Susan W Zeo

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| map-marker New York, New York

Damaged merchandise

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Delivered damaged and need to return . Please advise me on how to go forward with the return. Thank you

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Preferred solution: Full refund

map-marker Miami, Ohio


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

No service! Poor quality recliner!


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map-marker Lawrence, Kansas

Racist owner is using his *** furniture shop as a soapbox for hate-speech

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I had the same problem!

I always speak up against *** like this, and it bothers me that for the first time ever, I was so shocked that I didn't say a thing, I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

I'd just bought a bed from him, and while he was ringing up my order, he started ranting about black people (he used the n word) ruining Kansas, esp Lawrence. WTF? Did he think that a white customer would welcome his comments? Do enough white customers react favorably to his diatribes that he thinks every white person will agree? Is so, shame on them (and yes, shame on me for not speaking up). His view is so shockingly ugly, so hateful, that I will NEVER shop there again.

And fyi? Moral conservatism? Are you kidding me? Thank god people like you, on the wrong side of morals and history, are on your way out. Why do racists always equal hate as free speech?

People are voting with their pocketbooks and using the internet as an informative resource to make empowered financial choices. Horrible people are going to lose money, which is good and right.

(the racist commenter should acquaint himself with Lawrence history; maybe he'd be happier in Missouri)

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

Don't send him to my state of Missouri, he wouldn't survive an hour over here pulling that ***.

map-marker Lawrence, Kansas

Bob is a rude, offensive bigot. Do not go to this business.

When i was at the counter paying for a purchase at Payless Furniture, I was having a friendly conversation with an associate about K-State and KU. Bob suddenly chimed in, very loudly, saying that he doesn't like Lawrence or KU because Lawrence "has the highest percentage of *** people in the state".

He went on a rant about how KU and Lawrence are trying to attract *** people and how disgusting that is. I was shocked to say the least.

No one in Lawrence should go to a store who's owner feels this way about your town and University, and especially because he is a raving bigot.

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The man (Bob) has his right to freedom of speech but, there is a fine line with that. This *** needs to learn sometimes you speak up and sometimes you keep your pie hole shut!


Probably a ultraliberal commenting. Bob tells it like it is like most conservatives.

Only a liberal would bash someone for excersizing their. First amendment rights.

I have purchased many times and pleased each time. I have also conversed with Bob and was impressed, finding a moral Conservative voice in the belly of the beast was unexpected....cudos to Bob

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-907776

Hi Bob!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-907776

Only an *** would buy from a bigot. Now bob-o is going down the drain.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-907776

You're obviously an uneducated bigot yourself. The word you are looking for is kudos, not cudos.

You're missing a linking verb in one of your sentences. Ultra-liberal should have a hyphen. You misspelled exercising.

You have an unnecessary period in a sentence. I also had a laugh when you described Bob as "moral." Being a shameless bigot isn't moral; it's childish.

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Jolena Qjy
map-marker Lawrence, Kansas


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I would NEVER spend a penny at this business. The owner Bob Fyfe has become disenchanted with the community that supported his business for DECADES so he made a huge show of insulting the residents by plastering the business trucks with signs saying things like "Goodby Obamaville" & "EVEN RETARDS WANT TO BE FREE."

If he calls the residents/customers "RETARDS" in public, imagine what he calls people who don't look/sound like him, in private...Other customers have complained about him calling black customers n*ggers.

If you hate special needs Americans & you're a racist - Payless Furniture is for you! If you're a decent human being, you'll wanna pass.

Bob Fyfe and his business are both failures.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Lawrence, Kansas

Purchased item that was never received

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I made a purchase for a delivery of an item that was never received. I bought 900 dollars of furniture from payless furniture and the delivery never arrived.

I purchased a sofa, a loveseat and a mattress with box springs. We waited all day for our delivery. When I called to question why, I was told the item I paid for did not exist. Despite it being on my ticket, they were not going to send me my items.

The merchant was rude and unapologetic. The owner hung up on me twice.

