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| map-marker District 15, Maryland

Took money from me

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Now Dentistry - Took money from me
Updated by user May 17, 2020

I have been in bad pain since I went back on 2-22-2020.I have been getting the work redone by an oral surgeon.Don't go to this now dentistry place.To this day I'm waiting for a refund and to this day my throat glands and jaw are infected from the bad hygiene used at this mill.I had to get the work done properly .I have been in pain and up at night still not being able to swallow easily from the infection in my mouth.I have been on anti biotics on and of 5 times 10 days each since 2-22-2-20.I will be going to court about this as soon as I feel a little bit better enough to get my attorney to pursue.I would have let this all go but they were so unprofessional at that office and never cared enough.All they want is money and no after care what so ever.I will be working with the federal trade commission and the attorney generals office and the Maryland dental board as soon as I feel a little bit better.The www.nowdentistry website is so miss leading they post 1 price and it ends up being 3 times the price when you leave,the bait and switch act.They say they take Medicaid on signs out front of their building and illuminated signs on main rd. and when you call and on the website and with Medicaid .com.They DON"T its all to get you in and get your money.Also it says" meet the doctor on the site "and it shows a handsome white doctors picture and says its the Dentist at now dentistry Mohamed Elnadi .It as far from the truth as can be,Mohamed isn't American and doesn't look as the American man pictured.Look on BBB and look on facebook at all the negative unhappy customers just like me.Please don't get screwed health wise and financially like I was from Now dentistry.

Original review Apr 17, 2020

NOW DENTISTRY …This place is so unprofessional starting with the owners wife NORHAND and the DENTIST MOHAMAD ELNADI.After doing research on my own I found the cases pending at BBB and just look at the reviews on this place and look up at the attorney generals office and states attorneys office.DONT make the mistake I did and be weary of this place NOW DENTISTRY a t 8125 Pulaski Hwy Rosedale Md. 21237..I went to the so called dentist to have a mouth restoration when I went there the first time on 12-15-2019 I was give a case evaluation and then sat down with a person and she said the total for everything was going to be $6178..

When I went back 3 weeks later to start The owners wife said that the price was wrong and that it would be 28K was the price.I said what about this quote I was given and signed and norhand the wife said it was a big mistake and she fired her..I should have left then BUT I DIDN’T big mistake on my part.They go through staff there like changing underwear..Everytime I went they’re quick to to bring you back for getting money a payment ,but then you wait and finally they bring you back to the chair to wait again,after 30 more miniutes the phoney the dentist I call him that cus he’s nice at first until you question anything about the work to be done.All he wants is money and his phoney wife is the same.They have bad hygiene techniques there like using the same gloves on me as the other patients they work on at the same time.The place has a weird odor like dog *** in the patient rooms,they give you glasses to put on that looks like they have never been washed.They have helpers not qualified putting pieces in your mouth and doing things only a dentist with training should do.They pulled a front tooth and made a temporary cap that a staff person NOT THE DENTIST made and glued in .It fell out on the way home and is still exposed and so embassasing.Again something a trained dentist should be doing not the person who is empting trash out of the rooms.I went to have a few teeth pulled and he comes and gives you novacane and in the time he comes back 45 mins later the Novocain wore off this happened 4 times to me starting 1-4-2020 to when I stopped going.They treat you like a 3rd.class citizen and don’t listen to the patient he’s to busy talking about and going back and forth to 7 other patients, its worse then an assembly line.They said they take Medicaid when I first went there, that is the main reason I went; after the first visit they said they don’t take it.They have ad’s and signs in the front the says they do and as of today Medicaid still has them listed as a provider.They have ad’s on their website and the sign out front that says $999.00 complete implant. This isn’t true either,When I questioned why they are charging me $4000.00 per implant the dentists wife said that sign was mistake and they need to change it…IT’S still up posted at $999 full implant..They do anything to get you in for your money,don’t be a sucker like I was.They took $3600 from me for deposits and they refuse to credit me back.I need my money they took so I can pay oral surgen.I have been in terrible pain and suffering .They took 4 weeks to call me back and I went there asking for my money 3 times and sent 6 emails and they never gave me my money to this day__3/4/14/2020____ they said they did all the work I paid for when they only put 2 posts for implant and pulled teeth they owe me $3650 still. The owner said she is charging all the money I gave them the whole amount EVEN though I had to pull out all the dentist did.I think this was unfair for them not to credit me back my money they are trying “I Say trying to rip me off “ that wont happen if I can help it.. Norhand owners wife lied to me on the phone on 4-14-2020 and said shes not paying me back because they have the bridge and crown in office SO UNTRUE they never even took an impresstion or mold..HOW CAN YOU HAVE A BRIDGE AND CROWN with out a mold to make it from she’s full of lies..

She is just trying to keep my money>>>.I’m working with the Maryland dental board to report this dentist and will be taking the dentist to court The 2 implant posts were put in wrong crooked and became infected for over 2 months I kept going back and saying I’m in terrible pain my whole face was and still is swollen . Each time I went he said they look fine. Again misdiagnosed. They misdiagnosed me several times and rushed me when I would ask questions.I had to go to emergency oral surgeon appointment and they said they were so infected that I was put on an antibiotic for the 3 rd.

time and oral surgeon said they must be pulled asap.I need my full refund to be able to pay oral surgeon and a new dentist.

asked for my records and they refused to give them to me the oral surgeon called and emailed them and it took them 8 days to call her while I’ve pain in terrible pain and haven’t slept well since 2-24-2020 when so called dentist put the 2 posts in.I’m still in pain and its been over 7 weeks since I had posts first put in.Once I questioned the owners wife and dentist while going back for pain they treated me like crap.I told dentist to pull the posts and he said no “go to someone else” he dismissed me..They said the pain is coming from bone chips left in mouth from tooth pulled I said its not that kind of pain but go ahead and take out the chips.Of course they said it wasn’t on the bill and I had to pay for in $250 more and it took him 30 seconds to put in novacane and 10 seconds to cut gums and 1 minute to stitch up.I said will these stitches come out he said yes WELL they are still in my mouth 4 weeks later and Im having the same pain at the post site and like I told them before he cut my gum that the bone chips wasn’t causing the pain I was right cus I’m still having the same pain as I write this 7 weeks later.His wife norhand thinks she knows about dental care and she said the removal of the chips would stop the pain,she was wrong too,shes only knows 1 thing *** people to milk them for as much money as possible..THATS ALL SHE KNOWS!.Once I started questioning things there about hygiene and that the treatment aftercare wasn’t up to par they wanted me to go elsewhere. Norhand his wife walks around the place with a sense of entitlement and is rude as can be...I want to warn other people that this place is a scam ..

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Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: WATCH OUT SCAMMERS

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