Tzvi B

Orogold ,bionyx, and many names they use

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Mazal group its a company that trained people how to screw the clients for example eye filler cost the kiosk $16 and the ask the kiosk to sell it minimum at $160 and to start at $750 in the catalog its priced$995 its a cheap glass glue and tell the customer to use it at night before going to sleep so you don't see the results , its the biggest scame in the us in the cosmetic industry

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Mazal Enterprizes

Terrible company. prolonged sales pitch that I was stupid enough to fall for.

When product caused allergy, it was impossible to get any satisfaction. i tried many phone calls and found the phone service almost impossible. When I finally connected to a living person, I was given information almost impossible to follow. I did not see the no refund policy until I had signed the credit slip.

These items were purchased at Hilo Hatties in Maui and when I called the store, was told they were not responsible as they didn't own Triffoire. I shall let Hilo Hatties know they are renting space to an unreliable company

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Reason of review:
Return, Exchange or Cancellation Policy

Preferred solution: Full refund


I bought this stuff at a fair, I have terrible eczema and the guy working put it on my hands and it felt nice so I bought 2 jars. Less than 5 minutes later my hands were burning, itching and red so I tried to return and he refused


If you feel you have been screwed over by Mazal group, please join our class action lawsuit one FacebookLook for the group " class action lawsuit against orogold, vine Vera,Bionyx Mazal group "

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Horrible rip off

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Product is useless and they want me to send them 20 $ to replace it!!! Fraudulent advertising of product.

Very expensive !

Shameless gouging of customer! Scam.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
map-marker Long Beach, California

Swollen Eyes.


I had purchase Vine-vera at the LA Fair. The Sales Lady said put the Resverotrol on your Face for one week.Then apply it once a week.After applying it for a week, she instructed me to use the eye serum and Night Cream. The Eye Serum caused swelling and redness. It caused even more wrinkles to my Face. I looked horrible and stopped using the product. My Eyes are extremely red and swollen. Instead of looking 20 years younger I look 30 years older. Please assist me with getting a refund.


Susan Shaw

cell phone: 562-760-****

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
map-marker Rochester, Minnesota

Consumer fraud at the local mall

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Salesmen at Vine Vera kiosks at your local mall are highly-trained *** men who rob people of lots of money by conning you into believing they're opening a spa in your mall soon and you'll get free refills on all products you buy. FALSE!

They claim Dr. Oz endorses these products. FALSE! They say if you promise not to tell anyone, they'll give you the products for half price.

FALSE! They claim professional dermatologists formulate these. FALSE! They make you believe you have rosacea or wrinkles that if not treated now it'll be too late.

FALSE! And they have you sit with your back to the register where a tiny sign warns of no return policy, which at time of purchase is covered up by bag of products and/or sanitizer bottle. Receipt states same in tiny print which you don't see until later. They have a strict policy of NO RETURNS EVER for any reason.

And they make up the prices as they go according to how much they think they can get away with. Total scam artists but very charming and seemingly reputable as represented by these *** artist sales people, so BEWARE. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT as you walk by this kiosk. They only stay a couple weeks at each mall, then pack up their little gypsy wagon and move on to the next mall for fresh victims.

And get away with it again and again all over the country and even Canada.

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  • Deceptive sales tactics
  • High pitched salesmen tactics
  • Dishonest price gouging
Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised

Preferred solution: Full refund

Sherril Aeb

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Do whatever you have to, don't stop and listen to their pitch though!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I just saw a Saudi Arabian lady at Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City today, was walking past her kiosk in the middle of the mall and she looked sweet and was "handing out" samples so I took one... Said hi and then it started! She wouldn't stop talking! Before I know it she's rubbing creams and *** all over my hands! The amazing dead sea salt stuff? After I left her and washed the *** off, me and my roommates hands were extremely dry! (Duh, it's salt...)

But before we were able to get away she pulls out the Dead Sea Mineral collection (seems like this is the basic cheaper set they start off trying to *** you into buying) and she offered me the tub of cream for $150! I wanted to laugh at her but i'm polite so I listed on.. If I buy it now, she'll throw in a second tub that has lotion or some ***. THEN she'll throw in two other smaller bottles of *** as well.. (I don't know what they were, I was imagining her being deported for scamming Americans after coming here...) So THEN she thinks she has us with that because i'm polite... The 2nd person in her kiosk working walks off...

