map-marker Freeport, New York


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This place is very unprofessional and have no clue what they are doing Dr. Angel requires more training .

They whisper while treating you at the same time , different people coming in and out of the room while barely have any clothes on , you have to remind them to change Thier gloves after touching the doors and different other objects in the office . I left with more pain then I had when I came there with . This was a huge mistake coming here and I should have pay attention to the reviews. They left particals in my cuts and now I am on my to the ER due to excessive burning and pain that I am feeling .

Looks are deceiving looks nice and clean but very much unprofessional place with no real experience!!!! I’m having my lawyer look into this matter as well !

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map-marker Freeport, New York


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Estuve en una cita en la oficina del dr Mark freeport en la tercera semana de mayo 2018 y por casualidad un hombre hispano que trabaja con ellos parece ser colombiano estaba hablando del dr diciendo que por eso a el le gusta los hispanos por que no pelean y no dan problemas como los americanos , que los hispanos aguantamos todo. Que triste que nos tengan como los estupidos esa fue mi ultima vez visitando a ese Dr, que abuse de otros por que de mi no mas.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service
Ayaan Zwu
map-marker Deer Park, New York

Deceptive Doctor

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This doctor is misleading, nasty and deceptive. He is a radiologist who went to school in Mexico and now he is using second-hand lasers on his hispanic customers.

Beware of Mark Medical Care! Fui a una marca de ron mdico y tena un tratamiento lser en las venas de araa en mis piernas. Tan mal, duele como un caliente ardiente fuego, y puede oler tu piel ardiente---pero no hubiera atendido si vea mejor. Mis venas de araa se volvi prpura.

S que se supone mirar peor antes de que se mejoran y son reabsorbidos por el cuerpo, pero todo el proceso se supone que para tomar 8-10 semanas ms. Ha sido 16 semanas y oscuro y desagradable y no dan seales de desvanecimiento. Creo que voy a tener que conseguir escleroterapia siguiente, a.c. no hay manera a riesgo mirando peor que esto.

Dr. Mark tambin haba hecho dos tratamientos de inyeccin para poder deshacerse de venas ms grandes y no funcionan bien.

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  • Sales tactics
  • Mark medical scam
  • Dr ron mark
Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Full refund


It is so upsetting that this establishment is still open. They are currently taking money from the government to further advance their personal lives while patients are suffering because of our current state of affairs.


Please investigate this fraud. Ripping off patients, Medicare abuse and several complaints about expired licenses. Ciudado!


I am so upset that this butcher is still allowed to practice. He has malpractice claims in many states. Please beware and file a complaint like I have if you were mistreated.


Unreal this scam artist has not been uncovered yet.


At Mark Medical they scam you into getting procedures you do not need and then they get money back from insurance so they can benefit personally. #illegalactivity




Dr. Mark is a fraud and a disgrace. Please be careful when going to him.


Contact your state medical board!

Ayaan Zwu

Dr Ron Mark is a scam artist. He botched my friends legs very badly. I am going to report this doctor to NYS!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1344084

You should report him to the state medical board.

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map-marker Freeport, New York


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This guy is a fraud. Stay away.

I knew he was a fraud when I looked him up and found that he has no certificates for cosmetic treatments of any kind. However there must be a loop-hole in the law that allows just any one to perform cosmetic treatments and procedures.

My wife first went to him for "BOTOX" treatment and spider vines, sometime last year. She had already begun treatment when I looked into him and realized that he is a fraud. However I thought, it's just Botox, it's not like he's performing surgery of any kind.

Well, thank God for that. In short after several months and over $7,000 in cost her botox treatments never worked. He keeps giving her excuses and selling her other treatments instead. She found out that he was not using botox, instead it was a different product, that cost less for him. Then he tried to make up for the product that didn't work by offering her another dose, at his cost. Yeah right.

Thankfully she didn't do her veins there. But she did have a nail removed for fungus. The insurance paid for this treatment. It didn't work either.

It's obvious that he is taking advantage of the Spanish-speaking, and mostly undocumented population that can't defend themselves and don't know the laws that protect them.

Dr. Mark has now offended my wife and made her cry in her last visit only because she wanted results for her $7,000. He is lucky she didn't call me while she was there.

It isn't over. I'm going to expose this fraud and close him down.

Just look at this guys reviews and believe what you read.

Stay away!!!!

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  • Fake injections
  • Dr ron mark arruino mi cuerpo
  • Dr ron mark
Reason of review:
1 comment

me ise un prosedimiento de venas y fue tan doloroso que no pusieron como 4 injeciones de anesthesia, cada piquete me dolia jasta el alma..hasta mareo me dio y ganas de vomitar

map-marker Deer Park, New York

Dr. Ron Mark is a SCAM!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

In 2015, I went to "Dr." Ron Mark to have some spider veins removed from the side of my legs. I was taken into the treatment room by Dr. Mark. We spoke briefly - approximately 20 seconds while he began the treatment which is supposed to have little to NO down time. He began moving the laser over my legs despite me 1) not having any spider veins and there and 2) that is not the area I asked to be treated! Half way through the procedure he hastily leaves the room, says nothing to me and leaves the door to the treatment room wide open. I assume he realized he had burned me, but then he came back and then started on the other side of my leg. By the time I left, I had an open, weeping wound on one side of my leg and the other side was developing a large blister.

As the day went on smaller blister began to forms under on different areas of my legs, which eventually popped and bled.

The blister on the first leg popped and the wound was quite deep. I called 6 days later concerned that the wounds were looking infected and my legs were still swollen, red and very hot, but didn't get a return till the following afternoon. I went through another weekend and by Wednesday of the following week I was still looking SO bad and the hole on my right leg was not healing.

