Lysandra Msg

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Margate City, New Jersey

Word is Out!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I heard just yesterday from someone with a proverbial "ear to the rail" that word about Mr. Arbeit's past IS getting out.

Seems that Mr. Arbeit attempted or managed really to stick it to some poor fellow in connection with the purchase of a house, and the fellow came across stories about Mr. Arbeit after just a cursory search on the 'net. The fellow is still wild about his experience with Mr.

Arbeit and is now spreading the word about him and his past. . . .

As our #MeToo movement builds to a crest, I think that fewer of Mr.

Arbeit's courtiers are willing to cover for him or defend him. This is a good thing.

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  • Dishonesty
Reason of review:
Not as described/ advertised

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution

Saniyyah Jaw

I would like any info on Long & Foster, NJ, Bob Albanese, Sr. VP/Regional Manager, Long & Foster, and Mark Arbeit, Long & Foster, Margate, NJ.

I filed a Complaint against Mr.

Albanese and Long & Foster for negligence and unethical business practices at their Margate office relating to contracting me to an unplaceable tenant in my rental home, targeting me as an older woman and lying about the tenant’s credibility. I am suing for lost rental income and damages of almost $4000 to my house; Long & Foster’s overreaction to my Complaint and demand for reimbursement has been bizarre so am wondering what really is going on at this firm.

reply icon Replying to comment of Saniyyah Jaw

I got nowhere complaining about *** Arbeit. That's okay.

I've derived a little satisfaction from getting out the word on Skid Mark's past. . . .

Simply Google "Mark Arbeit Terraset" and read any of the four Washington Post articles that the search turns up. I don't know how the guy managed to score a realtor's license in New Jersey. He obviously can't be trusted around elementary school students and, in my opinion, should not be trusted with anything involvinging real estate. .


. Good luck.

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Lysandra Msg

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Mount Laurel, New Jersey

I'm Not Anonymous

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I'm the jimbo who posted the "Mark Arbeit & Co.: Stay Away!" complaint. What is it with *** and members of his posse?

I just heard from a friend that a member of Skid Mark's fan club accused me of trying anonymously to ruin Skid Mark's reputation for no reason at all. That's just not true. I think that the specifics of my complaint were laid out pretty well in the "Stay Away!" post, so what's with the chatter about trying to trash him for no reason at all? Skid Mark's fellow traveler also said that my attempts to besmirch him anonymously are pointless because "everyone" knows that I'm behind EVERY anonymous complaint about him.

That's not true either; but if it were, then I'm obviously not anonymous. Right? . .

. Bottom line, folks?

Stay away from *** and his office.

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  • Dishonesty
Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution


Gee. *** went and "used and losed" yet another female associate.

. . . What is it with this guy?

And why do so many women among Margate, NJ's "Beautiful People" continue to insist that NOBODY gets along better with women than *** . . .

I don't know why the gals keep believing him. Total POS.


Can any of you realtors help me out here? If the pending legislation to disqualify persons convicted of Megan's Law-type offenses becomes law, then does *** have his "meal ticket" pulled?

All of you probably can get the answer to this question more quickly than I could, so I'd appreciate it if you posted it here. Thanks. . .

. And as our "Real Estate Professionals" always say here in Margate, NJ, ""Ciao, baby."

Lysandra Msg

Margate, NJ's "Beautiful People" think that it's a great idea to have *** Arbeit sponsor a little league soccer team???? .

. . Sure.

Most of them had only 1.1 children when they were younger; and those little darlings "fled the nest" long ago. They therefore don't care one bit if *** involves himself with the current crop of kids.


Did *** really "use and lose" three more female associates? .

. . What is it with the guy? And why are these gals so very reluctant to speak up about what really goes on backstage at MarkAtTheShore?

Hmmmm? . . .

If everyone whom *** has abused, swindled, insulted, and stabbed in the back would just open their mouths, then the buffoon would be run out of town on a rail tomorrow. Until then, though, he'll still be our reigning emperor with no proverbial clothes!

Lysandra Msg

*** and his many, many courtiers have proudly proclaimed Margate, NJ a "Pope-Free Zone." . .

. And the few papists left among Margate's "Real Estate Professionals" just laugh along with them, keep their mouths shut, and hope that *** throws them a few proverbial bones? . .

. These realtors aren't only self-loathing cowards.

They're also not very bright. They're cheering their own demise and won't receive any "bones" from *** in exchange for doing so.


Don't listen to them jimbo. People in Skid Marks circle say lots of things.