The merchant has not refunded my money and I am afraid I have been a victim of fraud. Here is the information:


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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Full refund


I live absolutely nowhere near Kansas, but reading between the lines I read in the comments, it's looking a lot like an intentional attempt to discredit the owners. I have to wonder if they should talk with an attorney about this.


If you have a receipt, how is this even an issue? Or is this complaint created to make the business look bad intentionally?


Call your Attorney General's office if you haven't already they should be able to help. But, do it before he closes and gets away.


You certainly ARE a victim of fraud. 60% of the customers who walk through the doors will also be victims of fraud - actually 100% now that the owners, Bob and Stella, are continuing to purchase stock when they are advertising that they are going out of business - which is totally illegal.

You should contact the Lawrence attorney general's office and file a complaint. I certainly have.

Even if you eventually got your furniture, the more people who complain, the quicker these people and their shady business dealings will be out of our area.

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map-marker Plainfield, Illinois

Review in Furniture and Decor category from Plainfield, Illinois

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Best furniture store in Lawrence is leaving. Sad to say but his words are true.

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1 comment

Everyone has a right to their opinion. And many do express themselves with signs.

But to call his former customers Commies and Candy *** as he walks away from his failed business is a bit over the top.

Hardly deemed professional on any opinion poll. Since we agree not to post signs of businesses on this site, I will share this news article and let you choose to read it or not.****/-Failed-Kansas-Business-Owner-Mocks-Democrats-While-Displaying-61-Star-Flag

map-marker Lawrence, Kansas

Horrible customer service

This store does seem to offer decent budget furniture at budget prices, but I will absolutely never shop there again. For me it all comes down to how unbelievably rude "Bob" the owner was to my wife and I.

I'm in business myself and understand that customer service can be difficult (sometimes the customer isn't always right) but Bob's attitude was so far beyond the pale that he's hard to take seriously.

We had asked about his return policy and explained our situation (two items were still in the original packaging and we just wondered if a return was possible). He then launched into a tirade about how "offensive" it was to him that we would even ask.

I tried to tell him that we just didn't know what the return policy was and that we would abide by it but he didn't even give me the chance and hung up on me. Never again will I even consider buying from this business again.

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To bad it wasn't me. Hang up on me and to ICU you'll be.


I have seen him cuss out customers in front of their children before. This kind of stuff happens at Payless every single day.

The only reason the two sales guys are still there is because Bob and Stella pay them cash (off the books) which is illegal - and they've grown totally numb and indifferent to ripping off customers.

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map-marker Lawrence, Kansas

Utter disappointment and unreliable owner and employees

My husband and I went to Payless furniture January 7th 2013 and picked a mattress set and paid the extra $20 fee to have the set delivered to our home. At time of check out we paid cash and set up a delivery appointment for between 5-6pm.

The first sign that we should have taken our money and our business elsewhere was when the associate tried to give incorrect change and nearly refused to check her math. We did eventually receive the correct change and set out to go home Nd await the arrival of our new mattress set. After the appointment time had passed and my husband had to leave for work I called the place of business to check on the delivery (no one had called to let us know that they may be late). The associate Stella informed me that the driver "just left" this was at 6:10.

I asked if they would be refunding the delivery charge since they were not able to meet there commitment. When Stella asked the owner, Bob, he began yelling on the back ground and could be heard saying he would just pack the stuff up and bring it back to the store and that he would not refund the charge. This was horrible enough service, but then he proceeded to tell Stella to hang up the phone, which she did all the while holding on to my money. I was finally able to get back through on the phone to ask that they please deliver the product that I paid cash for.

They did confirm that they would deliver the furniture, but it did not show up for over another hour.

Keep in mind that this delivering was in town and should not have taken more than 15 minutes from the time they left. I do not recommend anyone doing business with this scummy business and would be glad to see them close the doors forever, they do not deserve your business and do not appreciate it.

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I agree 110% shut it down!


Stella is the owner - not the associate and this is regular business practice for them - it LITERALLY happens every single day.


I drove from Topeka ks the associate stella agreed to open the doors early and when I arrived they quit answering phone and did not open doors until regular hours

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