Wade m Cqx

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Wonderful woman. Beautiful, healthy, well cared for pups

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Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes - Wonderful woman. Beautiful, healthy, well cared...
Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes - Wonderful woman. Beautiful, healthy,... - Image 2

I got my pup from Loretta 2 yrs ago, he is big and beautiful. He has regular visits to our vet and is in perfect health.

He has a wonderful temperament with all my grandkids(15yrs old to 8 months old) and my other dog(5yr old female pitbull). He goes to the nursing home and hospital to visit friends and family with me.

Loretta still keeps in touch and is a great resource. She cares about her pups even after they're gone.

I'm not all about the drama i see in these reviews but, you people that want to talk smack about Loretta obviously don't know her. She is wonderful with her dogs, keeps the pups in her house, stays up all night with them, bottle feeds them, whatever they need she's does.

That's because she loves them all, like i said even after they're gone and in they're forever home.

I'm sure there are plenty of good, loving breeders out there and wish you all the best, but I chose Mountain Ridge Malamutes and will do it again. I recommend Mountain Ridge Malamutes to everyone who asks me and i get asked a lot, everywhere me and my dog go we get stopped, everybody loves him and he loves everybody he meets.

I couldn't ask for a better best friend(my dog) and i have Loretta and Mountain Ridge Malamutes to thank for it.

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  • Healthy beautiful dogs
  • Loving breeder
Reason of review:
Good quality
Violeta Xwb


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Loretta has gone out if her way to pm people about the Kelly’s. I don’t even know who she is.

This crazy lady sent me this about the Kelly’s. Sorry but she is out trying to ruin thier reputation while she is the one who was trusted with a awesome Kelly puppy she bred at 8 months old. Poor girl was mounted by a 170 pound male according to Loretta Lynn Roach Page mountainridgemalamutes while she privately sends fake Rip off reports. I contacted the Kelly’s.

I can not believe anyone who buy a dog from someone so mean spirited. Buyer beware of mountain Ridge puppy breeder

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Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised

Just in case anyone sees this and is trying to find out who is the real bad person… found this article confirming that the claims against Kelly Malamutes were in fact true. https://***/community_beat/feud-among-breeders-turns-into-fight-for-dogs/article_6925f77d-152e-54d1-88ac-7e4a3be0364e.html Hopefully the breeder warning others away from this breeder saved some people from purchasing from an unethical breeder.

I for one wish more breeders were looking out for people. And if means she profits more as a result, that is business, but at least she is being ethical.


Text messages sent from Loretta


https://giantalaskanmalamutes.net/ This lady didn’t complain about her puppy until she got involved with wanting to destroy the competition. She makes awful Facebook pages creates rip off reports.

She stalks customers on other breeders pages. This is what new breeders do that are fearful of the competition.

Sadly she has left a nasty trail of evidence all over to show how vindictive she is. More screen shots are getting posted shortly!


Loretta is not a good person she has gon out of her way to slander two reputable breeders on a page she created only showing her side of the story as when people stand up for what they knownto be true she deletes thier comments only showing her side. Very unprofessional.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1420134

I agree

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Conley Cqm

Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes - Mountain Ridge Malamutes is an amazing Breeder!! We have been following Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes for 3 years, and were on the waiting list to get one of her puppies!He was finally born on Oct.28th and it has been such a awesome experience being able to see & watch him grow thru Facebook live videos, face-time, photos & videos every step of the way!

Loretta Roach is such a great lady!! We drove 8 hours & picked our babe up January 7th. We got the grand tour, she has a beautiful ranch with some amazing animals, Beautiful property and is such a loving family!! He dogs live in the house, as their pets not crammed into outdoor kennels, forced to just live outdoors and forced to breed for income like puppy mill breeders do!!

She Breeds to enhance the breed and bring joy to those who love the breed and get thier furbabies from her. Her Malamutes are stunning!! 1 male, 2 females who are only bred once every 2 years.. She doesnt breed, as thier soul and only income, She is a compassionate, loving Momma to all her furbabies!!

I give Mountain Ridge Giant Malamutes 10 Stars!!! Do your research on your breeder!! I found several puppy mill Malamute breeders who have been shut down by City, State & Federal agencies. Several who have Dozens of Dogs, force breeding, Living in crammed, muddy, disgusting kennels who are not treated as the Great Dogs that they are, but looked at and treated as nothing more then money makers!!!