I called the office once again and they said I should come the following day to see the doctor. He looked at my legs and the open lesions and I expressed my concerns that I look considerably worse now that I did when I went in; I was worried about scarring as well; and why did he perform the procedure if he knew that it was going to make me worse?

His comment was, "the body is very forgiving" and offered to phone in antibiotics.

I called the pharmacy for 4 1/2 hours that evening to see if the meds had been phoned in. They had not. I got a call the following day from the office that they are not able to find a phone number for the pharmacy - IT'S CVS and if you Google “CVS Phamracy”, - it's the first entry!!! They are so incompetent that I will NEVER EVER return there. So here I am over 3 weeks later with *** which is VERY prominent on my right leg. I know better than to go to a washed-up radiologist for a "real" procedure, but I thought that this was so minor that anyone with even a decent amount of training could perform it. Boy was I wrong.

They have made no offer to correct the damage they have done - so I am not sure what my next move is but I will likely file a complaint with the NYS Department of Education and the NYS Office Of The Professionals. To accept a large hole (in addition to smaller ones in both legs) along with not seeing any improvement on my veins is not acceptable.

I know this isn't as bad or as devastating as some of the procedures I have seen, but keep in mind, this doctor is completely incompetent and his services are innefective. Please Beware!

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  • Dr ron mark
Reason of review:
Bad quality
map-marker Deer Park, New York


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

This has been the worst experience of my life. This man should have his medical license revoked.

I met so many people at his office that have gone thru the worst experience of there lives I don't even understand how this man is still operating. The patients in his office were mostly hispanic. Dr Mark is victimizing the hispanic community. Dr Mark nor his staff even cares of all the damage they are causing people.

One poor woman gave me her phone number in the waiting room and when the lady at the counter saw this, she immediately jumped up and called me into a private room where I waited for 25 minutes.

I made a big mistake giving Mark Medical Care my hard-earned money.


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  • Dr ron mark
Reason of review:
Poor customer service

I was going to see this Dr. for a phlebectomy, but thanks to you and many other people's reviews I'm staying away from this guy. I also found malpractice claims on him on healthgrades website...first link you'll see when you google his name.


I am so upset about my experience at Mark Medical. They are complete scam artists.

Insurance fraud, fake injections, inappropriate advancements, etc.

Please do not go there. They need to be shut down not expanding.


Dr Ron Mark and the staff at Mark Medical Care in Freeport are complete SCAMMERS!

Please contact the NYS Deptartment of Education and the NYS Office of Professionals to report this operation!!

There are multiple people looking into Dr. Ron Mark!

Please do not let this man touch your body!!!


Dr. Mark and his team are not good people.

They put making money above anything else. It is upsetting that this establishment is still practicing and has not been shut down.


This is true I have gone thru my worst nightmare there. Please nobody go there !!!!

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Latoria Axq
map-marker Deer Park, New York


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Dr. Ron Mark is the bottom of the barrel.

He targets the hispanic community to take advantage of the language barrier. He is deceptive and slippery. During our (high pressure) consultation, he kept bragging about his "board certification" and that he was "licenced in all 50 states". What he failed to mention is that he is NOT A BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON!

Something he would have believe when he was offering us a buttiocks lift and fat injections. Also, who cares about if he is licenced in Alabama or Rhode Island? I live in NY. I dont see the relevance in this.

I got the impression that he prefers to make himself sound unique by relaying this useless information, while withholding the important facts, like he is a RADIOLOGIST! Needless to say we went with Dr. Greenberg, who has also heard negative things about Mark Medical Care. He told us that he has had several patients whom have gone to Doctor Greenberg after having an unfavorable experience with Dr Ron Mark.

Do your research on Dr.

Ron Mark.

He is a wannabe Plastic Surgeon. BEWARE

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  • Dr ron mark
Reason of review:
Poor customer service
map-marker Deer Park, New York


stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full


Fui a una marca de ron médico y tenía un tratamiento láser en las venas de araña en mis piernas. Tan mal, duele como un caliente ardiente fuego, y puede oler tu piel ardiente---pero no hubiera atendido si veía mejor.

Mis venas de araña se volvió púrpura. Sé que se supone mirar peor antes de que se mejoran y son reabsorbidos por el cuerpo, pero todo el proceso se supone que para tomar 8-10 semanas más. Ha sido 16 semanas y oscuro y desagradable y no dan señales de desvanecimiento. Creo que voy a tener que conseguir escleroterapia siguiente, a.c. no hay manera a riesgo mirando peor que esto.

Dr. Mark también había hecho dos tratamientos de inyección para poder deshacerse de venas más grandes y no funcionan bien. Dr. Mark me mintió y me dijo que mi seguro no cubriría la cirugía de la vena de la pierna. Por lo que se me acusó de miles de dólares para hacer tratamientos que no funcionaron. Luego, unos meses más tarde, me enteré que marca Medical Care cargada a mi compañía de seguros después de todo! Él le pagaron el doble! Tengo una queja presentada *** mi compañía de seguros y también contacté *** mi senador. Dijo que esto se llama fraude de seguros.

Simplemente creo que la gente debe saber que Dr. Mark puede hacer le mirada manera peor de este tratamiento. Además, la gente debe saber que Dr. Mark es deshonesto. No confíe en marca Medical en Parque de los ciervos.

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  • Dr ron mark arruino mi cuerpo
Reason of review:
Bad quality

I don't speak spanish, but this Doc seems like a ***! LOL

Acey Bjt

You need to post your complaint on the Mexican version of this site at

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4th COVID Vaccine, Monkeypox, Mask-Optional Policy

Jan 6, 2022

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Prof. Karen Jubanyik
Prof. Karen Jubanyik

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