map-marker Sarasota, Florida



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map-marker Bradenton, Florida

Metro Media is a scam!!!!!!!

My hope is that other employees as well as clients of Metro Media realize that they do not deserve the treatment they are currently getting.  My hope is to ensure that customers and employees who are directly affected by this company can be informed.

This is, by far, the most corrupt business I have ever been involved in.  The owner, Keith Zetzer, is currently involved in a lawsuit and being sued by two former employees.  I'm guessing for the same reason that I am no longer working there.  I admit I don't know the exact nature of the lawsuit; only that it does exist, and the plaintiffs are former employees.

I was a supervisor at this company, and I am deeply ashamed of that fact.  This company preys on the elderly, renewing magazines up to the year 2020 and even as high as 2030.  The ones who fall for it? Sadly it is the elderly. The average age of a preferred subscriber is 88, which means that most of the clients of Metro Media will die long before their subscription expires. Most of them have no idea that this is happening to them.  I have personally seen people renewed for the same magazine every three months; most of those subscribe to READER'S DIGEST.   Again, the people who fall for it are very old and have significant memory loss.  All I can hope for now is that God will forgive me for taking part in any of this.  During these difficult economic times, this was the only job I could find to support my family.  

The breaking point for me obviously was my paycheck.  I wish I could say the ethics of this company did me in, but financial fear kept me at this company long after I knew what was going on.  For that I have deep regret and shame.  The treatment of other employees was horrific; including public humiliation and swearing in front of co-workers in a public setting.  My 2nd to last check (commission only) was $136.00 for a 45+ hour week.  My final check?  I was told by Brenda Bowling, (feel free to call if you don't believe it at (941) 822-****) another supervisor at Metro Media, that my final check was non-existent.  This was AFTER being told I had a check for $58.42 for my final day there.   I was told all my renewals kicked back. A whole day with NO PAY with NO PROOF of the kickbacks.

I spoke out and paid for it literally.

The owner of this company is Keith Zetzer.  Because I was never given his phone number after a dispute over my pay check, all I am left with is his address, which is 4904 Habana Drive Sarasota, FL 34235.  I located this address because after I disputed my pay check, I was told that I no longer had a job unless I wrote a letter of apology to Keith Zetzer.  I was told this by Brenda Bowling.  Keith, consider this my letter of apology.  You can't imagine how sorry i am that I ever met you or worked for your shady company that rips off the elderly.  I'm so sorry that due to some personal issues in my past, that this job was the only one I could get.  I take responsibility for that, because it is my own fault that I have a criminal background.  Not that this matters at Metro Media, two of the supervisors (and most employees)  that I worked with are convicted felons.  Two in particular were convicted of embezzlement, the kind of crime that would make it impossible to get a telemarketing license. By the way, no one at  Metro Media has a telemarketing license. Customers are handing off credit card information to convicted felons.  Almost everyone employed at Metro Media has a criminal background.  Keith is able to take advantage of that fact because jobs are hard to find, and quite frankly, someone with a past really can't complain as they are unable to find another job.  They don't complain about getting paid less than minimum wage because they can't; they will get fired.

Working at this facility can cause a tremendous amount of difficulty.  You can guarantee that you will not get paid properly, you will probably get cussed out if you make a mistake, (the "f" word is used in EVERY morning meeting, so know that going in). The guilt you will feel in scamming the elderly is unbearable.  Trust me.  It still gives me nightmares and makes me literally sick to my stomach that I was ever involved in this.

If you are a criminal, you can get a job here,  If you do drugs, you can get a job here.  If you would like access to people's credit card information (people with dementia so bad they will probably never know you did it unless their family manages their finances) then this is the place for you.  My hope and prayer is that this company goes down and that clients wake up to the fact that they are being robbed.

I am so sorry for my involvement in this company.  I am willing to answer any questions about this company and will gladly help recover any lost funds (for clients of Metro Media) if I can.  This is the only way I can think of to make up for any part of this that I had. Re-post and I will respond.  I will check this DAILY.

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tired o Rrs
map-marker Bradenton, Florida

Metro Media is a SCAM!!!!

My hope is that other employees as well as clients of Metro Media realize that they do not deserve the treatment they are currently getting.  My hope is to ensure that customers and employees who are directly affected by this company can be informed.

This is, by far, the most corrupt business I have ever been involved in.  The owner, Keith Zetzer, is currently involved in a lawsuit and being sued by two former employees.  I'm guesssing for the same reason that I am no longer working there.  I admit I don't know the exact nature of the lawsuit; only that it does exist, and the plaintiffs are former employees.

I was a supervisor at this company, and I am deeply ashamed of that fact.  This company preys on the elderly, renewing magazines up to the year 2020 and even as high as 2030.  The ones who fall for it? Sadly it is the elderly. The average age of a preffered subscriber is 88, which means that most of the clients of Metro Media will die long before thier subscription expires. Most of them have no idea that this is happening to them.  I have personally seen people renewed for the same magazine every three months; most of those subscribe to READER'S DIGEST.   Again, the people who fall for it are very old and have signifigant memory loss.  All I can hope for now is that God will forgive me for taking part in any of this.  During these difficult economic times, this was the only job I could find to support my family.  

