National Rifle Association Store
Product shipped to your store on Jan. 10 2018.
I shipped a product in a small card board box to your store on Jan. 10th to 11250 Waples Mill Rd. and have not heard from any one though I ask for an acknowledgement when it arrived. The box contained a large poem about America printed on an American flag. The title of the poem is America Is Her Name. Please let me know where it is within your organization. This poem speaks to the heart of the troubled American people. It can be very advantageous in helping bring our nation back together. It is patriotic and inspirational. Many people become somewhat emotional when they read it. Your attention and response to this email will be greatly appreciated. I will be glad to send you a digital copy if you will send me an email address.
Don Hazen
- Confusing
Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution
Fast & Honest services
Every time I order anything from the the service is lightening fast. Every product is exactly as advertised.
They do not sell junk. I have never been disappointed. Never. If you are looking for outdoor gear or hunting gear or shooting gear this is the place to go.
Even survival gear is available. Their web site is extremely easy to navigate even for a sixty year old guy like me. Every order I have ever put in has arrived intact and earlier than expected. Prices are beyond fair.
I highly, highly recommend the to everybody, hunter, shooter, survivalist.
Everybody. This is the online store to use.
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I don't know what NRA store you're talking about, but the one I ordered from is utterly incompetent when it comes to customer service. It has been over a week and my order has not even been processed!
This is after two phone calls to their customer service. Call number 1 promised my order would be expedited and call number two told me that one of the items is no longer available, and hasn't been for some time, despite being on their website.
No emails, no calls, no merchandise! I will never order from them again and I am an avid shooter
One week ? It always takes 4 to 6 weeks to receive any order from any company.
***, where I live it takes the U.S.
Postal Service a week just to deliver a letter to from where I live to the next town over. Patience is a virtue.