She then says "Since my manager is gone, i'm gonna make you special deal! But if anyone asks, your lips are zipped and you walk away!" She proceeded to tell me she'd offer it to me for $100 or some *** at this point... Then she shows me some red line that she wanted to sell me for $1500! Lol i'm a bargain hunter so she couldn't have picked a worst audience... I found a car 3 years ago for $1500 with low miles and no problems. That car is STILL running strong... So paying that for 3 bottles of her miracle cream? Get the *** out of here...

So finally after she's done and asking what we want to buy, I show her our store bags and told her that we spent all the money we have today... Shen then puts it all up and offers the original tub that was $150 before... For $50 because i'm "so cute".... I still wanted to laugh at her and walk away but I kindly told her i'm still broke (I had the money, just refuse to pay that for some cheap dollar store lotions. Bath and body works stuff is higher quality and much more affordable!). So I finally convince her i'm not buying *** and she lets us go and stops talking...

LESSON LEARNED. If you see one of these kiosks selling gimmick things, walk past them quickly, don't make eye contact... If you need to- pick up your phone and pretend to call someone... ***, next time i'm willing to run off screaming like a crazy person to avoid her.. I tried to be nice and she was trying to take advantage of my politeness and think i'm an ***..

I'm from a smaller town where there aren't scam artists like this and didn't know they are so scandalous. Apparently the local Oklahoma City people know the drill... We went to the top floor of the mall and looked down and see that lady trying to approach others and they quickly walked off and didn't say a word to her.

It pays to be rude sometimes...

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  • When she finally took no for an answer
  • When the lady stopped talking finally
  • How pushy the sales rep was
  • Lady lied and claimed to be a dermatologist
  • Dishonest price gouging
Reason of review:
I don't like scammers

Preferred solution: I just want them to stop scamming poor innocent people and lying to them. Their tactics are trashy and probably illegal.

Earma Ozf
map-marker Albuquerque, New Mexico

High Pitched Salesmen at Gold Elements

This incident took place with Gold Elements salesman at Coronado Mall in Albuquerqe NM. A salesman ushered me into Gold Elements department store and wanted me to try eye cream.

I stated I was in a hurry and did not have time. But he managed to coax me in. To get him off of my back, I bought approximately $375 cash worth of products so I could get out of there. Although he pushed me into getting a facial, which was a scam in itself due to putting the facial on the good side of my face and very little facial at that.

He asked me what I did for a living, also told me not to tell anyone about the prices he was offering. He then informed me of free products and then stated it would cost me over $2000. He wanted my credit card, I informed him I did not want to put it on my credit card. He busy poking my upper thigh, making a point of their products.

He started applying the facial and then again asked for my credit card, in which I said no. He then grabbed at my bag for my wallet, I raised up and tried to get my wallet before he retrieved it. I grabbed my wallet, but it hit the floor and landed near his feet. He held it for a while and then gave it to me.

I ended up giving him my credit card to get out of there. He made me give him a hug before I left. Totally uncalled for. We took the products back before we left the mall to get a refund.

They stated they could not give a refund, because we walked out of the store and these products are supposed to be "medical" products, though none of these people are medical professionals. I did return the items after trying two other different times. I sat them on their bench. I had my credit card in dispute mode and now the credit card company is saying they have to reverse charges due to not finding anything to dispute.

This is such a scam and I hope no one goes through this ordeal like I have. I paid $3050 for the products! Gold Elements did say they have videos of all facials, but refused to give us a copy of my video.

I was also informed by the manager that I had the best salesman they had. I can understand why after all of this!

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  • High pitched salesmen tactics
Reason of review:
High Pitch Salesmen tactics

Preferred solution: Full refund


Almost the same thing happened to me !! almost fact for fact !

I want a full refund also.

My cost was higher than yours. In my opinion this company should not be able to sell anywhere !!

Sherril Aeb

Even if he has a video fo the facials, that's nothing. That wouldn't hold up anywhere in court to help his case any.

He's a *** man plain and simple. I'd call the cops and send them down there.

Tell them the man said you were allowed to return the items and then wouldn't let you. I know most of these kiosks are leading people to believe they can return the items.

Sherril Aeb

Companies like this stay JUST within their legal limits somehow. They push boundaries and even when they are breaking the law, they know they can get away with it.

