Pamela Qhc

Toyota financial rip off company

The dealership North Hills Toyota wanted to sell a vehicle so bad on the last of July and never told me that I had a royalty reward check coming I had no idea was never sent to me from Toyota financial Dept and I go down there and find out on August 1st if you buy a RAV4 2018 you will get another 7:50 they would not give me either check I don't ever want to buy a Toyota again I spent most of my day off back and forth like a ping pong ball with Toyota Financial in North Hills Toyota and nobody did anything for me I think purchasing a $30,000 RAV4 out of a multibillion-dollar company It Could Have given me 12:50 never again I've driven Toyota since 1991 I've never had this difficult challenge and when you're a female people treat you like you don't know what you're doing but I do I was ripped off

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
1 comment

It's not because you are female ; get over that. If you sense some sort of sexist behavior that you find offensive - LEAVE.

My wife always buys her own car and nobody tries to take advantage of her. If they did ...

she would leave. Nobody at Toyota said "oh boy, another woman to steal from, yahoo, let's don't send her a rebate." You were unprepared for that trip to the dealership.

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