That's what gets them in trouble usually. Not too many people with brains believe what they say.

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map-marker Chicago, Illinois

Doesn't care about renters....

We contacted his office to look at a few yearly rentals and the agent we got in touch with couldn't have cared less about our desire to view the rentals... He was distant and vague with his replies.

At one point, he texted us and was using things like "lol" and "haha", which is unprofessional in my opinion.

He then proceeded to insult our requests by asking why we don't just use our own realtor, which was odd...

Weeks later they stuck us with a new realtor that was kind and professional, but then he disappeared and never replied back..... If you are attempting to rent in this area, don't go to this office because they won't care for you unless you're buying a million dollar home.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

What is it with the rest of the "Real Estate Professionals" in Margate, NJ? This *** beats them out of their commissions or beats them down on their commissions every single day, and yet they're scared to death to open their "surgically enhanced" mouths!

. . . *** must have the proverbial "goods" on all the leading realtors in town.

There's really no other reason why they would maintain their silence about this POS and the way he does business.


He doesn't even have to open his mouth. I get totally creeped just looking at him.


*** loves to accuse others of engaging in "The War on Women" but "uses and loses" female associates at an unbelievable pace. .

. .

How does he get a pass on this? I guess that he just screams more often and more loudly about his affection for women than his former female associates speak out about they way they were treated.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-990232

They way they were treated??? Get educated. And get Jimbo some education too.


Everybody loves Mark & Mitch! .


. NOT!!!!!!


Yo, Chicago Anonymous: You aren't kidding about this outfit caring only for clients in the market for $1 million+ properties. *** himself represented me and my wife in our purchase of a home for much less than $1 million, and after a problem surfaced nine days after closing, I asked him for just a little help in finding out just what my sellers knew about the problem prior to our purchase.

It should have been easy for him to help me because my sellers' realtor worked in the same office with *** . . . Well, my requests for a little assistance elicited from *** a series of what you might call "drive-by lies": He would tell one lie to explain why he couldn't help me, and after I suggested an alternative way in which he easily could do what I asked, he would simply toss out another.

When I finally asked him to find out the identity of some "secret bidder" with whom my wife and I were supposedly competing for our place, *** denied ever mentioning a "secret bidder" to me and said he'd never speak to me again if I ever used the term "secret bidder." Of course, I said, "Secret bidder," and *** has not spoken to me since. You think that I'm making up Skid Mark's "secret bidder" ploy? If so, then come on around to my place. I'll show you the exact spot where my wife and I were sitting with him in his luxury SUV when he told us about the "secret bidder" at around 11:15 a.m.

on the Sunday before we signed the offer to purchase our place. . . .

I was told some time ago that I'd never see a penny from *** my sellers or the sellers' realtor.

I therefore decided to go public with my sorry tale and thereby hopefully cost all of them as much in lost business as it cost me to solve the problem with my place. It's nice to see that I'm not the only person who has had problems with ***

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-970272

Oh, yeah, Chicago: If you want to see a photo of my seller-- the guy for whom *** betrayed me and my wife-- then just do a Google Images search for "Gary Stephen Diamond Sex Offender." . .

. If you're familiar with Skid Mark's history down in Virginia, then that search's results probably won't surprise you. Disgust you? Sure.

Surprise you? Nope.

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map-marker Margate City, New Jersey

Best Relator in 2015

Just wanted to take the opportunity to express our gratitude for all your assistance throughout our sales process.

We give Mark Arbeit and his Team highest marks for his help in getting our property sold. Mark is incredibly knowledgeable, professional, friendly, patient, easy to talk, understand the needs of the client in helping sell our home very quickly. Our sale was supposed to be an easy and quick transaction, but due to the other realtor it was not. We had our home listed for 6 months in 2015 with another company and no promising prospects. When we listed with Mark Arbeit, imagine our surprise when he found a buyer in just 8 days!! While being very professional, he made us feel like friends he was doing his best for. We really appreciate Mark hard work on our behalf and whole heartedly recommend his services to anyone buying or selling a house. Mark and his Team extensive knowledge of the local market let us sell our home quickly. We are so grateful to them. Our experience with Mark and his Team could not have possibly been any better!

A great part of the success of this venture goes to him. We feel really fortunate to have him on our side guiding us through a difficult process. We enjoyed his warmth, knowledge, sincerity and unflappable exterior. His efforts went over, above, and beyond what any client would expect. We are so grateful for His and his Team help!! Mark's staff was so professional, very caring and made us feel like part of his family.