Generally no one wants to take them to court over the amount of money you'd spend there and they know it! I would go back and look for any cameras there to see if they are really video taping it (doubtful, that costs a bit more money to do). If there are no cameras then i'd contact the card company and tell them it's an unauthorized charge and he took your card from you... Even call the cops if need be..

I wouldn't let this charge stick at all. Don't let them get away with it. At the very least- i'd go back and take my items back. You know the second you left them there, he sold them to someone else.

They aren't medical items at all! Some of their people are claiming they are dermatologists and each and every one of these reps are nothing more than two bit scam artist looking to make a quick buck.

reply icon Replying to comment of Sherril Aeb

This was also done to my friend at the same place for $5,000.00. Disgraceful behavior. The malls shouldn't allow flim flam *** artists to rent space.

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Sokhna Nmo
map-marker Saint Louis, Missouri

Don't fall for Vivo Per Lei scam

On Sunday 5/11/14 I was approached by a saleswoman, Emma, at a kiosk (Gold Element) in Baybrook Mall (500 Baybrook Mall, Friendswood, TX) who convinced me that a skin condition on my face could result in skin cancer. I allowed her to demonstrate her product and it appeared to have good results. She claimed to be a Dermatologist, and also claimed that the product she was selling was associated with Dr. Oz. Based on this information, I agreed to purchase the product she had demonstrated, at a cost of $324.75 including tax. She then started to sell me on another product for much more money. I phoned my wife, Karen, who was also in the mall. When Karen arrived, Emma started to demo the other product on her. Emma also said that while it seems expensive, the amount of product offered would allow two years of treatments. Karen asked Emma if we could return the product if we were not pleased. Emma answered that only about 5% of the customers returned the product. Since this answer implied that she could return the product if desired, Karen was satisfied and we made an additional purchase of $1082.50. My Mother-in-law also witnessed the second set of transactions.

When we arrived home, Karen researched the product online and found a vast difference in price. We discovered that we could have purchased the exact same products by the same manufacturer for a total cost of $257.58. I called my credit card company (Sears Master Card, through Citicard) and they indicated they could not do anything until the transactions posted. The following day, Monday 5/12/14, we returned to Gold Element and spoke to Tamir, who identified himself as the manager. He said that there were no returns, only exchanges. He offered to lower the cost I paid to $700; however, I declined as I told him I only wanted to return the merchandise and receive a full refund. Upon returning home, I called my credit card company (Sears) and they referred me to the fraud department. They tried to stop the transaction, but while I was on the phone with them, they said, oh, it just went through. They said I could still dispute the charges as fraud. They instantly reversed the charges while investigating the fraud. I checked several times on subsequent dates.

On Tuesday, 6/10/14, I checked my account and realized that the charges had reappeared. When I phoned the credit card fraud dept. they said that the investigation had been closed because the merchant had agreed to work with me. I immediately went home from work to pick up the merchandise and went directly to the Gold Element kiosk at Baybrook Mall. I found the kiosk location to be vacant. I searched the mall and found that they had changed their location. I approached Tamir and relayed the information that I had received from the fraud dept, saying that the investigation had been closed since the merchant had agreed to work with me. He said, that would have been me, and I did not talk to anyone about this.

I explained that I felt I had been defrauded because of my reliance on Emma’s claims of being a Dermatologist (which she is not), that the product was associated with Dr. Oz (whose office says that Dr. Oz does not endorse any product), and Emma’s leading us to believe that the product was returnable when Tamir says that it is not. I explained that I felt that my only apparent option was to take it to small claims court. He claimed that he could not resell the product. I said that it had never been opened, but he maintained that he was not allowed to resell a skin care product. He offered to give me an additional product which he claimed was worth much more, he later mentioned prices of $4000-$5000, in addition to keeping my merchandise. I explained that after the previous misrepresentations by his salesperson, I had little faith in any of his products. I offered to return the products and pay a few hundred dollars as a restocking fee. He said that it would be no good to him because he could not resell it and would have to throw it away.

I read somewhere online that Mazel would work directly with people who had been ripped off by these kiosks, since they were attempting to rehabilitate their name. So far, I have had no success in contacting Mazel. Hopefully I will not need to go the small claims court route; however, I guess that's what it's there for.

