map-marker Kansas City, Missouri


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Doctors are always canceling appointments on patients. Just an all around joke of a health system Period

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User's recommendation: Go elsewhere

map-marker Olathe City, Kansas

Watch your bills closely

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After paying a bill months could go by and I got rebilled for the same office call.

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  • Location
  • Billing department stinks
map-marker Olathe, Kansas

Billing Practices

On 03/08/2013, I had lab work done through Olathe Medical Center's Internal Medicine; the doctor was Jessica Gillespie Gephards, and she and the office are approved through Humana's in network program--my insurance provider.

Since they are an in-network provider, the co-pay for this service is $10. They billed Humana Choice PPO for $249, they paid $156.01, and the total approved amount is $166.01; therefore, the difference is my co-pay for $10. According to Mary at Humana, a rep that I spoke with on 08/22/2013 at 2:00pm, they should not be billing me for any additional amounts.

I received a phone call from RSH (RFH?) and Associates on 08/22/2013; the person I spoke to was Bill Shears. They initially left a message on my call notes stating they were attempting to collect a debt in my name, which is not legal for a 3rd party collection agency to divulge on a machine--anyone could retrieve the message. I called Bill Shears back, and he states that I owe the remainder amount that Humana Choice PPO failed to pay--approximately $82.99 which is the difference between the original billed amount and Humana's approved pay outs for their in-network providers. I advised him that my insurance is responsible for the amount, and all I owe is the $10 co-pay; obviously they and Olathe Medical's billing office have made a billing error. I also explained the in-network agreement, and I stated it was atypical to place an account for collection within 5 months of the debt (I used to work as a Credit Manager in underwriting), but also for the original account holder not to notify me in writing stating that I owed an additional amount, and that it was going to be placed for collection if not paid within x number of days. I told him not to call me again, since I do not owe the bill, and he began to argue with me advising me that I owed the amount; moreover, he stated "why would Olathe Medical send them this as a collection item if I really didn't owe it"? I finally terminated the phone call. I didn't want to argue with him, and his question seemed highly redundant considering I already told him what Humana was worked out with their in-network providers. You would think that RSH and Associates would immediately place a call to Olathe Medical's billing department rather than to continue to argue with a person who obviously is not going to pay. What a collossal waste of time and resources.

In the meantime, I called Humana Choice PPO back, and they did a three-way call with Olathe Medical's billing department. We spoke to a person named Cassie--a supervisor--and she advised that she could not research the problem today, because their computer system was down. Mary at Humana advised me to Humana back on Monday if the problem still had not been resolved (I would imagine Human would consider this to be insurance fraud and would want to began an investigation if it was not cleared up promptly). In the meantime, I decided to file a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau complaint against RSH and Associates, and an Attorney General and BBB report against both Olathe Medical and RSH and Associates for erroneous billing and harrassment. Since I didn't RSH and Associates physical address, I had to call them back.

Once again, I spoke with Bill Shears. It took me almost five minutes to get their address from him, since he kept arguing with me and talking over me, and I finally had to request to speak to their on-site operations manager before he forked over the complete address. When he transferred me, I spoke to someone who claimed to be the director--Nick Carraway--and he was equally as rude and obnoxious. He kept talking over me, kept arguing with me, and even went as far to tell me that I wasn't even in their computer system. Why then was Bill Shears attempting to collect this debt from me, telling me I owed almost $90, if they did not even have me in the system? I'm guessing this wasn't even a director that I was speaking with. More likely, Bill probably transferred me to one of his collection cohorts to keep himself out of trouble. I can't imagine any director of a collection agency would handle a person like I was handled, speaking over me, not letting me talk, and yelling at me when apparently he couldn't even find me in their system.

If you have also had a problem with RSH and Associates, please file complaints with the Comsumer Financial Protection Bureau, your Attorney General, and the BBB. Refer to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act before filing a complaint, since not all collection calls apply.

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I guess this is an everyday thing for Olathe med. They don't credit your account when you do pay.


My father has the exact same complaint. Olathe Medical Center is overbilling their customers.

They are trying to collect above and beyond the contract rate with Humana.

This is NOT RIGHT. He will be filing a complaint and taking it up with the Kansas Insurance Commissioner.

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

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Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

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