map-marker Sherwood, Ontario

Corrupt incompetent overpriced lawyer and Arbitrator Brahm Siegel

It is time to bring real justice to the legal system by getting rid of the bad apples like Brahm.

I would like to warn everybody that is considering an arbitration to avoid the law offices of Nathens Siegel. BRAHM SIEGEL in particular as he is a spineless fraudulent lawyer that is nothing more than a scam artist with no consideration for the law or anybody other than his greedy self.

You are better off retaining a monkey.

Rather than retaining him for any service, I suggest you avoid completely as he will suck all your money out of you under the guise of providing some sort of justice.

He is unethical and needs to pay for his evil and corrupt actions.

By retaining him (or anybody else at his firm), you will be contributing to injustice and collusion between lawyers; much like contributing to the death of innocent animals when you buy even just a fur lined hoodie!

Your refusal to retain this *** will slowly ensure that he will have to look for a new profession such as shoveling *** or anything else that he is qualified for.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you seriously consider choosing a lesser of an evil lawyer (if at all).

Much like battling a disease ,every little bit helps, and we have to get rid of this disease known as BRAHM SIEGEL once and for all!

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Sounds exactly like the kind of lawyer I'd want to represent me! You have attempted to impune the character of Mr.

Siegle, but have actually only succeeded to promote him! The irony is rather comical, think I'll give him a call right now!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1104473

That's how you choose a lawyer? I'll bet you drive a *** car using your logic.

I guess *** people will always exist.

Give him a call and maybe you could share stories of how *** you both are or find out if one of you are actually more ***. Loser!

Kristol Spy
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1104473

Brahm is great!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1104473

He is good for women. They enjoy his letters sent to their Ex.

Rest waste of money. Family/separation is a huge scam. If no violence and no cheating i beg you guys don't take this route. Even cheating don't try.

You will get caught for sure.

Life is too short. Stay with your partner


If you want people to take your review seriously then maybe you should throw in a few facts that back up your claims. Without some examples you just seem like a whiney bitter little man who has just learned how much he now has to pay in child support. Am I right?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-788722

As privacy is key in any litigation, Criticism is not. If you cannot appreciate constructive criticism then dont search for it and dont read it.

Perhaps this is Brahm himself as it is very well known that he creates his own positive reviews on other websites or has his staff create and submit them under false names. Still not even close to even Brahm.

It will come when you least expect it! Get a life Brahm, you jack ***!

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