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Happen something similar to me with Facial Peeling , bla bla bla 180 was the price, then dropped to 90 usd , online worth 24 us got screwed at Gallerias mall . Seller Yovana ...


I am soo relieved I am not the only one. I purchased $275.00 and when we got home I seen one of the products for $7.00.

I'm still in shock because the woman was so sweet to my husband and I, I would have never guessed we were getting ripped off. After that I also bought a straightener of $129 and a massage thing for $200. Since the transaction went through I don't know if I should go back and talk to them or if I should do something else.

Please help!


has anyone had any luck getting a refund?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-933851

Best bet is probably to ask nicely for a refund and when they refuse, go thru the credit card company. Have them put a note on your account not to believe any lies this scam artist company tells as well.

That way you don't end up like this guy and end up with them allowing the merchant to charge you again for it.

On all paypal accounts you can sign up for a "business" debit card.

Sign up, make up a company name (They really don't care), and link it to your bank account and it pulls from there. When you have problems like this, you have paypal's protection!


This company is scam. It is same thing happen at Arcadia mall in California.

The sales person approach us very aggressive and we purchase over $1000 product. After we went home and check computer found out the online sell a lot of cheaper than the store. We try to return the product and got reject and also one month later we found out they change to location at same mall.

We file the lawsuit against to mall management team and they refund us the money but not the company.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-862779

I was in vacation in Cancun and was approached by a sales guy at the mall who claimed to be the owner. That's their line in all location. Very pushy.

Sherril Aeb
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-922390

He claimed to be the ownder of the company or the mall? If you encounter these pushy/ rude people, i'd go to the mall office and complain to them. Eventually they'll kick the scam artists out of there.

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Jim F Zfe
map-marker Los Angeles, California

Oro Gold / Dead Sea False Return Policy

Dana, a vendor of Mazal Enterprise's Oro Gold cart in Ontario Mills Mall @ 1 Mills Circle #25, Ontario, CA 91764 - promised a "money back guarantee" several times during her ten minute product demonstration. Any sign stating their return policy was intentionally obscured and Dana stamped the receipt "NO REFUNDS" only AFTER running my credit card. I immediately protested to her trickery but she refused to honor her promise.

I contacted Ontario Mills management, Barbara Meaders attempted to secure a refund for me. Oro Gold was obstinate and further insulted me by offering a $100 refund for the $391.50 worth of products that I purchased.

Avoid Oro Gold, Premiere, Vivo Per Lei and other Dead Sea product vendors!

The vendors selling Oro Gold and other Dead Sea mineral products use underhanded sales tactics. The salepeople are trained to repeatedly promise a "money back guarantee" during their product demonstration but after running your credit card, they stamp your receipt "NO REFUNDS" and rudely usher you away.

I have read similar stories from consumers around the country. It's not a coincidence. Mazal Enterprises, the LLC responsible for reselling Oro Gold in malls nationwide, trains their vendors to use high-pressure and dishonest sales tactics.

Good customer service is crucial in securing repeat business. Oro Gold and other Dead Sea product vendors don't care about repeat customers, so how good or unique could their products be? If their products worked so well, why not honor a "money back guarantee"?

You can find comparable facial peels and anti-aging serums for 50% less at any quality retailer like Sephora or Nordstroms AND you truly will receive a "money back guarantee".

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If you've ever been wrong by mazal group, join our group on Facebook " class action lawsuit against orogold, vine Vera, Bionyx mazal group"

Shamere Znf
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1495026

In July I bought the night cream and peel for 75 euros each instead of as they said 150 euros each, A month later I went back for the free facial but only after investigating on internet about the comapany so I knew exactly what they were up to, I left my debit card at home on purpose and put just 2 euros in my purse, I was offered a very nice glass of red wine and a bonbon. After an hour of relaxing treatments an Argentinian women who looked Jewish came in and gave me a 10 min session with an infra red machine on my face, Everything fine up until the moment I left the cabin and she aggressivly tried to convince me to buy the machine for 4999 euros with a "special offer only this week of only 2999, She also said I could by the thermic mask for 500 euros reduced to 300, I told her that my card had been stolen the week before and that I wouldn´t have a new one for at least a week, I could see her getting more nervous and I even showed her my purse with the 2 euros just to convince her a bit more, I said that I would think about it but right now I had no money on me so she asked if I lived nearby so I could go and get some money, I told her that I had money at home for food and bills and paying for my sons books and uniform for school but not for spending that kind of money.

