map-marker Attalla, Alabama

Review in Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centers, Doctors category from Attalla, Alabama

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The statement above that Mold Treatment Centers of America have nothing to do with the National Treatment Centers for Environmental Disease is FALSE. Michael Pugliese has "practiced" at both of these centers.

He is now under investigation and this is long overdue! He is not an M.D. yet he dispenses medication at exorbitant prices. The CDC has investigated and concluded that these homeopathic substances have not been found to be beneficial to people exposed to toxic mold, and might in fact be harmful.

I saw Mr. Pugliese at the Mold Treatment Centers of America at the Alpharetta, GA location in May of 2013. (I read that this center has permanently closed, thank goodness.) I paid $3500 up front. Mr.

Pugliese was just one of several quacks working there. They prey on people who are sick and desperate for help. Not many physicians have knowledge about "mold illness." Mr. Pugliese "diagnosed" me with "mold sickness" without performing an exam and dispensed several medications to take at home.

I never took any of it. His "specially formulated" nasal spray was nothing more than salt water, and I paid $150 for it. I tried desperately to get my money back, to no avail.

He is still "prescribing" the same protocol that he prescribed for me in his most recent company, National Treatment Centers for Environmental Disease. I may have lost a lot of money, but I will be satisfied if this quack Pugliese is FINALLY put out of business.

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1 comment

Call the Mayo Clinic I have gone here. Although tested positive di not have the manpower or expertise needed for this.

Although I have found no facility that does.

No return phone calls, no follow up.

I will say they gave me a point in right direction but there is no cure.

map-marker Morristown, Tennessee

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Called, emailed and reached out via facebook. No return call.

I escalate d and still no return call. Not interested in whatever they offer.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
bfritts F
map-marker Alpharetta, Georgia

Treatment and Diagnosis of Mold Illnesses Due to Toxic Mold Exposure

If anyone has had problems with Mold Treatment Centers of America in Alpharetta, GA where you were to be diagnosed and treated for mold illnesses due to exposure to hazardous toxic mold environments, please email me at: bfritts1947@***.com. I was first (and only) seen by this treatment facility on 12/28/12 for severe mold illnesses from my exposure to hazardous toxic molds at a hotel in Horseshoe Bend, AR (Cedar Glade Resort).

After paying $3200 on 12/28/12, and being treated by ????, I was thrown off their radar screen. Michael Pugliese changed by protocol twice after the 1st month as I was not improving. For 10 days in March, I could not access the established patient line, nor could I access the journaling site that comes up immediately with your password, etc. When I complained, I was called by Lisa and was told that they had moved furniture around 10 days ago and the telephone line got disconnected (???).

When I told her that it wasn't just the phone, it was the journaling site as well, she said she would have to check with their website person. It was after March 19 that I was no longer heard from anyone, and my illness was getting worse. I made a surprise visit to them on April 12, '13 (had a witness with me), and Michael Pugliese was less than happy to see me in the facility (I live in GA, not out of state as many who come into this facility fly in from out-of-state). He was so angry that we could not even look at me.

When I started to question him, he said to me "your files are not on the premises." When I told this to my Pulmonary Doctor (a real doctor), Dr. Waldman said to me, "Where would your files be, somewhere in Canada?" I then asked for copies of all my records, and what I got were handwritten office notes, nothing on letterhead, no diagnosis (these were all records dated 12/28/12). The MD, Dr. O, sent me out of that office with stroke high BP levels (he took it 3 times).

There were no records forwarded with any changes that were made in my protocol by Michael Pugliese (2 changes made). First told to go off of the herbs given to me by Dr. Kang (the acupuncturist on 12/28/12, who, by the way is no longer be used as part the MoldTC treatment a/o March -- they threw her off their radar screen). I started to see Dr.

Kang on my own in March & April (12th) due to my severe irritability caused by the very high levels of mycotoxins found in my body. She also related information to me about MoldTC and how other patients have had to call her because they could not get through or get responses from MoldTC after becoming one of their patients. She would have to go next door to their office to find out what was going on. I have had to move to Tucson, AZ to come under a "real" mold specialist physician, Dr.

