Medport Diner
Medport Diner Overview
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Medport Diner has 2.8 star rating based on 2 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly neutral.
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Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Customers shouldn’t have a problem. It’s future employees that should read".
Review authors value the most Diversity of Products or Services. Consumers are not pleased with Customer service and Website. The price level of this organization is low according to consumer reviews.
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Medport Diner has 2.8 star rating based on 2 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly neutral.
- Rating Distribution
Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Customers shouldn’t have a problem. It’s future employees that should read".
Review authors value the most Diversity of Products or Services. Consumers are not pleased with Customer service and Website. The price level of this organization is low according to consumer reviews.
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Verified ReviewerHorrible service and food
I have been going to this diner over 20 years never had an issue tonight I ordered open face Turkey got roast beef no biggie I will just eat it. .
It was horrible sent ii back explained to waitress It tased. Bad and I ordered turkey open face No problem she said. Then she brought a turkey over stuffing . I cut it even though I ordered bread.
All pink. Inside . They offered me money back I paid but will never go back . Our family had luncheons there I live on a farm Evesboro Medford road .
I cant believe how. Bad it was I have been a regular. Customer over the years .
No more . It like the rest of the world is changed
Preferred solution: Improve your diner the way it was
People need to know
You can make really good money here but the stress and aggravation wasnt worth it for me. Ill include the main reason I left at the end.
They have a POS system which has its design flaws but for the most part is an okay system.
Much better than writing things down and handing them to the cooks.
The customers for the most part are okay I suppose. Some can be extremely disrespectful and some can be super nice and tip well but I guess thats everywhere. Theres also plenty of regulars who come in all the time so youll see a lot of familiar faces who usually get the same things.
The kitchen is a decent size which is just big enough to navigate. On holidays it can be super chaotic but for the most part its not too bad.
They dont run out of things all the time and when they do its usually stocked back up in a few days.
The bussing situation was terrible. There was one good bus girl who was working while pregnant and recently left because of the toxic work environment and another one who did virtually nothing. We constantly had to bus at least half of our tables and sometimes we wouldnt see her for over an hour and when we did she always seemed to be eating. The bussers complained about their salary and instead of the company paying them more they forced the servers who make $4 an hour to pay more money.
Its also a family owned business which is cool.
I would rather work for a family owned place than some giant corporation but their is blatant nepotism that happens often. It comes with the territory but when management changes your schedule without your consent and expects you to show up on time and you see people leaving whenever they want it can be extremely aggravating.
So like I just said They will change your schedule without consulting you and tell you in passing expecting you to change your life at the drop of a dime for them. I also didnt knowingly consent to having money taken out of my check for food. I didnt even know that was being taken out of my check until about a month or so into the job.
Its not a whole lot of money but when youre making $4 an hour and get taxed on card tips and hourly pay it adds up. They also have an employee menu which is limited compared to the full menu and sometimes the cooks are too busy talking to each other or showing each other stuff on their phones or are to busy to even make your food and forget. Or if they dont like you theyll just ignore you or try to give you old food that was made on accident.
There is absolutely no order or structure what so ever in this place. People show up late on a daily basis and nothing is done about it.
There were rules enforced on first shift that were blatantly ignored on second shift. My girlfriend dyed her hair and was forced to change it because the owner thought it was too unprofessional but the second shift people had blue hair and nothing was done about it. We had a system set up for our side work that was never used on second shift. When you have people enforcing rules on you when you show up everyday on time and do what youre supposed to do and you see all this other stuff happing as youre leaving and no one bats an eye it will make you angry to no end.
All of the things that I mentioned previously were a huge factor in my sentiment towards the establishment but there was one line cook in particular that was the straw that broke the camels back.
My girlfriend actually got me the job here but before I even started working she was telling me about how the cooks would say sexually suggestive things that would make her uncomfortable with the line cook Selvie being at the forefront of the sexual harassment.
She had a conversation with the owner about how his comments were making her feel and he basically blew it off.
He would call her baby in front of my and make little remarks and would also try to grab her hand when she would take the plates from the line. My girlfriend wasnt the only one he would have this kind of behavior with.
Hes made remarks that almost every woman that works there even the ones that are under age and everybody sees it and does absolutely nothing about it.
The day I left I had a conversation with the manager on duty about how bad things were and how he should be fired and she told me that the other cooks wouldnt be able to keep up so they cant fire him.
They are enabling this behavior and I wouldnt stand for it and it got to the point where me and him were going to come to blows and I would rather just quit because no money is worth jail time or my mental health.
Theres plenty of other things that Im leaving out but what Im trying to tell you is This place is toxic theres no other way to explain it. Dont say someone didnt warn you
User's recommendation: Customers shouldn’t have a problem. It’s future employees that should read
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