Nina Carmelle Services
Best Services EVER NINA CARMELLE stunning
I've been in Ms Nina Carmelle's office. What a beautiful lady with a beautiful office. Without her and her expertise and her professional team of attorneys I would have spent my Xmas on the street instead they were able to save my life.
I know and I have verified Nina Carmelle's EX STEVEN SEARS who was an EX attorney who got disbarred, arrested and got JAIlED.
It's disgusting to see how STEVEN SEARS out of 18 TRUMAN in IRVINE obsessed with MS NINA CARMELLE's beauty and success. Ever since he got disbarred and CRIMINALLY CONVICTED and got thrown in JAIL, he has been bashing Ms NINA CARMELLE's name all over the Internet by posting
bogus Internet complaints, fake stories, fake names, even writing comments as if it's coming or written by NINA CARMELLE.
Steven Sears uses Searsatty.com and Corpadvisor.com to continue $$$$Stealing clients money
as stated in the State Bar of California, u can contact them at 213-765-****.
Beware that Nina Carmelle has several criminal and civil restraining orders against Steven Sears/Searsatty.com got disbarred and his Real Estate Broker license was Revoked on October of 2008.
Before you read and/or believe any Internet junk about Nina Carmelle
Read RELIABLE sources to verify the TRUTH
Like the article was written on Fevruary of 2007
"Eight is Enough" telling the world about that creep.
Steven Sears lives with Yvonne Tran not his wife in 21 Chester in Irvine
With bunch of kids Michelle Sears, Nicole Sears, Peter Sears & Kevin Sears
Also lives with Gloria Lee not his wife either w a kid Ryan Sears in 12 Sutton in Irvine
Also lives with Gladys Bazan with couple kids Daniel Sears & Natalie Sears in 23 E Entrada in Irvine.
Steven Sears who has changed his address in his State Bar California website
from 18 Truman in Irvine to 3303 Flamingo RD in Las Vegas in Nevada
And post a 702 area code number instead 949-262-****
so the public get confused about his disbarment.
Steven Sears has been making false statements and Using several fake stories and fake clients names so he can destroy her business and her personal life as Nina Carmelle is the only woman who REFUSED to share him among these other ****
Instead of getting awarded for being such a REAL woman
Steven Sears the father of THEIR child ERIC SEARS has been making false comments about Nina.
Nina Carmelle is asking for PUBLIC help..!!
This man is obsessed with her beauty and success. He can't leave her alone.
He can't move on with his life. His ego that she stood up for herself and moved on is killing him.
All his Wealth & Asset Protection Book was discontinued due to his diabarremwnt.
His sign on his building in 18 Trunan "Sears Law Building" was taken down by the Orange County Sherifs department.
Steven Sears is restraint from seeing his own child from Nina Carmelle without a court order due to his violence and his criminal conviction.
Think of the Source every time you see or read junk about Nina Carmelle aka Nevine Carmelle.
Outstanding Nevine Carmelle services
I truly would like the universe to admire this spectacular gorgeous exotic beautiful woman.
After I've read all these bogus Internet complaints against her
I actually wanted to know about this woman as these reports were very vicious and it does
seem like an ex lover or a scorn fan of Ms carmelle's beauty
who seems like obssessed with her.
So I've done my own due diligence and I didn't wanna rely on some vindictive scorn lover.
So I've checked all her licenses are clean with all agencies and I've talked to several refferals of which four of them
didn't even know each other and all recommended Ms Nina Carmelle to me.
The most important impressive thing I've seen in dealing with this classy stylish lady is
her beautiful smile. Amazing ..! She makes u feel extrmly comfortable with a big and peaceful smile on her beautiful face.
after reading her story/ articles "eight is enough" was written by Theo Douglas back on February of 2007- I realized how strong awesome person she is. Gosh after all what this *** put her thru and after all her horrible experience with such a ***
especially you see the follow up and realize what God had done justice ..
It's just amazing that she holds up fresh like a rose and helpful friendly smilie attitude...
Ms carmelle saved my life basically and my wife just adore her.
Now I know who could possibly would love to ruin her reputation...!!
Well Ms carmelle seems very strong and spiritual person. God definitely
will and seems like has been helping her.
Justice was definitely done after four years of suffering ...
Read OCWeekly.com and the follow up - it's extremely interesting story. It's way better that fiction.