By now she was getting desperate. I got up to leave and she said- wait a minute , I will give you a ticket with the name and price of the thermal mask just in case you change your mind. I took the ticket and threw it in the nearest bin. I am now waiting for a phone call or wasap from them to "remind me of buying the mask" They will of course have to wait until *** freezes over, My advice is to do a little bit of homework before parting with so much money or just say you are poor.

After I left I went into a drugstore and bought a sachet of thermal mask for the sum of 1 euros 20 which does exactly the same as the 500 euros mask but at a fraction of the price.

When I got home I decided to wash my face and put on my own trusted creams as I felt like I had been sunburned on my face and it was stinging. People should be warned of these scams nationwide not just on social media but on the radio and tv,

Sherril Aeb

I'd call the card company and report them to the fraud department. If you are with a good bank they can reverse the charges for you.


We need to stick mazel enterprises in a time machine and send them back to Germany so Uncle Adolf can handle them..These kikes are selling harmful products and telling each other in Hebrew how *** we are. Get TFO of our country......88

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-908045

Yup, this comment is most likely posted by the company itself, Mazal Enterprises, in order to generate sympathy. They regularly post comments calling people "racist" for criticizing their sleazy business practices and *** products.

FYI no one supports your over-the-top reprehensible comment.

We also smell the BS, just like we smell BS when we walk past your disgusting stores and kiosks. Get lost, you're a scam and EVERYONE knows it.


I had a similar bad experience. The sales lady repeatedly promise to refund Orogold if I was not happy and it did not work.

When I purchased, the receipt said No Refunds, No Exchanges, I immediately questioned the wording on the receipt and the sales lady told me not to worry about it. I did not agree and asked her to write on the receipt that it was refundable. She hesitantly did and then when I went to leave, she did not give me the receipt back. I questioned again and she got another piece of paper and very sloppy wrote 'Refund OK' on it.

I again questioned that this is not clear, she scribbled her initials and said it would be fine. The sales pressure was so high and she acting like I was ridiculous to make sure it was clear on the receipt. I gave in and left. When I went to return the product a week later due to irritation, they refused to acknowledge her hand written receipt.

This company is a SCAM.

Also as I was leaving the store, the sales lady made some strange racist comments about Jewish people. I looked at her strangely since I didn't fully understand why she was making the comments and left.

Sherril Aeb
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-861416

Every mall has a mall office. If someone is calling you a Jew and being rude to you, lodge a complaint!

It may not immediately do anything but if these complaints add up, they'll be forced to do something about it. Go as far as to tell the mall you don't want to shop in a mall that allows people to talk to their guests like this.. Any good business would HATE to hear that someone is driving off customers.

Especially a fly by night sales kiosk that won't be there that long...

As far as the returns, i'd contact your bank next time and ask for the fraud dept and tell them how there are plenty of other cases like this.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-861416

If you've ever been wrong by mazal group, join our group on Facebook " class action lawsuit against orogold, vine Vera, Bionyx mazal group"


I was recently harassed by an employee at Vine Vera at my local mall. The other day one of the employees came up to me and criticized my skin and started pointing out all of the flaws of my skin, then he literally pulled me over to the kiosk and started pouring product on my hands.

I was not only stunned by their audacity but I was really hurt by his comments. Later that day, I went home and looked up the company and found hundreds of complaints, negative reviews, and information on this company. Vine Vera is owned by Mazel enterprises, this company also happens to own Orogold, another kiosk at malls around the country who uses intimidation and harassment to scam costumers. I found that Mazel has gained negative notoriety over the internet for scamming costumers, as well as lying to people by saying that they are certified dermatologists to trick people into buying their products.

People wrote how the employees will tell you that you have a money back guaranty, if you decide to return the product, they state that it is non refundable. They are using false advertising to sell their products.

Not only is this business tactic unethical, but it is also illegal. I have filed a complaint at the mall, and hopefully that will help put an end to this scam.


After I was conned and tried to work with Orogold and reps,to no avail, I turned to the Better Business Bureau, in Wisconsin. I would recommend that you do the same.

I don't know what the result will be, but any reputable company would stand behind their products.

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