Gray in Benson, AZ. This MoldTC has been termed by the Director of the Special Investigations Unit of the GA Dept. of Health as a "criminal fraud scheme." And was told by a retired mold specialist physician who lives in Tampa, "worst place you could have gone; money making machine." The GA Dept. of Health, Julia Campbell, has had many complaints over the past year with people from out of state with questions and concerns about this facility.

Another person facebooked me and called this a "fake" place and thought it had been closed down. There are no certificates for any of these doctors on the walls; no licensing; and the only thing they could find out for Michael Pugliese were the scams he ran with his private company, Probe Environmental on Rip-Off.

Again, please email at above email address if anyone else has had problems with this facility. Thank you, Barbara Fritts

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I can't find any doctors who will take my case. I have been exposed to black mold, been very sick and can't get help.

Does anyone know where or who to call.



Arien Qxr
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1368388

No doctors will diagnose you because the pharmaceutical companies do not have a pill for it. Pharmaceutical companies control EVERYTHING, and if it can't make billions of dollars from it, they will not allow any members of the medical community to diagnose it.

Cancer treatments make the pharmaceutical companies over two trillion dollars every year.

That's why you will never see a cure for cancer, even though cancer is one of the easiest things to cure. Mold is a different animal altogether. Mold is the only known thing that kills more Americans every year than cigarettes. Cigarettes kill 435,000 people in the U.S.

every year. Mold kills over half a million. This also helps with population control so, it's not likely you will see much help with mold.

I have gone through a 9 year nightmare with mold poisoning. I lived in it for 3 years.

I moved to New Mexico and have been recovering for the past 7 years. I lost most of what I own, I now have diabetes, I put on 65 pounds because of mold, I have seen 27 doctors and none of them will diagnose, they just fumble around with other tests and ideas. My eyes are ruined and my vision blurs at any given moment. I had mold coming out my pours and making my clothes smell like mold.

My apartment manager had to come and change out my air conditioner because I breath out mold and it filled up the AC unit with it. I filed for disability 5 years ago because I can no longer work, but no judge will find in my favor because doctors will not diagnose me with mold sickness, we have appealed 3 times so far. I have brain fog and cannot remember anything past a few minutes. And 4 of the 27 doctors I have sen classify the pain levels I live with as "{{Redacted}} Pain".

Fortunately for me, {{Redacted}} is not an option.

Mold is extremely complex in it's nature and what it does to the human body. Fortunately I have decades of research behind me and have taken to researching mold and finding ways to live with it. I am feeling better after 7 years of recovery but the physical and neurological damage left behind is considerable.

I would like to start some kind of fund raising campaign to recover financially, because all this mess means that I have had no income for the past 8 years. Statistics have shown that 65% of people with mold poisoning as bad as mine commit suicide, 25% die from it, and the remaining 10% just struggle to see it through.

I wish you the best on your journey to recovery.

Hang in there. Drew

reply icon Replying to comment of Arien Qxr

go to Surviving The top doc.s in the country are Dr.

Ritchie Shoemaker, who was part of developing the lab protocols that help with Diagnosis. If you have lots of money, you can find them. Dr. Shoemaker has been training doctors so you can find a list of them who use his protocols.

Avg. cost is350.-600. /per hr.!!! Dr.

Grey in Benson Arizona used to take medicare. I told him a lot of docs don't write the diagnosis. So he wrote down, systemic mycotoxicosis and C.I.R.S. and Chronic fatigue.

he also uses Dr. Shoemakers protocol as well as some of his own. If you are very toxic, there is Dr. Rea in Texas.He is pricy but one can go there and get heavy and intense detox.I wish all these guys existed, or I knew of them before I spent all of the 400,000.00 dollars in savings.If you want homeopathy and natural healing one can wait months to get in or SKYPE with Dr.

Jodie Dashore. There is a pretty strong genetic component. I have lost my twin and daughter. I am maxed out on antifungals.

And I fear I am watching my grandson slowly die as his father and the rest of the family refuse to listen to me or him. Yes, I finally explained a few things to him,but he caught on real fast. He started fighting with his Dad about it. So dad and family have managed to silence both of us.

Any attorneys out there?? I have the labs, the testing on the house,ect. Social Services refused to do anything. It's an epidemic.