The breaking point for me obviously was my paycheck.  I wish I could say the ethics of this company did me in, but financial fear kept me at this company long after I knew what was going on.  For that I have deep regret and shame.  The treatment of other employees was horrific; including public humiliation and swearing in front of co-workers in a public setting.  My 2nd to last check (commission only) was $136.00 for a 45+ hour week.  My final check?  I was told by Brenda Bowling, (feel free to call if you don't believe it at (941) 822-****) another supervisor at Metro Media, that my final check was non-existent.  This was AFTER being told I had a check for $58.42 for my final day there.   I was told all my renewals kicked back. A whole day with NO PAY with NO PROOF of the kickbacks.

I spoke out and paid for it literally.

The owner of this company is Keith Zetzer.  Because I was never given his phone number after a dispute over my pay check, all I am left with is his address, which is 4904 Habana Drive Sarasota, FL 34235.  I located this address because after I disputed my pay check, I was told that I no longer had a job unless I wrote a letter of apology to Keith Zetzer.  I was told this by Brenda Bowling.  Keith, consider this my letter of apology.  You can't imagine how sorry i am that I ever met you or worked for your shady company that rips off the elderly.  I'm so sorry that due to some personal issues in my past, that this job was the only one I could get.  I take responsibility for that, because it is my own fault that I have a criminal background.  Not that this matters at Metro Media, two of the supervisors (and most employees)  that I worked with are convicted felons.  Two in particular were convicted of embezzlement, the kind of crime that would make it impossible to get a telemarketing license. By the way, no one at  Metro Media has a telemarketing license. Customers are handing off credit card information to convicted felons.  Almost everyone employed at Metro Media has a criminal background.  Keith is able to take advantage of that fact because jobs are hard to find, and quite frankly, someone with a past really can't complain as they are unable to find another job.  They don't complain about getting paid less than minimum wage because they can't; they will get fired.

Working at this facility can cause a tremendous amount of difficulty.  You can guarentee that you will not get paid properly, you will probably get cussed out if you make a mistake, (the "f" word is used in EVERY morning meeting, so know that going in). The guilt you will feel in scamming the elderly is unbearable.  Trust me.  It still gives me nightmares and makes me literally sick to my stomach that I was ever involved in this.

If you are a criminal, you can get a job here,  If you do drugs, you can get a job here.  If you would like access to people's credit card infomation (people with demetia so bad they will probably never know you did it unless their family manages their finances) then this is the place for you.  My hope and prayer is that this company goes down and that clients wake up to the fact that they are being robbed.

I am so sorry for my involment in this company.  I am willing to answer any questions about this company and will gladly help recover any lost funds (for clients of Metro Media) if I can.  This is the only way I can think of to make up for any part of this that I had. Re-post and I will respond.  I will check this DAILY.

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Suze Wiu
map-marker Canton, Michigan

Will not stop calling

They started calling me about a month ago. Now they call about every other day, even after I have told them to stop each time.

They try to sell magazines at high prices. One was $20 over the renewal I had just received in the mail. They say the price will be going way up and I need to renew now. Some are for magazines that I do not even subscribe to.

I have told them we are on the do not call list, but that does not seem to matter to them. I am going to turn them in.

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You should do that. I believe the fine is $1,500 per incident.

If they call again, remind them that you have never done business with them in the past (they will use that to try to get you to believe the do not call laws do not apply).

Ask for a supervisor, demand to be taken out of the database and advise that you are on the state and federal do not call list. Other options are going to the BBB or Angie;s List. Trust me they will stop calling. Just be sure to get a supervisor on the phone, employees are not allowed to disposition a call as Do Not Call. Good Luck

map-marker Mechanicsville, Virginia

Metro Media is a Scam

Keith Zetzer runs this corporation, and it's a SCAM. The idea is to "renew" magazine subscriptions to the elderly or vulnerable. These magazines never arrive. Sometimes these people call, and there's only silence on the line.

I have somehow gotten onto this company's scam call list and now receive dozens of calls trying to renew magazines I don't even subscribe to. People who have fallen for this pay exorbitant amounts, can't cancel, and never receive their magazines. The Metro Media phone numbers are from Bradenton, FL, area code (941) and say Metro Media on Caller ID.

I have Comcast and am able to block their calls using #60. I have had to input 6 different numbers all beginning with "941-896-"

Do not purchase anything from these scammers and do not give them your credit card!

