map-marker Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

I was a resident from 2017-****.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Staff has favorites who are residents who are given preferential treatment. These create double standards.

There was discrimination against me because I chose to speak up: and to file formal complaints.

You cant depend on the Administrator or upper management to treat you with dignity and respect: or any of the other Civil Rights, and other Residents Rights specified by the State Office on Aging!

I was physically assaulted by a male of a different race, and they did nothing for me. Not even when this verbal abuse caused my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome to flare up again.

Passavant Memorial Homes doesnt care at all. And it operates a very controlling and doesnt honor resident freedom or choice. Residents had their choice of television channels taken away.

Even though a number of residents called the State/ Department of Health Services to file formal complaints.

It doesnt seem to matter because hardly anything changes.

They dont want to listen to you! Or honor your feelings and opinions.

It is not at all inclusive. And two staff members of color were pushed out just in the first few months that I made the mistake of being a part of.

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User's recommendation: Check all your options, and be extra careful.

1 comment

The residents of Passavant Memorial Homes have many varied levels of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Reading this review, I can not believe that it was written by any of the consumers residing with in the services of any of these homes. Sadly, the scenerios described do happen far too often in just about any imaginable facility I do not believe this review was written with honesty from a consumer that lived in a Passavant Memorial Homes residence.

map-marker Akron, Ohio

Good job pay needs to be more

One on ones need better pay

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map-marker Southwest Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Poor treatment for both the employees and clients

The company is responsible for taking care of individuals with intellectual disabilities and other mental problems. They are not treated fairly and often subject to abuses from the staff.

Management turns their back and does nothing. They are making money and that is more important. The employees get upset when they are cheated when paid and believe the company is holding back pay when they work overtime.

Not a great place to work or take your loved ones that have mental disorders. Find someone who will actually care and take an interest in your loved ones and will not hurt them

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Passavant is a good company to work for if you kiss butt! They do not care for their consumers they do an investigation of abuse and it isn’t thorough only last a day or two families are not notified of anything!

They treat employees horrible break all kinds of laws! I’m still working here gonna change there whole perspective after I’m done with the state!


No they are not they are user and take people's money they lie so much and doing crude right now on clines


It sounds to me like you were fired for not doing your job. I have worked as an RA at Passavant for 10 years and they are considered the finest agency in PA.

Those of us who work in the field care deeply about the individuals we take care of. Passavant has open Regional Meetings with all the families of the loved ones Passavant takes care of. They have monthly open meetings with staff to get our feedback, views and suggestions.

The state does surprise inspections of all agencies in PA and Passavant is consistently ranked number one in the state. You just sound bitter about being fired.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-811566

I am in agreement with the writer of

the complaint. Passavant is more interested in the

bottom line and is not concerned about

the residents in their care.


and psychological abuses rule in the homes Passavant owns and operates. The NLRB has ruled their confidentiality policies

are in direct violation of the employees rights.

The residents are not afforded their rights and the top administrators pretend that there are no problems. A federal lawsuit is being considered by a former employer for being wrongfully dicharged under the federal/state whistleblower act.


This company is not located in Southwest Greensburg, PA

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