map-marker Overland Park, Kansas

Parcels Plus (Bruce Bernstein) latest scam to customers

Bruce Bernstein is at it again. Now he is selling items that will be obsolete in April 2012 and trying to sell a printer that will be useless to other store owners. Pathetic loser.

******Bernie,You do know that the cards are going away in April of 2012. The FBI will no longer accept them. I charge $21.00 for the first and $5.00 for any additional cards. Anyone want to buy a slightly used Xerox Phaser laser printer? It is FBI approved and will be worthless for fingerprints very soon.

Bruce BernsteinParcels Plus(954) 782-****(954) 782-**** faxbbernst106@***.com

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Per this FAT FLUCKER on 9.6.13. Maybe the USPS should shut him off then since he is evidently positioned to say the suck and wants to be sued/////////////////////////////////////Nope, let them sue me.

It is USPS, most expect bad service. Bruce BernsteinParcels Plus2637 E Atlantic BlvdPompano Beach, FL 33062(9**) **2-9527(9**) **2-9723 faxinfo@***.net

map-marker Overland Park, Kansas

Parcels Plus (Bruce Bernstein) says EquaShip not able to manage business in US

Bruce Bernstein is the failed leader of NARSC and his glowing leadership and negative rehtoric shows in his latest babble about EquaShip and his perceived lack of financing.

:: POSTED 11.22.2011 ::

From: MyMPCSupport@***.com [mailto:MyMPCSupport@***.com] On Behalf Of Bruce Bernstein

Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 12:29 PM

To: MyMPCSupport@***.com

Subject: RE: [MyMPCSupport] Re: Equaship Update


Have they told you who they are going to use in the Miami Dade area for pickup? From what I have been reading, in the financial press, they are a little thinly financed and unless they have a second round of financing lined up, I don't know how they will be able to pickup everyday at all the MPC's across the country.

As for our use of them for our store customers, it seems like a lot of work to save a buck or less. As I have stated if they will drive small business customers to our locations that would be a big plus. Having heard Bud's comments about shipping I am skeptical. Bud never did state whether they ever picked up his package?

Bruce Bernstein

Parcels Plus

2637 E Atlantic Blvd.

Pompano Beach, FL 33062

(954) 782-****

(954) 782-**** Fax


National Alliance of Retail Ship Centers

NARSC South Florida Chapter

A UPS Authorized Shipping Outlet



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Well Mr. Bernstein do you feel all high and mighty that you have completely ruined a great organization.

I find it very funny that there are reports about you (and I believe made by you) that praise you genius for doing all of these great things when really all you did was render a powerful organization, that could have made the mpc's some better money, absolutely and completely obsolete....but when on public review (ex.

THIS WEBSITE AND MANY OTHER WEBSITES) you fail to live up to those spectacular results you claim in the articles. So I ask again do you feel all high and mighty or are you like "Greg's less then honest wife Cathy"?



I never get involved in all of this stuff as frankly I have more important things to do with my time such as make a living and try to be the best I can be with what I do. With that said, the back and forth is frustrating to say the least - and unproductive. I agree with Bryan - whom I have never met - we don't have to sleep together, we just have to do what is best for each of us to make it work.

As long as I have been in business, which is just over 4 years now, I have have known about the animosity between all sides and even between store owners. I read about it every day on all of these forums. It turns me off to the point I dread opening the emails but I do as I am afraid I could possibly miss something informative.

People - we all need to put on our big girl panties and grow the *** up. Let's let the powers that be of the appropriate organizations / vendors / whoever to plan and put together a show that could potentially teach us all a thing or two, bring all or some of us together a day or two, and let all or some of us leave with the anticipation for the next time. Who cares if someone makes a living (or gets a free or discounted room or meal??!!!) while putting this together, isn't that what we are all in business for? Ultimately, it is our choice to attend as well as our choice which segments we care to join while in attendance. I personally feel that there is something to be learned from all of them. Brandon is incredible. A wealth of information and resources. Bruce is relentless in building a strong and better industry for all of us - he works incredibly hard at what he does. Rick Crawford manages an unbelievable team in creating and producing a software that many of us use. Rick Ives has a hand out to all of us for anything at all. These are only the players I know. I am eager to meet and know the other players...... they no doubt can and enrich my knowledge of our challenging business during these challenging times. I can take a little from all of these people and be my own stronger person. In these times, we can all use whatever help we can get. It is up to us individually to decide which of the traits we find most desirable and run with them.

So let's stop this already. Let's get the show on the road..... PLEASE??!! I for one would like to start planning on attending. And people - let's leave the baggage in the trash. Today is a new day. Let's make it count.

Penni Morris

Pac N' Send of Lighthouse Point

Lighthouse Point, Florida


From: Bryan Buford


Not knowing how much people really do not like you must be bliss. You are an *** and have hurt what was growing nicely to the point where you have made NARSC obsolete.

Give yourself a hand, nobody else will. You have failed our industry and should be removed from any group that you belong to.


Voicing my personal opinion is now forbidden? I think even the beta tester partially agreed with my opinions.

Since you don't have the courage to identify yourself your comments are pretty meanngless.


Bruce - the pickup yesterday was missed, but EQS mgr Polly Hopkins did call me as promised just before we closed yesterday, and she was about to place a call to strangle someone at Blue Package. Haven't heard from her today, but I do think they are aware of the extent of the problem. Everything can be fixed, as long as there is a resolve to improve it.

I still think they have a good concept, but whether they can implement the execution before we execute it out of our stores - that's the rub.


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