Outstanding Nina Carmelle services
Ms Nina CARMELE is a fantastic person. Gosh
I've read the OCWeekly written by Theo Gouglas back in 2007.
and I've also read the follow up four years later
the results of what's been happening and what Ms Nina Carmelle
have gone thru with this wierdo....
I've met with Ms carmalle and mr jones.. They are wonderful people
defenitly very knowledgeable and honest.
But I must admit that Ms Nina/ Nevine Carmelle is a stunning
gorgeous woman- intelligent and really funny.
She is a very solid person- every time I come to her asking for help - she has been always there for me and for my wife.
it's true that one of the previous comments.
U can take her word n cash it at the bank-
After all this horrible experience that this **** did to her- she always kept her beautiful smile
and professional attitude --- what an amazing lady.
Now that I've read her story - I know now who would love to keep ruining her reputation.
I respect her 10000**** times.
Amazing & Impressive Nina Carmelle services
I've utilized and dealt with Nina Carmelle. What a sweet personality this lady have.
She was extremely professional and definitely helpful to me and to my friends.
Ms carmelle and her team of attorneys helped me tremendously.
All these bogus and fake reports are nothing but jealous competitors which I don't blame them because they are losing business to her.
The fact that she is getting these reports means she is very good and she is very successful at what she does. It's almost
like it's a badge of honor that she is getting all this publicity.
To be honest with you, if it wasn't for these reports I wouldn't have known her and I would have been in a worse position.
I almost want to thank her competitor or her ex or whoever is so bothered with her success to put her outthere. My God
Jennifer Lopez and other movie stars gets bad and good reviews to get more publicity.
These bad reports are nothing but a scorn vendetta as I've met Ms carmelle personally
and I think she is very respectful and very cute and pretty.
Thank you Ms carmelle for all your help. many thanks from our friends too.
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this nina carmelle is bad news. she worked for me for for only 3 months and all i got were *** from her psycho ex-boyfriend an attorney in santa ana by the name of garry l jones.
nevine kept ranting about her lawsuits against him and how he raped her at her office one evening.
This woman is bad news and will never stop at getting revenge against her ex garry l jones.
I had to apply for a restraining order against her. she cannot come within 100 yards of my office or home.
my wife and kids are scared of this witch. it is just out of that movie fatal attraction. Just hope she doesn't cook a rabbit in a pot.
reading about her past as a man-hooker in egypt just disgusts me. i hope she flys back to cairo and stays in her terrorist country and leaves honest americans alone.
STOP POSTING THESE DISGUSTING things about me and I will stop naming you and your clients in the lawsuits for FRAUD.
That NINA TADROUS is a really digusting person and I wish I had never fallen for her. Now she is with Stanley Bowman and can waste his time with her suckie fuckie *** and stealing money from clients.
I hope she rots in *** with her queen friends and gets back with Bill Behrndt who really liked those nights at roosevelt st in irvine with the videos and the upstairs pink room.'
glad I moved on.
Finally the queen of fraud got stopped from her scam and got put in the jail in ORANGE COUNTY JAIL see her booking photo on youtube. she looks horrible in her prison garb and when they saw her scars from her sex change operation they put her in the women's facilities.
So, to get back in business she changes her name to:
interesting as her birth name in EGYPT was NEVINE YOUSEF a man's name.
obviously she will stop at nothing to get monies from people and now she has set up her office with her lover/boyfriend corrupt attorney STANLEY D. BOWMAN of REDONDO BEACH CA. Stanley Bowman has had numerous run in's with the law and has several times been charged and convicted in scheme to defraud homeowners who are behind on their payments. He files a bogus bankruptcy to delay the trustees sale and NINA TADROUS steps in on title to collect rents or live in the property with her transvestite queens.
Usually the property is in bad shape and lenders have to spend thousands to clean up the debris left over from her sex party romps.
STANLEY BOWMAN has been known to join in the festivities and he is usually the one to bring the booze and ***. So much for his drug rehab. What a looser!!!
Bank of America, Chase Bank and Countrywide is on to their scam.
Look up NEVINE TADROUS and see the court actions against her for loan fraud. She has several restraining orders against her and a cease and desist order from the DEPT OF REAL ESTATE.
this is the new alias of Nevine Carmelle who is now scamming homeowners out of a lawyers office in long beach. This is one of a dozen names used by the QUEEN OF FRAUD.
Stanley D. Bowman is her new partner in the homeowners loan mod scam