map-marker Brainerd, Minnesota

Would not cash my Government check from the Mille Lacs Lke Band of Chippewa, Minnesota

I shopped for at least 4 hours. Just before check out, I went to the check cashing dept and was told they wouldn't cash my check, The check is from the Mille Lacs Lake Band of Chippewa, Minnesota.

I have over the course of 2 years have cashed at least 7 of these types of checks from the same company. Their cashing statement states: will cash any government & payroll check. This is a known and recognized Government of the USA that issues checks every month. I was not given any reason.

After 4 hours of shopping on the concrete floors and no space in the aisles. I am beyond pissed.

I had at least 300 dollars of merchandise. I do believe this is an act of discrimination and I will file a suit according.

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why don't you tell us where this happened? duh.

that's what this forum is for. so we can be aware of things.

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