Look for this free Documentary called "Moldy". (yes, before this I was a critical care nurse for 32yrs.). Anyway, for Moldy got to, " Moldy-the movie" and look for the free,1hr. version.

A lot of the top doc's in U.S. are featured. Sometimes when I feel like I'm alone in this, I go back and watch the movie. Good luck.

Seriously, if there is an attorney or paralegal out there who is willing to help me(probono, or long term,small payment,payback.), that would be soo great.!!It's for my grandson. Oh,yes, my e-mail is: Pomelalewis@***.com. Ph:808-344-****.

Sometimes it helps, just to talk. Good luck, P.


I have e-mailed you.


I have been tested for mycotoxin poisoning through Bio Trek laboratories. They have been really helpful in helping me to get diagnosed.

My problem is thati don't know what kind of doctor to see to treat this. I have been seen my an infectious disease doctor, doctor of allergy and immunology and dermatology.

They just treat the symptoms but have no knowledge as to why. (No experience in mold) Can anyone out there please tell me what kind of doctor I need to see to start treatment for this.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1150947

Linda, you need a Functional Medical doctor, also known as an Integrative Medical doctor, or Integrative Medicine. They treat the whole body and look for the cause rather than treating the symptoms. Good luck!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1150947


I also tested with Bio Trek and came out positive for mycotoxin. I would like to speak with you as I have the identical issues you are having with trying to find medical care and answers.

Please feel free to call me at (786) 556-****.

Thank you. Katia


I talk my 16 year old daughter there a year ago. She has not gotten any better.

We are thinking of taking her back again soon. Now I am worried. We cannot find a dr that will or knows how to treat her.

She is getting worse. Someone ease help us find a dr


i was tested by a company called BioTrekLabs, their test was awesome!!!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1112791

Research Shows: "Surviving Toxic Mold | Mold Exposure | Mold Illness | Mold..." BioTrek Labs is run by the same group of con artists that run Ehap, Biosign, AML, MTCA, BioTrek Labs, National Mold Resource Center, Mold Victim. The ring leader of this is a guy that often changes him name to Stephen A, Steve, Stephen M. Stephen Chance, Stephen M Chance, Steve A Chance, and many more.

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Chidinma Bfm
map-marker Alpharetta, Georgia

The person filing this reports is a FRAUD. Mold Treatment Centers never sold any medical testing and they have nothing to do with whatsoever the National Treatment Centers for Environmental Disease

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I went to the National Treatment Centers for Environmental Disease. Before I went there I had tried the Shoemaker protocol, cholestryaminne, the charcoal etc..

It's just all a big *** Shoemaker should be in jail. These people understood what was wrong with me they explained in detail why I was sick, they made no promises, and the real proof is that the tremors in my hands went a away and I feel great, no more fatigue, no more blurry vision, no more memory loss. I don't know who writes this *** about good people but I am sure it's a *** bag paid for social media consultant. I've have been to these guys they are real and what they do is real the person who wrote this is a paid for ***!

Michael A. Pugliese just has patented three, count em 3 new medical patents for mold tests in the human body, frauds don't have medical patents!

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Reason of review:
Good quality
map-marker Alpharetta, Georgia

Took my money; tested me, but wouldn't return my calls for treatment.

In July of 2011, I became severely ill with 24/7 nausea, dizziness, back pain, neck pain. I had been diagnosed by my PCP and an ER doctor with a virus. When I was still sick 6 weeks later, I began researching everything I could find. I'm not sure how I found the Mold Centers of America.

I paid $600 to have a urine test diagnosed and the results were I did have mycotoxins in my body. However, I tried calling and emailing MCOA to find out...where do I go from here? with no response ever. I eventually found a local doctor who specializes in treating patients with mold and he helped me. I guess I never pursued MCOA again because I just wanted to get well.

I am feeling the same symptoms again, over 2 years later, and I was reminded of that test, so I came to this site. If anyone knows how to get them to respond, I would appreciate it.

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What was the name of the doctor you finally went for for treatment. There are sufferers who need help.

I've been suffereing since October & am coming up with dead ends & running out of money for worthless treatments. Please share


Be my guest to street view the address associated with all specimens being sent to the so call Lab. You will notice it's a house that is posing to run as a lab, but is an office building.

