map-marker Sapulpa, Oklahoma


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Madison Carter just got hired on at this hospital Ive been told, and Id like to share my experience about her morals and character. Id be extremely cautious being involved with this person after my absolutely heartbreaking experience regarding her.

She willingly involved herself with me and my sons father when we had a son on the way that she was aware of. She claimed she was a nurse and quoted Im a nurse Ryan. Daishas ultrasounds look to big to be real, shes lying about being pregnant. She then shared my confidential medical emails with multiple 3rd parties including ex boyfriends of mind who had zero business knowing what Ryan and I were going through.

As you can imagine and based off her lies of being a nurse, my sons father unfortunately believed her lies, was talked into going to Florida after just having a serious knee surgery with her, and lost his life to a tragic accident that should have never even happened. He passed without not only believing this disgusting woman, but will never have the chance to even know his own son due to her repulsive lies. Madison Carter has zero morals or values and I would use caution ever being involved with this individual, especially considering your very private medical records are in her hands.

Ive never been associated with such disgusting behavior and I hope this hospital and any potential patients do their due diligence into what she involved herself in. Thanks to Madison Carter, Razor Ryan Mallett will never have his father.

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Beverly M Wih

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Dallas, Texas

Bad neurology doctors

Oschner LSU health neurology doctors never look at the up to date medical files and images and still go by their old files which were done many years before. I have a T2 to T12 end plate syrinx that is growing up towards my brain yet the neurologist argue with me and say nothing has changed because they have only looked at the older files and images of my spinal cord.

Soon this hospital will kill me due to the lack of patient care and not reading any updated files you have had.

And this will be brushed under the carpet and they will get away with it has always. Very negligent in many ways and very dangerous outcome with the neurology department and neurosurgery are dangerously bad.

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Preferred solution: For the doctor's to look at all my files from 2018 to 2022.

User's recommendation: Never use oschner for spinal cord injuries has you will probably not survive in the end. Use Georgia or Piermont Willis knighting. If I had medicaid I'd move to a new hospital but sadly I don't so no one else will take my care.


What care are you expecting that they are not providing?

Beverly M Wih
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2249727

To look at up to date images and notes and not images from 2017

reply icon Replying to comment of Beverly M Wih

Are you experiencing worsening symptoms that they are not appreciating?

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Jack M Sbc

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Shreveport, Louisiana

Abuse by U.P.D. & no grievance process for patients.

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Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport - Abuse by U.P.D. & no grievance process for patients.
Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport - Abuse by U.P.D. & no grievance process for... - Image 2
Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport - Abuse by U.P.D. & no grievance process for... - Image 3
Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport - Abuse by U.P.D. & no grievance process for... - Image 4
Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport - Abuse by U.P.D. & no grievance process for... - Image 5
Updated by user Jun 05, 2020

Victims/LSU staff will testify/polygraph. Ochsner/media controllers actively suppress outcry to eliminate legal recourse. Ochsner/LSU never responds/blocks victims (FB/IG).

Original review May 05, 2020

U.P.D. officer Gabe likes to torture elderly women in the emergency room.

He also abuses patients with officer *** and others. He likes to put their arm around the back, bend the hand back till almost snapping at the wrist, then pushing it up your spine while laying on you (260) lbs. 6'2" and saying, "yeah, you like that don't you?" He's allowed to say how he's going to hurt you in front of other hospital staff and no one cares. Doctors don't care either.

LSU ignores all forms of grievance that a patient could have. Victims of staff abuse and malpractice are blocked on social media by Ochsner Health Systems for reporting mistreatment. Officer *** was asked why he abuses and if he was racist and he said in front of staff, "I might just be." U.P.D. strangle restrained patients in seclusion & LSU staff member(s) are willing to testify about it.

They also had a fake camera system on the 10th floor until they put this last system in.

They never help victims of abuse & malpractice. There are more complaints.

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  • Dirty
  • Too many to list
  • Unprofessional unethical practitioners

Preferred solution: Many changes. Denying patients a grievance process & allowing them to be abused is extremely horrible.

User's recommendation: Do not go to the hospital.