Mark and his Team were very efficient and professional, we will recommend highly to anyone looking to sell or buy a property in Margate, Ventnor and Longport area.

We want to say thank you! It was a wonderful experience from the beginning to the end.

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  • Honesty and professionalism
  • Professional and excellent service
Reason of review:
supper service!!!!

*** sponsors a youth soccer team in Margate, NJ, and all the city's "Beautiful People" fight like wild animals to get their children or grandchildren on the team??? *** also has one of his Tannebaum boys coaching the kiddies???

. . . What the heck is the matter with these people?

. . . They'll happily sacrifice their youngsters to *** and the Tannenbaum Boys just in order to stay in their good graces?

These people are sick. . . .



If even his close friends call him *** then what in the world is he called by those who dislike him?


More nonsense from one of Skid Mark's f__ hags. .

. . If you want the real "down low" on *** from a real woman, then speak to one of the dozen of women he has "used and losed" over the past decade. .

. . The dude's totally out of control.

Just ask any one of the women who worked for him and are sorry for having done so.


Bogus reviews put up multiple times? .

. .

Yeah. That'll do it!

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jimbo A
map-marker Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey

Mark Arbeit & Company, Margate, NJ: Stay Away!

Stay away from this guy. He and another realtor in his office-- Lou Solomon-- teamed up with a convicted criminal *** mortgage broker to stick me with the broker's house over a leaking underground oil tank. Think you can trust Mr. Arbeit? Well, here are a few reasons why you might want to re-think that.

First, you must read in The Washington Post archives for June 20, 25 and 26, 1987 about why he was bounced from his post as an assistant elementary school principal. Bizarre calls to little boys in the middle of the night? Offering a boy money to pose nude for him? The State of Virginia won't trust him to be around little boys, but you're going to trust him with everything that goes into buying or selling a house??? Second, his buddy, Solomon, explicitly indicated in the MLS description for my place that their dumpy mortgage broker pal had completed a standard NJ Seller's Disclosure Form, a good portion of which covers oil tanks. When I asked asked Mr. Arbeit nine days after closing to secure for me a copy of the form, though, he told me there actually was no form. And the reference to the form in the MLS description? He told me that was a "typo" of the kind that happens all the time. Third, if there were no form, then I asked him to get for me just a list of prospective buyers who had been through my place. I did this because I know realtors keep such lists in order to protect their commissions, and because one of those "lookers" doubtlessly discovered the tank I came across only belatedly. Mr. Arbeit's response? He actually told me that no realtor EVER keeps track of "lookers" who go through the realtor's listings! Believe that? Fourth, Mr. Arbeit had informed me and my wife that another realtor in his office was preparing a high bid on our place for a competing buyer, so I asked him to secure for me just the name of that "secret bidder," thinking the bidder might have known something about the oil tank. Arbeit's answer? He told me that he'd never even mentioned a competing buyer or "secret bidder." Finally, just do a "Google Images" search on this dude and compare some of the images you pull up with the way he currently looks. I mean, I heard him say that he had changed his name in the past; he's gone now and had done some "work" that has totally changed his face. What is up with that? Guys like Mr. Arbeit love to accuse others of being "being uncomfortable in their own skins." But, hey, I really don't see too many other guys out there changing their names and totally altering their looks!!

OK. I could go on longer about this fellow, but I think you get the idea. He's untrustworthy. So just stay away from him and his office!

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Thanks for your post - I have filed a Complaint against Long & Foster for negligence and unethical business practices due to a realtor at the Mark Arbeit office in Margate placing an unplaceable tenant in my rental house in Brigantine. Realtor did no due diligence and lied to my face regarding how wonderful tenant was.

Tenant damaged my property and left me with an unrented house going into winter.

Realtor told me all he has to do is bring me a tenant and when tenant turns out to be a serial deadbeat that’s just too bad, or as I was told, “you are on your own”. And I paid a commission for this...


I went to that school and will never forget that Peadophile. One of the kids called was a close friend of mine and I as well as 3 other kids (we were 5th and 6th graders) were in the house of one of the accusers when VP Albeit called.

We then called our parents who called the school and he was fired. The Facebook pictures of him are him too. That’s him. It’s not someone else.

He is a horrible person who sadly caused some real harm to me and others (all of us are now in AA, NA, or dead). All of us.

*** that guy. I went searching for 3 people who abused me as a small child and it started with this ***.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1407490

Preach it, guy! .