So my pissed off review goes to those people who are writing these bogus reviews and support Puppy mill breeders, and YOU the puppy mill breeders leaving disgusting reviews, lies, and creating rumors to cover your own disgusting life!!! Mountain Ridge Giant Malamutes is an Amazing Breeder, who has NEVER been shut down by anyone, never given a citation, and never been taken to court. Has NEVER sold a sick or injured puppy and has NEVER had to pack up and leave her home, or state.

Do your research!! Court records ARE public and can be read.

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  • Honesty integrity quality highly recommend
Reason of review:
Good customer service

Glad you guys got a pup from her last litter. Because her first two litters were 8 month old females she bred.

Just contact her past customers. Check the pedigrees. Loretta has 4 females. 2 are spayed.

2 are not. All 4 females were bred at their first heat cycle. So go check how many litters your Dam (female) of your pup has had and how old it was when it first bred. Loretta, is the biggest liar in the Malamute industry.

She posts PETA on her website. Do you know what PETA would do to a want a be Rescue Breeder like Loretta? The Breeders that Loretta partners with are Legends. They have 3 lawsuits on em.

For Slander and Defamation.

Which is all Loretta Roach knows how to do. She used a scheme found on youtube to enhance her Likes on her Facebook page. She has used several fake facebook accounts to slander other breeders and rate her own Facebook page. Look at Loretta's date she first started Facebook.

then look at her likes. Even the most popular products in the world don't get 44,000 likes with no dislikes in 2 years. Figure that out Math wizards. Loretta claims she exposes Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes.

Well why doesn't she post her real name on her exposing page that you all believe. Because she is a scammer! She has no legitimate or legal foundation for her accusations against the Kelly's period. Yet calls potential Kelly's clients and harasses them.

Loretta, doesn't have a Farm. She has a chunk of dirt that isn't worth the time and energy to retain attorney's to get. What does Loretta Farm? Do you even know what a Farm is?

Loretta Roach has never actually been to Kelly's Alaskan Malamutes. Never, she was part of a group that tried to extort us. While I was recovering from shoulder surgery. I came back and got my dogs people.

Nobody loves and takes care of their Malamutes like I do. If you think that Loretta Roach, has exposed anything about me. Then how in the *** do I still operate! How come I never got so much as a ticket or a lawsuit filed on me.

If I was such a guilty dog abuser how come I still have my dogs and I use my real name when I accuse somebody of something. Because I'm not fake! If you think I'm wrong get a lawyer!!! That crap Loretta pitches is all fake and garbage.

She hides behind anonymous names. What is she afraid of to have to do that!!??? What are you afraid of?? I make no false accusations against anybody!!

If you believe Loretta Roach, maybe you should check your own motives. Because, you believe a liar.


Absolutely correct and agree! Ignore any fake news false reviews on this site!!!!

This breeder is the real deal. You can visit her farm at anytime, it is always clean, the dogs are part of the family and well cared for.

Loretta is a wonder person and anyone that says different is just straight up lying!

Any and all bad reviews on this site about Mountain Ridge Malamutes and Loretta are from a puppy mill that has been exposed and trying to discredit those that exposed them. Do your research!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1424604

No. I think you need to get your facts straight.

First of all the libel your continuing to write about came from her so you are further writing libelous comments about a bunch of lies. No one said Loretta didn’t have nice dogs. Of course she does Myah is from Kelly’s Alaskan Malamutes snd she bred her at 8 months. So good breeding there.

170 pound male pounding a 70 pound female. How many ties do you think it happened by mistake ? How is it when you have one female in heat your not able to watch her ? Thank goodness she doesn’t have more females to abuse.

Secondly It’s not about her dogs it’s about her ethics. Which are Zero.

She has none the DA will be the one who decides if what she has done is criminal. Then we will see just how funny she thinks it is.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1426435

Hello Kirk,

You are fooling no one. The District Attorney is more interested in your identity theft, putting up fake web sites, using a trademarked and copyrighted business name, and posing as someone you are not.

All of Loretta's clients are coming to her aid, as I am and will continue to do so. You are frauds. We all know it and your sneaky sick tricks are not working. If anything it makes your operation look even shadier.

