map-marker Fontana, California

Parkway Pet Clinic Cat Surgery Review from Fontana, California

Parkway Pet Clinic Cat Surgery Review from Fontana, California

I want to start by saying that Dr Henderson is great! However, thanks to the horrible (HORRIBLE) experience that I received from Aly (I believe that's her name, that's what her shirt said) we will not be returning after my cats follow up appointment. In addition, I will be sharing my experience with everyone I know. This goes down in history as the worst customer service experience I have ever had.

I arrive to pick up my cat from surgery at 5:07 pm. Door is locked. I hear someone from inside tell, "Use the side door!" Okay. I walk all the way around the building and do not find another entrance aside from a white door facing the parking lot that says staff only. Is this the door she told me to go to? Seemed odd but I give it a little knock and open it slowly. There is a dog right on the other side of the door that tries to get out so I shut the door really quick. Then, a lady opens the door and says, "can I help you?" I respond with, "I'm sorry, someone told me to use a side door but this is the only door I could find." She then responds with, "well what do you need." No question mark. A statement. I reply, "I'm here to pick up my cat." She then says, "okay hold on." And shuts the door. I'm left standing outside in the parking lot outside this plain white 'staff only' door for around 5 minutes. Then she comes back, and Alejandro hands me my cat. Outside the door, in the parking lot. I take my cat and I'm thinking, what the ***? Is this how they give me my cat? (Other vet clinics I've been to first off let me come inside, then hand me my cat INSIDE, etc).

So I ask Aly, "what time do you guys close? I thought it was at 5:30." And she said, "we normally do but today we decided to close early." But I had spoken to someone earlier and said I was on my way to get my cat. Now I'm pissed. Between me walking around the building, having to wait outside, and her non friendly attitude (For the record Alejandro was very nice) I had to say something. I told her, "this is not good customer service." In a very calm manner. And she literally responds with, "well that's too bad".

I proceed to tell her that she shouldn't treat customers this way and she said, "well what do you want me to tell you" She was just downright rude. She lets me in the side door so I could get my cats medicine and some paperwork. I asked her what her title was and she said manager. What?? What an embarrassment. I told her I am a manager too and you should never treat a customer this way and at this point she should apologize. She apologizes by telling me she just has a stressful job. I tell her, well you have to manage that stress. Etc, conversation goes on and I get my things and go.

I don't care what kind of stressful day is going on, that is no excuse to treat someone that way. Be professional and handle it. Especially in the workplace. Especially.

So anyway, I just wanted to share that experience and say, Dr Henderson you lost a patient because of your worker Aly.

Oh and I was left in the back room for a while. Long enough to take some pics. There was a purse there, some medicines, tons of files, etc. Good thing I'm an honest person.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Escondido, California

Misdiagnosed my dog which resulted in his needless death

If you value your pet's life do NOT go to this vet. They are unethical, incompetent and money hungry.

I initially went to Parkway because they were supposedly a low cost surgery vet. My dog was diagnosed with an abdominal mass and I wanted to have it removed and try to save his life.

3 weeks after his first diagnosis I took him to Parkway where they took new Xrays. He had already had an ultrasound and xrays 3 weeks prior but they wanted new xrays. The veterinarian, Tya, read the xrays and told me there was no sign of a mass anymore. We were overjoyed only to find that, months later, he was ill again.

I took his records to a new vet and when they examined Parkway's xrays they clearly saw the still-existing mass. They took new xrays and the mass had grown and was encroaching above my dog's colon in an inoperable area which ultimately caused his rapid decline and subsequent death.

Parkway was negligent and incompetent. Had they made a proper diagnosis my dog may not have had to die.

They are horrible, incompetent people. Find a reputable vet from people with pets that you know.

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Chris J Kbt
map-marker San Diego, California

Worst Vet Experience Ever!

My precious boxer got in a fight with another dog in the home and was severely injured. We felt that our dog needed immediate attention and took him for the first time to Parkway Pet Urgent care in Escondido, California due to the proximity to our home. Once we got Apollo in, we were presented with an itemized list of service totaling over $1,600.00. Because we've been through instances where vets have padded the cost estimate, we began questioning what the costs were for and the necessity of certain items.

