
Complicated system

Paragon is a difficult system to learn.Once you do you have to have the worlds greatest memory to remember the myriad of menus and sub menus.I can't imagine any system being more complicated.The average agent has extreme difficulty learning it and it takes months not days to comprehend.They do have a lot of support staff to answer questions but i can imagine that they are run off their feet with basic mls questions.One of the worst parts of it is "Collaboration Center".Your client has no idea what that means.When you set them up they are required to set up yet another username/password combination as if people need another on in their life.If there screen is not sized to format the Paragon page then they cannot read the complicated password instructions anyway.Then a whole pile of instructions of cartoon like writing comes up to explain how to work the system.It has been my experience that your hard earned clients will not complete this cumbersome process and you just lose them.Good system to stay far away from.We are stuck with it and there has been a meeting about legal action against our Board for lack of due diligence.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
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Our association is comparing Navica and Paragon now. I would love some help comparing the 2 MLS systems. Thanks, Sharon


Inside review

I used to be employed there, I worked in call center for along time, I could tell you stories that will make your head spin. My employment was terminated unfortunately, but as I see it I under no contractual obligation or fiduciary responsibility to keep from sharing the truth.

Of course there are company trolls but I could share so much information about this setup it would definitely support your outlook about this software. Of course you would have to subsidize me. and again it would have to be done discreetly as there are trolls that are out there.

Good luck with your paragon use. You'll need it and a exorcism after using it for long periods of time.

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Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised

Paragon MLS (Think hard and long before jumping in)

Our association in Gainesville went to Paragon a few months ago. Having used a lot software I would rate this system as typical for a start up company.

The procedures we use on a daily basis are painfully slow and frustrating. Over all the system is extremely tedious and time consuming. Loading listings takes twice as much time or longer to complete. When reviewing closed sales much of the closing data has been removed from the closed format.

To access that info you open another folder and shift to a different format (really time consuming) and then back to move down to the next comparable. I understand that should be changed shortly. If you load several properties to review each requires a mouse click to move through the group. Our previous system would load the results of your search and it was easier and faster to just scroll through.

Additionally the interface when you open the program is an awful conglomeration of buttons , folders/trees and hyperlinks, logos, and pictures. The font used in the listing formats is extremely small and totally uncomfortable resulting in the worst eye strain I have ever had. This system is so loaded up with bells and whistles you are constantly annoyed with prompts and attempts to auto populate every key stroke. Way too many distractions.

What makes it worse is our association eliminated the area numbers we used for years. Now we have to make a map based search each time or know the names of every subdivision or address.

The more I use this system the more disappointed and frustrated I am. If your association insists on going to this your in for a hassle.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

This is a terrible system.Hard to learn.Harder to teach.Way too much to remember.Too many clicks to do simple tasks.Password protected to your clients.


This agent is correct,I worked as a employee for Black Knight for several years, I was terminated for reasons I won't disclose,but the system and software setup is horrible, extremely slow,non user friendly, System breakdowns day after day, bug fixes constantly, and those aren't always disclosed, failure afterfailure. You should see the office the call center operates in, OSHA wouldn't approve of everything regarding a workplace environment.

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Horrible, Horrible, Horrible System!!!!!!

I am also a member of NNEREN and I am disgusted that they did not get input from their members......the people who actually use the system! I used to enjoy going on MLS but now I avoid it like the plague.

It is the most complicated, messy, useless program I have ever used. There is no reason to have to spend hours trying to manipulate their program so that we can easily get the info we need quickly.

Half the info I used to use I can no longer get with Paragon. I say we all stop paying our NNEREN dues until they go back to the old system or find another one that works for the Realtors.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
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As a prior employee,if you think you have issues using paragon,you should try supporting it. I could tell you horror stories that would support all you claims about this program. My employment was terminated from the company, and I would be considered the disgruntled employee,however a lot of the things you've stated about paragon are absolutely true.


Terrible for customers....

This switch to the new MLS system came in the middle of our house search...we have been looking for nearly a year now. This Paragon MLS system is awful!!!!

So many limitations. It does not let the consumer find possible homes at all. The search parameters are so limiting. It is not easy to use at all.

It is actually painful. I abandoned using it....and had to return to which has its issues, but NOTHING like this new software. Who even developed this? I would recommend whoever the software author was they should consult with the consumers who use this site.

#YUCK! Zillions of thumbs down!

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

Rube Goldberg designed Paragon

Paragon is ***; obviously designed by a tech geek who thinks complication = quality. Every function that took 2 windows and 3 mouseclicks with Tempo 5 now takes 4 windows and 8 clicks. And where Tempo offered 3-4 choices for data output, Paragon typically has twice as many, although NONE are as complete or useful as those on Tempo 5.

For instance, Paragon's "Agent Preferred 1" report has TWICE as many words crowded onto the page, but doesn't list important data like the listing agent's email address. What is on the report? Dollars per square-foot, which is totally useless and misleading to clients in the area I work. And icons - lots of icons. With Tempo I could just click on the APN and link to the tax software. Paragon's APNs are NOT links. You have to go elsewhere on the form and find the correct icon to link to tax records. Same with the address, which is not a link. There is an icon to click on somewhere else to see maps.