Brett G Eog

I'm so sorry for others that are treated with such disdain, dehumanizing, disrespectful, AND unprofessional mannerisms!!! They do have grievance process and the Department is called "Patient/Customer Relations" last I knew of with my experience that brought me here as I was told...they (in the complaint dptmt) DO NOT call anyone back to handle anything.

I wouldn't give THAT step a stopping point and won't STOP there! People/humans DESERVE HUMANITY and RESPECT and WILL get it so long as I can help others.

I've been sharing my story and all to several anyway I can WHILE telling them of processes WE CAN be heard. Maybe just takes us all joining in unity and bringing it to local news stations awareness!

Jack M Sbc
reply icon Replying to comment of Brett G Eog

Not allowing patients to complain is abhorrent. When asking for a complaint form...

none of the staff can ever produce any. Doctors are known to threaten patients with more time in the hospital for even mentioning the abuse by U.P.D. officers. LSU doesn't care if you try to ask them for help on social media by messenger either, it's never looked at.

Ochsner Health Systems will block anyone when trying to get help with the torture and abuse. I had a documented brief response that shows them giving out false numbers and numbers to lines that investigated... deciding without a doubt the hospital didn't have control over the line anymore.

Fake complaint system. Terrible.

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Brett G Eog

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer

Lowest of low treatment

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Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport - Lowest of low treatment
Explore video interviews
Updated by user Mar 09, 2020

There are 3 investigations currently going for this issue. Nothing final as of yet.

State Medical Board of Examiners getting to reviewing DR case for "neglect" to do her job. State investigation launched against facility for policy changes to NOT let this happen again. Some sort of patient advocate emailed me about investigating in house also. Waiting to hear back from policy maker from within the facility STILL as to if they are going to update policies to NOT allow NEGLECT to happen again.


. .

Original review Feb 08, 2020
I was on a given Medicare plan. The ONLY specialists primarily that took my insurance (at the time) was this location.

I was filling out new patient paperwork. Pulled to the exam room. I was told by neurosurgeon (that just happened to be being shadowed training someone of the future of health "care" within their facility) "this is a 1 yr follow up". The appointment was OVER before I even finished filling the paperwork out!

I told her "no offense, but your name and face doesn't ring familiar with me in the number of Drs in this area that have dropped me through the cracks since my disabling auto accident Oct 18, 2013". She stated "I told you back then and as is now your spine is deteriorating and there is nothing I can do for you". I expressed "my neurosurgeon that did my 2 spine surgeries said my spine would have to be monitored as if the surgeries didn't help then more would be needed". She stated "then I suggest you return to him".

I stated "his office doesn't take the insurance I'm on presently". She asked "what do you want from me"? I stated "An image of some xray, CT scan, something to tell me the current condition of my spine".
SHE WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM TELLING THE NURSE TO PREP THE ROOM FOR THE NEXT PATIENT AND HAVE ME SIT IN SEATING AREA TO FINISH FILLING OUT MY PAPERWORK. I was told to hand in my paperwork when I was done, I was already checked out of the appointment and I was free to go.

Upon having my insurance set to change Jan 1st, 2020, I got in with my prior neurosurgeon that did the surgeries on Jan 7th. He did Xrays. They came into the room and SHOWED me why I was having MORE issues. I "need to return when I can't take it anymore as I had already been through physical therapy (to the point they told me they couldn't help me any further), injections, nerve burning, etc for me to fix it with surgeries...(2 more again)".

BUT SHE TOOK MY INSURANCE'S 100% PAYMENT FOR SERVICES "NOT" RENDERED! I was contacted by said insurance company this past week for survey as to WHY I left the company.

After over an hour of giving her feedback and pieces of my mind when she asked what the company could have done to help keep me; I kindly informed her of some sort of form of recursive action like demanding refund toward insurance since nothing was done, some sort of mannerism like where the patients/customers of doctors and the insurance company can head to their site to an area of giving testimonials about their own experiences with said doctors for current customers or potential future customers could have information on whatever doctors were reviewed and truths told so they could make a better educated means to make the right decision for them, etc and I even resorted to finding out from an attorney that I have no malpractice case with THIS type of treatment, or lack thereof, and I resorted to trying to reach the "customer relations" department in their facility with NO response or returned call!
I even tried getting to be able to see the Dr I was referred there to see and not be STUCK with someone else! I was told "we don't transfer patients among coworkers in the same department and even if you did get a chance to see him, he would most likely take HER word for what she put in my file above all else".
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  • N a
  • Too many to list
  • Unprofessional unethical practitioners
  • Allow others to suffer or stay sick

Preferred solution: Public apology, removing workers from payroll and facility that behave inhumanely, unprofessionally, unethically


Keep talking like that and they will find you dumped in a bayou somewhere.