Google maps

Street view

446 green street gainesville ga 30501


American Medical Labs is fake. They are now called BioTrekLabs/Direct their business a dress is located in Gainesville, Ga 446 Green Street 30501.

They are also affiliated with the National Treatment Centers for environmental disease, as well *** BioCideLabs, and the National Mold Resource Centers.

Anyone who sends any type of body fluids or fecal matter back into this so called lab you are actually sending it to 446 green street in Gainesville, ga

30501. Where it sits in a frigerator for a week before sending to the actual lab, which is at the National treatment centers for environmental disease.


How does this compare to "The National Treatment Center for Environmental Diseases"? Are they associated?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-994451

Yes they are. They are 1 in the same the only difference is the name been changed


I think this place went out of business...probably forced to shut down. I think it was a scam.

I have been sick with with invasive mold illness for 3 years Have been to more doctors than I can count. Doctors in this country aren't trained to treat mold illness. Don't waste money on them. I think the only reliable place I know of to go is Mayo Clinic.

I am trying to get in there now. MD Anderson has done cutting edge research on invasive fungal infections. The problem with getting in there is they say they only treat cancer or cancer with fungal infections as a secondary infection. There is one doctor there who knows all about fungal infections and has the tools to cure it.

The problem is getting past the gatekeepers to see him. See Dr. Dimitrios Kontoyiannis on line. He knows everything about this illness.

I would file a suit against this Mold Treatment Center if I were you. I went to a similar place and paid out a lot of money for herbal therapy because I was desperate.It is in Roswell. Stay away.

This country needs to acknowledge the mold problem in the US and train the doctors to treat it.

It is a shame so many are suffering. Australia and England do a lot of research on Mycology if you can make the trip.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-905429

Whoever posted this I need to get in touch with you PLEASE.

I live in Texas , near Houston.

Is Dr.

Dimitrios Kontoyiannis the person I need to see for checking and treating Mold Toxicity?

I am desperately trying to find someone

How can I get in touch with you?

I am desperate enough to post my email Please please reply

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-905429

Forget the Mayo Clinic. They are no better than the rest.

Don't listen to your symptoms and made up their mind by reports they request you bring from other doctors etc. Glance at them and they are done going with the past diagnosis. For that you have to pay. Waste of time and money!.

What is the point on a 2nd or 3rdf opinion if they go by the past one!!

When you see links on the Internet just don't bother. You will never see o e of the doctors that can help and other patients there commented the same, arrogant doctors.


Google - bfritts1947@***.com to see all the other companies I am complaining about...Its a full time


I have now filed a small claims suit against Affordable Dentures for the football helmet they put into my mouth instead of what I purchased - the most expensive package for an upper denture.

They attempted to contact the general dentist I ended up having to go to in my town to try to get this mess straightened out after they were served the small claims papers. The general dentist's receptionist told them that they could not release anything to them without my written consent.

We have what is called "Hippa Laws" today! Who the *** do they think they are, trying to obtain personal information about my treatment without my consent??

These people will stop at nothing!! I am asking that anyone who has had problems with ill-fitting dentures they purchased from Affordable Dentures and your end result to please e-mail me (Barbara Fritts) at: bfritts1947@***.com. :

I will need all the ammunition I can get to take with me when I go to court.

I will need feedback ASAP. I have gotten some complaints printed from Pissed Consumer, but this is a hard site to print from. If there is anyone out there who has worked for this place and can add to their bait and switch program, please give me your feedback as well. This place is Cartersville, GA has even threatened other dentists in the area who have tried to help people with the pieces of *** they purchased from Affordable Dentures This place threatened these dentists with lawsuits if they continued to intervene with their (Affordable Denture's) patients.

The last I knew, this is a free country, and we have the right to get the proper treatment from any medical/dental facility that we choose.

Please e-mail me ASAP with the problems that you incurred with this business.Thank you. 20f0920


Dr Ritchie Shoemaker- Complaints to the Medical Board regarding aspects of the Shoemaker mold Protocol“

After Dr Ritchie Shoemakers recent hearing, facing a variety of charges in front of the Maryland Medical Board..the board have ordered the following reprimands.

