Peter T Bpt

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What are the problems with my robo pong 3050 xl

My dealer told me that they had changed the control board for me because the robot head could not raise up when power up but it could do self diagnosis. After I got it back, I found out It didn't perform as it supposed to do.

The placement of the balls cannot land relatively closed to what it is set. Some will either shoot to far out or too short into the net. Would it be the firmware problem? The firmware that I am using is 1.7.3/226/1.

The bluetooth is NWGYB873. Lately, it developed more problems. The speed of the ball feed has no different in shooting out the balls. No matter what the speed I set.

First 2 balls were normal then It becomes slowing down a lot for every drill. I had cleaned the ball feed motor and oiled it. It does not make any different.

Is the BS upper drive wheel bigger or the lower drive wheel? Thank you Peter

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