If it looks like an idiot, walks like an idiot, quacks like an idiot, then it is an idiot. You can't even sign your real name to your fake posts. If you are spending so much time online trying to bash others, then who is caring for your dogs, NO-ONE!!

We have a saying here in Texas for what you are ... *** artist , Mike

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1427208

Loretta dog may be the most beautiful healthy dogs in the world and she may seem to be nicest person in the world but she has no integrity grace or truth . I have seen how she has ruined peo0le who are just friends of the Kelly’s that have nothing to do with this.

I am glad she has puppy parents that will side for her and so do Kellys 17 years of happy puppies . It is astounding to me the misstatements and untruths she has told unsuspecting buyers about the Kelly’s . Kelly’s is more than a good kennel they haven’t always put the mighty dollar first They have given puppies and dogs away to people with special needs ,that’s I know a good quality in a person. I bet you don’t know about that or her efforts in making sure the place are sent to people having the right place for dogs.

Yes she could sell more if she had no ethics like selling dogs that people clearly can’t take care of a dog either not having the resources to keep them or they are living in a dorm for example . There is @ lot that goes into being a breeder besides the care of the animals .when the Kelly’s home was destroyed through a flood and the house slid down the mountain you would not believe the response from her puppiy parents , . I wonder if you have gone into looking to all they have done for people without bashing them when you don’t know thuth only hearsay from a disgruntled person that she was no longer helping ! There are so many lies it is hard to keep track of it all .

Maybe you might try consider stopping all this nonsense because you don’t know and you have to admit that you don’t. Giving you an out to redeem yourself is one option and step and be a better person , because all this doesn’t look good any more for you or them , because what is does is sows a seed of doubt ,

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1427208

Kirk didn’t write that. Your a idiot to think he did.

Obviously he has no fear using his name on anything! Seems to be you need about 200 screen shots posted here of Loretta Lynn Roaches poor behavior. If you think her trying to do damage to someone business is ethical your screwed up. I can’t wait for the Kelly’s to nail her *** to the cross Do you know how many breeders have Kelly Lines she is creating issues for them also.

She sure isn’t complaining about Breeding her Kelly Dog. She sure didn’t complain buying her getting pictures and videos weekly. The Kelly’s have spent 1000s of dollars on taking proper care of their puppies Adults are fantastic. I have to say your quick to run your mouth.

Mike no last name. I’m waiting for them to post this garbage publicly. From the screen shots I’ve seen.

Loretta has a lawyer. I suggest she get to paying him.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1427208

Mike, there are over 35,000 District Attorneys and 15,000 County Attorneys in this Country. Which D.A.

are you talking about? Mike Loretta has sold 15 dogs in her entire Malamute career. So I'm puzzled on how she can get 45,000 likes and ratings on Facebook. Secondly, Mike, You bought a puppy from Loretta so you and your 14 other fools can come to Loretta's aid.

Loretta started all of this on her fake Facebook pages. I'm not hiding. I'm out front confronting the loser. Lastly, It got your attention didn't it!

So who is the idiot? You responded to it. Do you need a mental health Mike. I wouldn't want somebody as stupid as you owning one of my dogs.

Loretta, is not a Breeder she is a rescue that breeds dogs. It says it on her pages Mike. Who does that?

Loretta is in a USDA regulated State and she doesn't have USDA endorsements. So do what you got to do Mikey from Texas.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1424604

The Kelly’s do not have a puppy mill I don’t know where you get this distorted untrue opinion . The judge ordered a non third party involvement in the harassment order against them and you and Loretta are violating the orderThe judge did this on the merits of the case , and would not have ordered it if there wasn’t any merit !

The newspaper used the offensive slanderous photos to damage the Kelly’s . After receiving the court order also violating the order. I can see where a genuine puppy mill would get attention In this case it was orepetuated by some one the Kelly’s were trying to help and stopped helping . This lady had her husband thrown in jail for twenty years with a secret mike , the da in Arizona is looking into the fire she had as suspicious , and also fraudulently received money on a flood the she and her son stArted, so now you have a better understand of the reasons behind her vindictive actions .

I have tried to get her to recant her story she has told me that she is not doing the damage to the Kelly’s any more . And is sorry what she has done but she said she isn’t involved in it any more ,! I guess she sees the problem and has lthrewn you an$ Karen Hanson under the bus. , The problem now is will she lie again if it goes to court ?

