Peace Love and Pizza
Coupon Rip-Off and Customer Service
On 20 January 2013, I had an interesting experience and learned of a new rip-off joint in Kennesaw -- Peace Love and Pizza on Wade Green Road. I called to make an order that was going to be over $40, and I have a coupon that has no expiration date and tried to use it.
The manager came on and told me that the coupon had expired, and when I told him that I would go ahead with my order, but I won't be ordering from there again, he said they would not be taking my order and hung up on me. This kind of manager (who I believe was named Dave) puts the cuss in customer service, and I am going to do everything I can to make sure none of my friends frequent this rip-off joint. Funny thing is, I called Star Pizza, ordered the same thing and it cost me less than half.
Maybe; love and peace? Not so much.
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Well, I was about to try this place out, but a quick search of Google revealed this. I will not be trying this place if they are a customer no-service establishment.
I cant stand new business owners that dont realize that they get one chance to set a good reputation.
I'll spend my hard earned pizza money elsewhere.
Dave is a typical north east-transplant to Georgia person. I had one of their flyers with specials on it, which state it didn't expire until a month after I was trying to order.
Dave wouldn't honor them. The reason, he had just sent out new flyers with different prices. Even though the original had not expired.
What kind of *** would run a business that way? A north east transplant *** who generated from near the armpit of America area, that's who.
Thanks for the heads up "Susan". I was very close to ordering from this place despite sitting here in a bit of disbelief (namely, "Is this place REALLY this expensive...?
Is it worth it...?"). Was about to order when I did a random quick search for coupons to lessen the pain a bit...
...found this complaint instead.
Fair enough. On to other places in the area...
Fyi, the rude "manager" Dave is actually one of the owners. That's how he's able to bully, insult and argue with teenage girls.
One of the businesses that greatly, greatly supported plp asked for a discount on pizza for a fundraiser for a young man who was undergoing chemo, has 3 kids, a wife and was(until he passed away a few short months later) their sole provider. Dave said no.
His community supported him but he just used the community and gave nothing back in return. I will NEVER SPEND ANOTHER PENNY THERE!
I agree I have called from my Marriott hotel for a guest and he cussed me like a tramp because the guest had a coupon for a freebie. F this and f that I agree I want to take more steps because they have a great product but he's a royal *** hole.Now I called from home to find that a one topping pie as increased to 18.00 and that's a drastic jump plus they have the nerve to charge more for delivery so there is going to be no tipp for the driver if I can afford to order in the future
I had the same kind of service from this manager! !!
Rude right off the top. I think this guy is unstable. I ordered from them, order took hour and 15 mins. Wasn't pissed, just happy to finally have dinner for me and my lil man.
Open the box, not only cold but wrong. I called them up and was so surprised at how extremely foul this guy was??? I simply told him what had happened, he didn't even let me finish talking and he flew off! I'm sorry but I KNOW I was not rude, still left the driver a $6 tip, NEVER asked for anything free, and this guy calls me a cheap a@# and says he doesn't need my business???
I was seriously shocked! Having worked in the industry i am very reasonable and get that mistakes happen but NOT this.
This is a very short version but TRUST me....DONT do business with this guy. He is a nut and doesn't deserve to make a paycheck from honest ppl in our community.
I believe this. Reminds me of how the owners of PLP would lament on facebook about how they wish they could pay their employees less than minimum wage.
He was correct to stand up to a coward like you. All business should start refusing service to arrogant crybabies. Go back to mommy and get nursed.
Dave! Good to hear from you, man -- but you can crawl back under your rock now.