You can find more information here:*-221-****/3+%22metro+media%22%22keith+zetzer%22&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a&

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i worked for keith when he was managing publishers marketing. he prob swears in his meetings to be super cool like erran odonnell lol keith seriously is ***. sasha ripa was s fun one too suoer pimply


I got taken by this scam. BEWARE


i just quit today because i relized that it is a scam the just relocated to 47th ave dr w in bradenton florida kieth & rob run it the supervisors is brenda,lisa,and some new girl her number(brenda) is 941-822-**** they don't really have your card numbers it's a guess all visa cards start with a #4 and discover #6 and so on so the say they have it on file but they white page you or your parents then get your money then call you back


I had an interview with them tomorrow and thank you for the information. I am NOT going to waste my time.

Thank You everyone. :o)

tired o Rrs

My hope is that other employees as well as clients of Metro Media realize that they do not deserve the treatment they are currently getting.  My hope is to ensure that customers and employees who are directly affected by this company can be informed.

This is, by far, the most corrupt business I have ever been involved in.  The owner, Keith Zetzer, is currently involved in a lawsuit and being sued by two former employees.  I'm guesssing for the same reason that I am no longer working there.  I admit I don't know the exact nature of the lawsuit; only that it does exist, and the plaintiffs are former employees.

I was a supervisor at this company, and I am deeply ashamed of that fact.  This company preys on the elderly, renewing magazines up to the year 2020 and even as high as 2030.  The ones who fall for it? Sadly it is the elderly. The average age of a preffered subscriber is 88, which means that most of the clients of Metro Media will die long before thier subscription expires. Most of them have no idea that this is happening to them.  I have personally seen people renewed for the same magazine every three months; most of those subscribe to READER'S DIGEST.   Again, the people who fall for it are very old and have signifigant memory loss.  All I can hope for now is that God will forgive me for taking part in any of this.  During these difficult economic times, this was the only job I could find to support my family.  

The breaking point for me obviously was my paycheck.  I wish I could say the ethics of this company did me in, but financial fear kept me at this company long after I knew what was going on.  For that I have deep regret and shame.  The treatment of other employees was horrific; including public humiliation and swearing in front of co-workers in a public setting.  My 2nd to last check (commission only) was $136.00 for a 45+ hour week.  My final check?  I was told by Brenda Bowling, (feel free to call if you don't believe it at (941) 822-****) another supervisor at Metro Media, that my final check was non-existent.  This was AFTER being told I had a check for $58.42 for my final day there.   I was told all my renewals kicked back. A whole day with NO PAY with NO PROOF of the kickbacks.

I spoke out and paid for it literally.

The owner of this company is Keith Zetzer.  Because I was never given his phone number after a dispute over my pay check, all I am left with is his address, which is 4904 Habana Drive Sarasota, FL 34235.  I located this address because after I disputed my pay check, I was told that I no longer had a job unless I wrote a letter of apology to Keith Zetzer.  I was told this by Brenda Bowling.  Keith, consider this my letter of apology.  You can't imagine how sorry i am that I ever met you or worked for your shady company that rips off the elderly.  I'm so sorry that due to some personal issues in my past, that this job was the only one I could get.  I take responsibility for that, because it is my own fault that I have a criminal background.  Not that this matters at Metro Media, two of the supervisors (and most employees)  that I worked with are convicted felons.  Two in particular were convicted of embezzlement, the kind of crime that would make it impossible to get a telemarketing license. By the way, no one at  Metro Media has a telemarketing license. Customers are handing off credit card information to convicted felons.  Almost everyone employed at Metro Media has a criminal background.  Keith is able to take advantage of that fact because jobs are hard to find, and quite frankly, someone with a past really can't complain as they are unable to find another job.  They don't complain about getting paid less than minimum wage because they can't; they will get fired.

Working at this facility can cause a tremendous amount of difficulty.  You can guarentee that you will not get paid properly, you will probably get cussed out if you make a mistake, (the "f" word is used in EVERY morning meeting, so know that going in). The guilt you will feel in scamming the elderly is unbearable.  Trust me.  It still gives me nightmares and makes me literally sick to my stomach that I was ever involved in this.

If you are a criminal, you can get a job here,  If you do drugs, you can get a job here.  If you would like access to people's credit card infomation (people with demetia so bad they will probably never know you did it unless their family manages their finances) then this is the place for you.  My hope and prayer is that this company goes down and that clients wake up to the fact that they are being robbed.

I am so sorry for my involment in this company.  I am willing to answer any questions about this company and will gladly help recover any lost funds (for clients of Metro Media) if I can.  This is the only way I can think of to make up for any part of this that I had. Re-post and I will respond.  I will check this DAILY.


I am so glad I found this on line. I interviewed with them and they did tell me it was to "renew" magazines however it was on commission only..

that was my first clue something was not correct.

I am glad I turmed it down. Thanks for the info...


Metro Media is a scam. I worked for them and can personally tell you i quit because of ethical issues. Here is the president Keith's information

877-404-**** Corporate office press 1

Personal Cell of Keith/ partner rob 941-580-****. Office supervisor Brenda Bowling 941-822-**** Email KZetzer@***.com


I've never subscribed to a magazine. How did they get my credit card number??? There is a charge on my card to Metro Media...I'm trying to stop this!!!

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