map-marker Springfield, Missouri

Stupid incompetent employees!!

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I received a call from a very incompetent gentleman, telling me that I had stopped payment on a check that I HADN'T STOPPED PAYMENT ON! This gentleman called me three different times.

He kept telling me that their books didn't balance on the day I was in (4 months later), and it all had to do with the chekc I stopped payment on.

I never stopped payment on my check. The bank and this horrible place messed up on posting my payment. I wish I would have been smart enough to stop payment on my check for the terrible treatment I received while I was there, not to mention the horrible surgeon that did my surgery. He has the personality of a rock.

Very uncaring and sarcastic for a surgeon.

Listen up people, there are much better places in town to go. Don't be fooled into feeling like Missouri Eye is your only choice when it comes to getting your eyes checked or fixed.

I should have stuck with my first choice, Mattax Neu Pratter. The only reason I didn't is because of a conflict in scheduling for my surgery.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
Joanette Huh
map-marker Springfield, Missouri

My elderly mother was treated like garbage there

I recently had one of the worst experiences in my life there. My elderly mother was dropped off for a cataract surgery on her scheduled time.

Keep in mind, she used her expensive drops they prescribed, and she did not eat for 24 hours. I live just a few minutes from the facility. I received a call sometime later and they said they would not do the surgery unless I sat there the entire time, mind you I was caring for a very fussy baby at the time. I explained to them I had a very fussy baby, and that waiting two plus hours there would not work, but I reassured them I was just a phone call away.

In addition, I should mention they have no kids/babies area, no Wi-Fi nothing, I mean really, with all of the money they're making you would think they would spend a little to update the facility, and to make folks extremely long wait times somewhat more tolerable.

Do all doctors feel that only their time is important? I was told the final word would rest with the office manager. Well, she was unrelenting, unapologetic and rude. She seemed more concerned with winning a debate, rather than providing service for a good customer.

So, if I would not wait there (or in the parking lot) with my fussy baby for two hours or more, they would turn my mother away. She told me Dr. Jansen agreed with her decision. So, as you can see, there is no common sense at this facility.

What they fail to realize is they are in a service related industry, and doctors are no the only ones on earth whose time is valuable. Long wait times, rude staff, and a boring facility all add up to the total experience, or should I say...lack thereof. We immediately contacted another competitor and asked if they had a problem with someone dropping off a patient, and picking them up when finished. They said, No..., and almost dumbfounded by my question, they reassured me that folks do it all the time!

This is what's known as being logical, having common sense, and understanding the needs of todays busy clients, all of the things which are devoid at the Missouri Eye Institute. Look elsewhere!!!

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My elderly mother had cornea transplant surgery with Dr. Jansen.

The cornea they used had a fungus. So we spent the next 3 years having to deal with MEI. They were rude and extremely uncaring. She finally had to have her eye removed.

On the way home she said I never never have to set foot in that horrible place again.


You sound like a spoiled brat, that didn't get her way! I have an appointment there in Sept.

and I was specifically told I would have to have someone stay with me for the duration. I doubt that I am someone special, that got the inside scoop! I am a partial quadriplegic, and have many procedures, so my wife, or someone has to be with me for most any kind of procedure.

So, it sounds like either you didn't take the time to plan the trip, and it sounds like that may be the case, as you said "My elderly mother was dropped off..." like you were being put out, Or you just didn't care about what the instructions were. Either way, just a bit of planning on your part could have avoided all of the problems.


What a good office manager should have done is decide not only what ws best for the client, but also what's best for the numerous other clients waiting in there. I'm sure most would agree they would prefer not to have a screaming baby yelling the entire duration of their stay. I know I wouldn't.


I would have just sat there and let the fuzzy baby cry to get on their nerves.I think if you did that they might have let you go home.

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