The vet tech there took great offense to our questions and became increasingly snippy with us. This was upsetting, and we remarked that there seemed to be a lack of compassion in dealing with us. The vet tech got extremely angry, and began raising her voice at us, saying we were calling her names. She refused to answer any more of our questions because she didn't like our "tone", and telling us she would get our dog and we could go somewhere else for care. We responded that we would, and would also be making our opinions about their horrible customer service public. The whole situation escalated into a serious verbal disagreement, and I asked if they could just stabilize our dog so we could take him somewhere else.

We were under great stress and were not at that time advised of the seriousness of our dog's condition. It was only when the doctor came in with teary eyes saying that our dog could die if he did not go into surgery immediately did it hit us that we needed to act poste-haste.

Once it was established that our dog was going into surgery and they grabbed my credit card for a deposit of 1000.00, they then called the police and followed that by a call to Animal Control. Of course, since our dogs are all licensed, and no crime was committed, neither the police or animal control did anything. But in our opinion, though they denied it, the Parkway Pet Clinic did that for no other reason than to try and cause us more problems.

When we were able to take Apollo home a few hours later, the Parkway staff provided no written instructions for Post-op care, just a quick verbal briefing.

A few days later, we took our boxer to his regular vet . They did the post-op checkup on Apollo. We were relieved to learn that the veterinary staff at Parkway had done a competent, professional job of treating Apollo. Best of all, his regular charged us nothing at all for the exam or post-op wound care, which is the type of caring customer service we have become used.

Please, if you are a dedicated dog owner and, like us, question the vet closely about what they are doing to your pet and why, do NOT go here. They are apparently not used to dog owners who don't passively accept everything they are told, and they respond extremely poorly to questioning or criticism. We have been to several vets in the local area over the years, and have NEVER received such a lack of customer service. In fact, this may be the worst customer service I've ever received from ANY business in my life. They may have a competent medical staff, but their execrable arrogance and poor customer service will ensure we NEVER go Parkway Pet Clinic in Escondido, California ever again.

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map-marker San Diego, California

Parkway Pet Clinic--I wouldn't Go There Again

I took my dog to Parkway Pet Clinic in Escondido for an estimate. She needed to have a cyst removed from her neck.

I got the estimate went home, and realized that some things didn't have to be done. I went back to the clinic and told the receptionist that if they took off these procedures, I'd go ahead and have the surgery done.

She said she had to look up the "updated estimate." I said, "What do you mean? I have the estimate right here." She said "No, the UPDATED" estimate. Turns out, they give you a lowball figure and before the doctor even does the surgery, he has already significantly raised the price.

The girl behind the desk have me a bunch of baloney and the fur started to fly. I protested out in front of the clinic for several days. I was furious. The doctor continually called the police and lyed about what I was doing.

And he talked to a lawyer on the phone who instructed him how to get rid of me. A woman, his wife? came up and got in my face and started swearing at me and yelling *** I whipped out a video camera and she ran. The police got sick of this day after day and just started brutalizing me to get rid of me.

They were sick of his calls. I only left when we had a city council meeting and there was a bomb scare. I was interviewed for a story about it that appeared in our local newspaper. It mentioned the doctor and why I was complaining about his corruption and I left the matter at that.

But the doctor has dogged every site, badgering the admin into removing my posts, even though I have the right of freedom of speech. If peole want to go to a dishonest doctor, they have the right and I have the right to inform them about it.

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1 comment

I'm sorry you had to go through that. Here's what happened to me and some information for people reading this:

If you value your pet's life do NOT go to this vet. They are unethical, incompetent and money hungry.

I initially went to Parkway because they were supposedly a low cost surgery vet. My dog was diagnosed with an abdominal mass and I wanted to have it removed and try to save his life.

3 weeks after his first diagnosis I took him to Parkway where they took new Xrays. He had already had an ultrasound and xrays 3 weeks prior but they wanted new xrays. The veterinarian, Tya, read the xrays and told me there was no sign of a mass anymore. We were overjoyed only to find that, months later, he was ill again.

I took his records to a new vet and when they examined Parkway's xrays they clearly saw the still-existing mass. They took new xrays and the mass had grown and was encroaching above my dog's colon in an inoperable area which ultimately caused his rapid decline and subsequent death.

Parkway was negligent and incompetent. Had they made a proper diagnosis my dog may not have had to die.

They are horrible people. Stay away.

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