Brett G Eog
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1863033

LMBO! See, the problem with folks messing with someone they don't know...

You NEVER know what kind of pacts they can have with ANYONE that plays a part in their untimely events of happenings, if wronged, whatever the case may be! I'm a decent, respective/respect giving, HUMAN that deserves to be treated like such and NOT like a number! I'm in a chronic patient program since my disabling accident, spine surgeries (past and more coming), etc. I've been comatose from the pain with NO sounds coming from me but only tears hurting to even move.

DON'T THINK if someone's life who's daily quality has been raped from them WHILE NOT being treated as a human wouldn't bring SOME sort of peace and balance back! IF you think I FEAR THAT...then you're so beyond the point of any of THIS! One thing I CAN SAY is this all has launched me CAPABILITY of launching own "licensed" nonprofit to HELP GENERAL PUBLIC BUSINESS to give back. Its not about being bitter or such.

Its about TRUTH and let's face it... Right is right; wrong IS wrong.

reply icon Replying to comment of Brett G Eog

Yep, I too have had spine surgeries ; they are like dominoes falling, one after another. Unfortunately, we must rely on others to provide services in an attempt to do that which we cannot do for ourselves.

My dentist said it didn't go well when he tried to pull his own tooth.

You are, however, your own case manager regardless and you've got to find a way to deal with your health issues with the resources you have. I'd suggest starting by dropping the exclamation points ; you can't think clearly when excited.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1863783

Perhaps but I have had Drs "taking new patients" unable to handle those of us that ARE prohealth for our own for having been done wrong by so many for so long (years). I understand some specialists ARE NEEDED, but just as my neurosurgeon that did the prior ones, HIS TEAM is exactly what I returned to after changing my insurance plan to be IN their network!

Just as the quack said to me to do! No MATTER WHAT insurance plan you have, YOU HAVE HUMANE RIGHTS (ethical ones, professional ones, etc) to be treated LIKE A HUMAN BEING! NOT having your medical file FALSELY DOCUMENTED to cover the Dr's rear for NEGLECT! Especially when someone so used to this mess has learned each step of the way AND has documentation to cover their side of the case should it need be proven!

Guess that comes with partly of a parental figure in family working with attorneys all MY life also! You tend to pick up things here and there in your child rearing process! Also, WHAT KIND of person does it take stemming from THIS program's REPS to post comments like what YOU did on my post and video!? Who's side are you actually on?

Again, right is RIGHT, wrong IS WRONG. Case closed. I refuse to alter or change anything of my words. I have ALWAYS stood for the underdogs and always will!

You have NO IDEA on all social media resources since my story is out there how many OTHER VICTIMS have been reaching out to me with their horror stories. Perhaps you haven't been in THIS kind of position like US, but that is still NO reason for any kind of role reversal back sliding swap out comments to stand on any solid ground as we have today's universities teaching PROPER morals and ethics classes that is missing which also includes the vitality of the application of "critical thinking" needed in EVERY aspect of daily life these days...BEFORE making a choice of what you want to do! This includes choices of what you choose to say! Aka...

Even if you have to close your eyes, before speaking, imagine (really) you're being in another's shoes and HOW YOU would feel, act, or react should it be happening to you, your spouse/significant other, your child, your parent, basically yourself or anyone you love/care about! Have a good day!

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Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers Expert Talks

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

Who may need the 4th vaccine? Is monkeypox dangerous? Prof. Karen Jubanyik comments on the mask-optional policy, COVID booster shot, and the monkeypox.

Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

Karen Jubanyik, MD is Associate Professor, Clinician-Educator Track, in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine.

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