This woman as you can see is extremely vindictive and will make your life a miserable, now that she will have only herself to look out for and she will look out for herself first. all the hatefilled rhetoric isn’t helping . Kelly’s helped her a lot with money and comfort when her boyfriend left and you can see what she has done once they stopped the money. Karen Hanson did the same thing to Sarah based on this other women’s say so .

Stacy Day started all of this and wants to get out of it but I think it’s too late for others to sit back and think we’ll Maybe I made a mistake here.! I know for a certainty for Karen Hanson thete is no turning back .The Akc are helping Sarah with the papers on 5he stolen dogs that Stacy gave them for breach of contact any puppies born to her dogs with Kelly’s lines won’t have any papers . This has gone on long enough is it really worth your time and energy and now concern ? what do you get out of all this especially when the truth comes out because there is a saying that the truth will set you free of this, I am sure .There are others involved in all this now to right the wrong and do you really want to get embroiled in this any more!

Puppy parents that have know them for 17 years in some cases that have seen her place and have bought several dogs from her have shown intersect in helping them . Kirk can be difficult st times but you won’t find anyone as kind and thoughtful would do anything to help. this is why we have the outpouring from friends who are appalled by all this . Sarah has given dogs away to people with special needs and are helping this cause.They have done so much for so many .

I hope you will take some action to step back look at what I have said and do what you can to clean up this mess. In the long run it will set you free of all the anger hate and contention do you really want this in your life Really

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1431479

Don't let it fool ya

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1447462

Loretta will lie to u as soon as the next person trust me y'all crazy n stupid to believe she is true n no she don't have no dam farm she is a want a be

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Mountain Ridge Giant Malamutes is an amazing Breeder!!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

We have been following Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes for 3 years, and were on the waiting list to get one of her puppies! He was finally born on Oct.28th and it has been such a awesome experience being able to see & watch him grow thru facebook live videos, facetime, photos & videos every step of the way!

Such a great lady!! We drove 8 hours & picked our babe up January 7th. We got the grand tour, she has a beautiful ranch with some amazing animals, Beautiful property and is such a loving family!! He dogs live in the house,as thier pets not crammed into outdoor kennels, forced to just live outdoors and forced to breed for income like puppy mill breeders do!!

She Breeds to enhance the breed and bring joy to those who love the breed and get thier furbabies from her. Her Malamutes are stunning!! 1 male, 2 females who are only bred once every 2 years.. She doesnt breed, as thier soul and only income, She is a compassionate, loving Momma to all her furbabies!!

I give Mountain Ridge Giant Malamutes 10 Stars!!! Do your research on your breeder!! I found several puppy mill Malamute breeders who have been shut down by City, State & Federal agencies. Several who have Dozens of Dogs, force breeding, Living in crammed, muddy, disgusting kennels who are not treated as the Great Dogs that they are, but looked at and treated as nothing more then money makers!!!

So my pissed off review goes to You people who are writing these bogus reviews and support Puppy mill breeders, and YOU the puppy mill breeders leaving disgusting reviews, lies, and creating rumors to cover your own disgusting life!!! Mountain Ridge Giant Malamutes is an Amazing Breeder, who has NEVER been shut down by anyone, never given a citation, and never been taken to court. Has NEVER sold a sick or injured puppy and has NEVER had to pack up and leave her home, or state.

Do your research!! Court records ARE public and can be read.

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Reason of review:
Good quality
Violeta Xwb

How can you discredit facts ?

1 Loretta has slandered the Kelly’s name and kennel you are further doing so by claiming pups were ever born in dirt.

They were never born outside anywhere. They were thrown in the dirt for dramatic effect ! By the parties who wrote the fake news article Loretta is involved in !

2 fact she bred Myah and owes the puo Aurora in return to the Kelly’s.

So claims the Kelly’s pups are unhealthy yet she rushed to breed their lines. First heat cycle. Fact check the Akc papers and pedigree.


Fact Loretta has made multiple fake accounts along with 2 other breeders in order to try to put the Kelly’s out of business claiming it’s their only income. Regardless of the fact they worked their entire lives prior to breeding Sarah Kelly was a human resources director and Worked for Fox and that’s a fact that can be checked. They did not build their kennel off the backs of their dogs ! It takes money to build a kennel.


