Vedant Hwe

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Fleas in the gas station

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Minit Mart - Fleas in the gas station
Minit Mart - Fleas in the gas station - Image 2

A friend from high school, whom I let stay at my house, informed me that the Minit Mart gas station in Mahomet, Illinois is infested with fleas. He pointed out that the infestation is behind the register and some cabinets. Moreover, there is a foul smell resembling sewage near the drink dispensing machines, which he attempted to contain by taping around it.

However, it's the fleas that have affected my home and me the most. This experience is extremely unsettling as he is the assistant manager at the station and chose to disclose this information only when it was too late. They have numerous customers daily and even serve food there. He brought up the infestation when it had spread to my home and I started exhibiting symptoms of illness.

Unfortunately, I had a severe allergic reaction to every single bite from these fleas. I can provide pictures exhibiting the extensive damage they've inflicted on my skin and health. My four children and I had to vacate our now infested home. Moreover, due to the medical condition of one of my children, I'm unable to effectively deal with the fleas and cannot afford the cost of exterminating them, especially given the costs incurred by having to relocate temporarily.

All my children and I want is to return to our home. The gas station and its informed staff certainly require an inspection. I believe there have been multiple violations, given the informer’s knowledge about the infestation as well as the reaction to my home's infestation and my condition. His nonchalant remark - 'it's just fleas, who cares?' - was particularly disturbing.

Despite being the assistant manager, he hasn't informed any other customers, but he did tell me that most of the other staff members are aware of the situation and remain indifferent. This issue is of utmost importance to me, not only due to my allergic reactions but also due to concerns regarding my medically compromised child and infestation in my home. I believe many other people would care if they were aware of the situation.

I would prefer to remain anonymous since this is a small town and I don't wish to be targeted for sharing this information. Meanwhile, I am more than happy to provide any pictures or proofs of the fleas in my home or the damage they have inflicted on me if needed.

Thank you.

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  • Only pro is the location
  • Fleas
  • Sewage smell
  • Staff knowing about the fleas

Preferred solution: Inspection

User's recommendation: I wouldn’t recommend going there

Arnelle Oyw
map-marker Canton, Ohio

Tax information

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Didnt receive my Tax W-2. W-2 was most likely sent to an address in which I do not live at anymore.When contacting the owner of the home, they said they did not receive it

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