipulative, untrustworthy company. Wish I had read reviews before trusting them to manage my property.


Takes a month to process an application


Very rude people in there office, will not talk to you with any kind of respect. I will get fox 6 on your side involved as they are scams


Peerless Properties owns property located where I live. Their rental townhouse behind my home looks like a war zone.

Tenants trash the surrounding areas with trash a debris, the townhouse itself needs painting, the window panes are broken, and the parking area is a crumbled mess. The grass is rarely cut, and the tenants are basically allowed to do anything. The property could definitely hurt my home value if I try to sell it.

Its a disgrace. I would not want to rent from them.


well, i want to rent from them bcs i have no where else to live and the price is reasonable, i dont make friends with my neighbors and sure as *** keep my business professional when it comes to *** managers, there is always the city of tuscaloosa i can call if there is an issue i cant legally resolve with this property, i just pray i dont have any problems with them when i move ther....thats y we pray so that God can protect us from idiots like these people if they r really *** !!!


ease keep the topic of messages relevant to the subject. Personal attacks wbe deleted. No Links or scripts


I have to say if one person says it then it is probably their fault, but if two people say then it is obvious that Peerless Properties need some people skills. I am thinking that since they know that people are in need of shelter than they can do what they want.

So whoever posted with he name "Really", I agree with the person from Huntsville, you sound like an employee.

I have had one encounter with this company and have not had any further communication with them. So what does that tell you?


I'm in the same boat. they were extremely combative and forceful and screamed at me on multiple occasions.

i've heard similar stories from many friends. after a while you can't say "it might be your fault" and it starts to become the businesses' fault.


I have been a renter of Peerless for years and I've never had any problem out of them. What few issues I have had with the apartment was resovled within a day or two.

Have you ever thought, maybe it was your fault? I would recommend them to anyone.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-127067

Sounds like to me YOU might be an employee instead of a renter. I don't rent from them BUT I've experienced some of the same issues from other landlords and quite frankly, I believe the pissed consumers. I'm relocating to the area for a really good professional position and I'm really glad I ran across this post because I definitely will stay away from them.

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What Do Property Management Companies Do @ Interview with Property Management Expert

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Colby Hager

Colby Hager is an experienced real estate investor with Capstone Homebuyers. He has years of experience in renovating houses, home remodeling, and property management.

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