Worse, Tempo's simple drop-down menu items on the property search page have been replaced with links to windows, which THEN must be dropped-down, selected and saved to the search. GGAAAHHHH! It's crazy! Who thought it was a good idea to have to select "Print" 4 times before actual printing occurs? It even takes a whole new set of cursor-control keys and 2 hands to map pan while using the circle tool, something that happened automatically on Tempo 5.

Hate it! Hate it! Hate it! My Buyers have told me that have abandoned it for Zillow (Can you BELIEVE it?!!? ZILLOW!!!) because Client Connect is so difficult and maze-like, and often doesn't let them save "favorites" or see photos...

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Reason of review:
Terrible Product!
map-marker San Diego, California

Paragon not intuitive, clunky, too complicated.

Paragon is a nightmare. I just noticed that detailed remarks (captions) under pictures have seemed to disappear. Way too many print choices that are inferior to Tempo.Same with E-mail options.

I've had to apologize to my clients for the small type, difficult to read, way too detailed print outs.

Overall. the frustration has cost me time and money. It won't affect the big teams. They can hire a specialist. But it just adds to the genocide of the small agent/broker.

The system looks like it was designed in India. Look for more agents to drop out of the business. During the first weeks of transition, tech lines were overloaded. I can see why.

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Your statements are absolutely true, The software is antiquated, if you were a agent using it,you should try being a employee who supported it. Constant bug fixes, nightmarish support issues,I could tell you things that would make your head spin.


Paragon has been a nightmare. I tried using it on my phone.

It logs me out constantly and crashes my browser. It is completely unusable on the iphone phone. Not designed for mobile at all. Nothing is intuitive.

I can't even email myself an agent copy of files to access from my email because it's not allowed. They really missed the mark on this one.

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Run and don't use it!! The software sucks!

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map-marker San Diego, California

All the links do not work

All the links do not work, it is like going backward 10 years in technology. I now resort to Zillow and others for is embarrassing to me as my clients are asking, what do I need you for.

it is horrible, just say no!!!

We pay a monthly fee for a backward system that just makes us look un-professional and wonder why we pay our fees.

The PARAGON system make me think there must have been some serious kick backs because I cannot imagine why anyone would agree to purchase this system. Cumbersome, not user friendly and costing me $$$

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Paragon is the worst software system. I am a former software trainer.

There is no amount of good or great training that will turn Paragon into a good or even okay system.

Every agent I speak with says... I hate Paragon... I understand their frustration and feel sorry for them, because their mls, Sandicor, is not doing them a good service.

Instead, Sandicor is hurting their local agents poor quality system.

If I were you I would write letters, emails, and ask all your agents to do the same... You should not let Paragon slow your business.


We need to band together and toss this absolutely terrible system out!!!

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pryornina P

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I am a licensed Real Estate Broker. Our association recently made the switch to PARAGON.

We pay over 200 bucks a quarter for the privilege of using the MLS and for IDX search links to embed in our websites. Guess what? The IDX link to search for properties from many agent websites DOES NOT WORK. Tech support "Is aware of the problem" but cannot give me a date this will be fixed.

If your association is considering a change to PARAGON MLS, DON'T DO IT. Paragon will send a rep to show your board members all the bells and whistles but you can bet your bippee they will NEVER tell you that none of your clients will be able to search for properties from your website!!! Clients demand to be able to search for properties from our websites! If they can't do it from my website they will find a website they CAN do it from!

Just say NO to PARAGON.

You have a choice!!!

At this time all of my marketing and both of my websites dump to this search button, the amount of monetary losses cannot be measured. Simply inexcusable.

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Michel D Pgx
map-marker Mchenry, Illinois

Realtors and the MLS won't let me sell my house

I am trying to sell a house on the Chain of Lakes in Lake County Illinois. The house is in

Lake County, I pay taxes to Lake County, the schools are in Lake County and emergency

services come from Lake County. Matter of fact I can only get a library card in Lake county!

For reasons that are unclear the US Post Office decided long ago that it was more convenient for them to have their McHenry, Illinois post office (in McHenry County) service our area and therefore they have given us a McHenry, Illinois 60051 address. This is the only connection we

have in any way to the city or county of McHenry.

Our unincorporated area is 5 minutes from the town of Fox Lake in Lake County and 20 minutes from the town of McHenry in McHenry County. When you look at a map Fox Lake is on the Chain of Lakes; McHenry isn't even close.

Our problem is that anyone looking at a map of the area for lake front properties will not

find our listing because it would never occur to them to look at a town twenty minutes away from the lakes for a lake front home!

I want our home to come up on both the MLS and when someone types in

Fox Lake, Illinois and waterfront. I have been trying to get this done for a long time and

have gotten absolutely nowhere! Why is this so hard? I am just asking to be truthful about

where our house is.

The first place people look for homes is, as a result of this issue, people simply do not find us!!! We are being penalized by an inflexible bureaucracy!!! We

are getting desperate to sell our house!!! HELP!!!

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Thank you, you're very helpful, you must be a realtor?

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"I'm a Huge Proponent of Building a Home" Ty Wilde About Real Estate Industry

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To help every potential homeowner find answers to their most important real estate questions, we’ve invited Ty Wilde Realtor & New Home Construction Specialist. In this video interview, we asked Ty to share his vast experience and give expert advice on whether to build a house or buy a house, what’s the best time to buy a house, what to consider during the house inspection, and more.

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Ty Wilde

Ty Wilde is the Utah Realtor and New Home Construction Specialist with over 15 years of experience. He helps people to go through the process of buying or selling a home.

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