map-marker Druid Hills, Georgia


I tried to get in to Northwestn college they told me they do not accept midwest deplom and thay r indeed a scam. So i calld the bord of ed just to see if thay had a record of my transcripts from midwest they also said they receive a lot of complains about this school they r a *** scam. eneytime the borad of ed tell u they dont have u as a graduate then thats some *** they told me the best way to go is a GED i should have stayd my as in school and finish

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Universities, Colleges and Schools Expert Talks

Student Loans Explained: How Do Student loans Work? | How to Pay Off Your Debt?

Student Loans Explained: How Do Student loans Work? | How to Pay Off Your Debt?

Jul 23, 2021

Betsy Mayotte, a President of TISLA, talks about student loans, the difference between a private and federal student loan, interest rates, and scams. Uncover expert comments on a student loan issue and a success story of a paid $130K in student loan debt.

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Betsy Mayotte
Betsy Mayotte

Betsy Mayotte is the president and founder of the nonprofit called The Institute of Student Loan Advisors (TISLA). Her organization ensures that all consumers have access to free expert, neutral student loan advice and dispute resolution.

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