They are deducted R300 plus from my credit card acc every month but that was not what was stipulated
Mydollarshop.com is deducting R300 plus from my credit card account and they donot respond to my cancellation requests, please assist. That was not the agreement when I signed on.
It is a sham and a scam. I have sent them numerous emails but they donot respond to any of them and they are taking advantage of the fact that I have forgotten my password. There was no subscription mentioned and I am irritated by this deduction. I am supposed to be making money for myself but instead they are now making money through me and that is illegal.
I need urgent intervention to help resolve this mess.
I cannot afford these deductions.
My dollar store fraud!!!!
I have been billed by my dollarstore $39.35 twice for some unknown reason.I never authorized this subscription and I do not know where they got my credit card information.It is quite a hassle dealing with my credit card company and these non responding crooks.When a comsumer says STOP that is what it means.Its one word with no other meaning so they can't be confused,they can only be crooks.
I will file all neccesary grievences to resolve this,and you can be sure that i will either go broke defending my hard earned money or they will be out of business.BEWARE of these crooks!!!
Stoled Money
Since June 10 when I saw this company take money out of my account I have been trying to get it back. There has been serval e-mail sent on this subject and not one has been answered.
I no 39.95 does not sound like a lot but when they are told not to take and put back what they took I am a lot more than pissed.
I know this is prabably not going to do any good, but we are drafting up a e-mail on just excatly what a stealing , ungratiful company this is.
May they be very happy with the money that they stoled. I wish I was in the same town as they are
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I think MyDollarStop is a scam, I paid the $1.99 shipping & handling for the CD's, which I could not make heads nor tails of. Then MyDollarshop withdrew $40.
plus from my debit card without my permission. I called and they put a cancellation on it and was suppose to redeposit the money they withdrew. They stated to give them 14 days to put the money back into my account, it's been almost a month. Then I call to check on it and I get the run around.
They tell me I must go to the Bank and have them to fax something showing that the money hasn't been put back into my account. The Vice President herself wrote the info on a paper which was faxed by another employed, fax being shown as went through. They told me to call them about 30 minutes after the fax was sent to verify that they received it. They said they never received the fax.
So I went back to the Bank to have the fax resent. I ask for an address to send the info to but was told they could not give out that information.