Fact Loretta’s continues to support puppy mills and their operations check out the team she works with to destroy the Kelly’s. You should learn Fact over Fiction! Loretta’s Page shows her evil heart. Anyone who reads its lies and goes to the Kelly’s for proof.

Is disgusted!!! The Kelly’s have not posted anything of what they should and could! I don’t care if you have one of 20 puppies that are healthy from Loretta.

You should have there is zero excuses!! She has two breeding dogs !

Violeta Xwb

3 years is nothing ! Try breeding 17 years. Know the breed you try to breed before thinking you can take on a person who has 100s of happy customers

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Watch your back they will stab you

Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes - Watch your back they will stab you

Yes here is proof of them lying about another breeder, beware They are trying to talk a buyer out of purchasing from another breeder telling the buyer falsehoods so they can snag the sale I find this very unprofessional and really dirty work they are messing with someone’s lively hood I don’t feel as if I would ever purchase anything off any one who did these things specially saying things that they have no personal facts to base what comes out of their mouths extremely unprofessional I would be curious to know if legal action is being taken against this person for slander,

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Loretta Roach, is a liar, narcissist and Slandering crazy lady. She knows nothing about Alaskan Malamutes.

She bred all her females in their first heat cycle 6 to 8 month olds, had to spay two of them. Go check her Pedigrees at AKC.org Look at litter date and age of female when giving birth. I have a Facebook subpoena of her fake Facebook Page against me. She slanders with an anonymous name.

She testifies in a fake newspaper about my violations of laws and ordinances which I didn't even have. She did!!! It's OK I'll make a nice chunk of change off the newspaper.

I'd file suit on the Roach's, but they haven't got enough money to justify retaining an Attorney. Low life ***


It has come to my attention that Loretta Roach telling a puppy parent that she talked to a landlord that she thought the Kelly’s had rented whete they keep their dogs , I know the person who sold the house to them and there was no such phone call made . Also talking to people who are happy with the Kelly’s dogs to report them as being a puppy mill which is a lie than can be substantiated by her emails and the seller of the home .

There has been made an order of harrasment by the judge from snowflake Arizona and if their wasn’t wasn’t any merit to the case he would have not have issued the order .I Believe that the answer to all the lies and slander is to have a court hearing to resolve this issue, thank goodness we have emails ! their are innocent people who are caught up this now .

!because they something like a nice comment kind about Kelly’s page and she is trying to ruin them now . This shows the level of evil to try and destroy an innocent bystander

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Deformation and slanderous reporting .

Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes - Deformation  and slanderous  reporting .
Mountain Ridge Giant Alaskan Malamutes - Deformation  and slanderous  reporting... - Image 2

Loretta has reported slanderous untruths to a news paper accusing a breeder of being a puppy mill . The page was made up from all sorts of scanderlous articles and pictures from others which she did not do the necessary research to find out the truth.

However complaining about a puppy mill however Nobel this is not the way to approach this . There was no integrity kindness or honesty given to this reporting. Trying now to ruin other breeders with the same kind of rhetoric is cruel harmful and indecent .

Please find her text she wrote to an unsuspected buyer one of several ! The customers of the Kelly’s are looking out for her and have screen shots of her untruths .

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Reason of review:

Untruthful posts

Misrepresented breeders integrity and handling of their dogs . This lady is extremely bent on destroying breeders she has come to know through malicious gossip without finding out the real circumstances behind the gossip .When this irresponsible lady keeps on relaying this to potential clients it is extremely troubling Reapeating the same lies over and over doesn’t make it true .

I honestly don’t understand the mental state of someone wanting to keep on with this living and thinking of what untruth could be spread next , shows a lack of an unfulfilled unhappy life .

So many missed opportunities to do the right thing and concentrating on negatives unhelpful rhetoric certainly will bring a person down maybe join a real group that has honest dealings ,charities that need so much help would make her life richer and less miserable . what a difference a little kindness will make.

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Reason of review:

I agree. I saw Loretta page. What a bunch of garbage.


Looks like the nutcse is out of business, her website is suspnded .. I jist looked her up, she was arrested for child abuse, and she was convicted.

She got mug shot online. That bithc has nerve talkn smack about good people like the kellys.

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