map-marker Azalea Park, Florida

Orange County clerk of courts rude rude security office female

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I went to the Orange County clerk in Orlando fl on goldenrod rd. there is a crazy rude security office female who harasses and abuses people coming into that office.

I am a pretty female and it seems this idiotic *** targeted me for that reason. She kept questioning me treated me like a criminal then angrily followed me to the window when my number was called treating me like a criminal for getting two numbers. She is atrocious and shouldn't be working there. Rude people and rude security officer.

These jerks need their heads checked

This deranged female security maggot woman just wouldn't let me sit in peace. She wanted to make my experience miserable. Outof everyone there she targeted me because I'm beautiful.

The people in Orlando fl are the sickest they literally target attractive and good looking good people just to abuse and harass. Get help u jealous evil sickos

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
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Basically this *** woman was on a power trip and treated me this way because she could get away with it she shouldn't be even in this position with that kind of attitude and for being on such a power trip. This woman was a Hispanic female with very short hair she really has some major issues and they don't need to hire trash like her working there who abuses people just coming in and thinks she can use power to mistreat them

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