map-marker Caldwell, Idaho

Avoid Caldwell, ID Pawn 1

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Avoid Caldwell, ID Pawn 1

They had a 5 star review from me, but their manager and employees were ***. Not only were they rude, but wouldn't take 5 dollars off of a console that was broke and was broken because they dropped it alongside with 3 others..

I go to all Pawn 1 locations and buy all their broken consoles on a constant basis. They had the nerve to tell me they had never seen me in their store. If your looking for a good pawn store go else where!

Update they have been going through removing my posts to hide the fact they are doing shady business stuff! Avoid at all costs!

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  • Pricing
  • Waiting 10 mins to test out a product then be refused
  • Customer service
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Preferred solution: Apologize and provide a fair priced item!

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