ORDER Based on foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is this __20th_ day of ____March___, 2013, by a majority of the quorum of the Board considering this case:ORDERED that the Respondent is REPRIMANDED; and it is furtherORDERED that because the Respondent’s medical practice is now closed, should the Respondent resume the practice of medicine in Maryland, he shall be placed onPROBATION for a minimum of two (2) years and until he fully and satisfactorily complies with all of following terms and conditions:i. The Respondent shall notify the Board in writing prior to re-opening his office;ii.

Prior to the resumption of practice, the Respondent shall obtain at his own expense a Board-approved practice monitor;iii. For the first year of probation, the practice monitor will review on a monthly basis aspects of the Respondent’s care including diagnosis, treatment and medications prescribed and appropriate referral to other medical practitioners; - full article

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bfritts F
map-marker Alpharetta, Georgia

Personal, Confidential Medical Information Being Released

I had an email today from Pissed Consumer informing me of another person responding to my review about Mold Treatment Centers of America in Alpharetta, GA. The information contained in this email from "Sandra G" (Washington, DC) contains personal, confidential information that was only discussed with the Psychotherapist at this facility.

I do not know this person; nor have I ever talked to her on the phone, as she says, about anything, let alone Mold Treatment Centers of America. I now believe that because of the review I did on this facility, that they have released personal, confidential information that would have been in my file (by Dr. Weekley). Other than my immediate family, 2 of my closest friends in GA, the only others who knew any of this information was Dr.

Weekley, and the toxicologist who sent me to this facility. There was no one else that knew any of this information whatsoever!!! I had a friend who went with me and was in on the interview I had with Dr. Weekly at MoldTC, and he wanted to know about my family dynamics (support), my anger issues over the intentional exposure I had to these hazardous toxic molds which has made me very, very ill, etc.

So, where do you think this all came from?? It certainly wasn't from my family and friends; and the name "Sandra" is very coincidental to one of these 2 sources. There are HIPPA Laws that were made to prevent this type of personal medical information to be released to anyone that you do not authorize.

This place is very angry because of my experience I shared on Pissed Consumer, and have had many others come forward with the same experience, as a result of this review. But the release of confidential medical information is against the law; and I will be addressing this issue with an attorney, as my rights as a patient have been violated!

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I too have been scammed by MTCOA and have been disputing the charges with my credit card company. They are NOT who they say they are and prior to being seen at the office they returned every single call.

Once seen they were never available and would return call at odd hours knowing "patients" are most likely not available so they could say they attempted to call.

During the cc dispute they made character assinations that I was a fraud and a criminal and was attempting to steal services when the opposite is true. I have hired an investigator who has proven them to be a fraud and a scam and how all employees w involved were on the "take".

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-800192

Did you ever get anything done at the mold treatment center. I and somebody else I know have been scammed by this company.


Google - bfritts1947@***.com to see all the other companies I am complaining about...Its a full time

I have now filed a small claims suit against Affordable Dentures for the football helmet they put into my mouth instead of what I purchased - the most expensive package for an upper denture.

They attempted to contact the general dentist I ended up having to go to in my town to try to get this mess straightened out after they were served the small claims papers. The general dentist's receptionist told them that they could not release anything to them without my written consent.

We have what is called "Hippa Laws" today! Who the *** do they think they are, trying to obtain personal information about my treatment without my consent??

These people will stop at nothing!! I am asking that anyone who has had problems with ill-fitting dentures they purchased from Affordable Dentures and your end result to please e-mail me (Barbara Fritts) at: bfritts1947@***.com. :

I will need all the ammunition I can get to take with me when I go to court.

I will need feedback ASAP.

I have gotten some complaints printed from Pissed Consumer, but this is a hard site to print from. If there is anyone out there who has worked for this place and can add to their bait and switch program, please give me your feedback as well. This place is Cartersville, GA has even threatened other dentists in the area who have tried to help people with the pieces of *** they purchased from Affordable Dentures This place threatened these dentists with lawsuits if they continued to intervene with their (Affordable Denture's) patients. The last I knew, this is a free country, and we have the right to get the proper treatment from any medical/dental facility that we choose.

Please e-mail me ASAP with the problems that you incurred with this business.Thank you. 20f0920

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

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Prof. Karen Jubanyik
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Karen Jubanyik, MD is Associate Professor, Clinician-Educator Track, in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine.

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