. . Mr. Arbeit has surrounded himself with plenty of "Beautiful People" up here in the Atlantic City, NJ area who all play dumb about his past and try viciously to silence anyone who even so much as mentions his history.

. . . He and another realtor in his office teamed up with a convicted online predator to stick it to me and my wife in our purchase of a house.

The three of them did plenty of boasting, high-fivin' and laughing about the way they stuck it to us. I hope one day just to get as many yuks about Mr. Arbeit as he and his two pals had about me and my wife. .


. So, again, preach it!


Don't tell me that *** has "used and losed" yet another female associate???? .


. How can all of his f__ hags continue to insist that nobody gets along better with women than he does?

Lysandra Msg

If the pending legislation to disqualify anyone who commits a Megan's Law-type offense from securing a realtor's license becomes law, then will *** Arbeit lose his license? .

. . I could probably work my way through it, but I thought that some of you might know the answer and could save me a little time. .

. .

Come on. Help me out here, folks.


Margate, NJ's "Beautiful People" think that it's a great idea to have *** Arbeit sponsoring a little league soccer team???? .

. . Sure. The few children that they had fled the nest ago.

They therefore don't care one bit about *** involving himself in the activities of today's kiddies. . .

. Here's hoping that *** or one of the Tannenbaum boys pushes his luck a bit too far with one of the children.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1059665

Derrrrr, . .

. those children "fled the nest LONG ago." . .

. I think you get the drift, though: Sign up your kids in Margate, NJ for lacrosse!!!

Lysandra Msg

*** and his courtiers have proclaimed Margate, NJ a "Pope-Free Zone." And what do the few papists left among Margate's "Real Estate Professionals" do? They nervously laugh a little, look around for someone with whom to exchange a fist-bump, and keep their mouths shut.

They actually think that *** and his posse will reward them for this with a cut of the action. . . .

I don't think that they are very smart. *** has 'em on the run, and everybody knows it.

Lysandra Msg

*** really should be a target in some "Catch a Predator"-type sting. He thinks that his smarts and his filthy attorneys on retainer have made him "bullet proof." .

. . Let him think what he wants.

I'm telling you that he would be a "sitting duck" in any such sting.


He's such a POS. The proverbial emperor with no clothes .

. . Why can't anyone in Margate, NJ see it? .


. Thanks, Jimbo!

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Madia Rgl

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ

Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Absecon, New Jersey

Great experience

I've dealt with Mark Arbeit many times and have always been treated professionally. I would recommend Mark to anyone who wants the job done correctly and with honesty.

The reviewer above has a personal issue with Mark and has gone all over the internet spewing his lies...

This is a professional with a fantastic staff. Always returns my phone calls and keeps me up to date on the process.

If you buying or selling or just curious and want to know what your home is worth, give them a call. Anyone in the office is a pleasure to work with .

View full review
Reason of review:
Good customer service

Don't tell me that *** has "used and losed" yet another female associate? .

. . How can all of his f__ hags continue to insist that NOBODY gets along with women better than *** does? .

. . Perhaps the Sonny Corlene-wannabes looking for places in Margate, NJ will now go elsewhere. .

. .

Hope so.

Lysandra Msg

Yo, Chick: If the proposed legislation disqualifying anyone with a Megan's Law conviction from holding a realtor's license becomes law, then will *** lose his license? .

. . I'm serious. .

. .

I can probably figure it out but thought that you might know the answer and could save me a little time. Thanks.


Margate, NJ's "Beautiful People" think it's great that *** sponsored a little league soccer team??? What is it with these people?

. . . Oh, yeah-- they averaged only .7 kids of their own and now might have 1.1 grandchildren.


Therefore, they don't care at all about *** involving himself in youth soccer. . .

. I'm not surprised.

Lysandra Msg

Yo, Chick: Here's a funny. I spent roughly 90 minutes in a meeting with a professional person down in Margate today.

During the course of the meeting, the subject of Margate real estate came up, and when it did, I pounced on the opportunity to vent about *** This person said he or she had heard that some realtor had been spreading vicious rumors about *** along the lines of what I'd said. I set the person straight. I said, "Let me tell you two things-- First, I'm the person spreading the word about *** It's not any realtor. Second, these aren't vicious rumors.

They're facts." I then wrote down for the person a list of "key words" and suggested that the person just Google them for the low down on *** The person told me that was definitely going to be done. This professional isn't the kind of rinky-*** person to whom I usually shoot off my mouth on the beach. The person knows your boy and seemed eager to find out what the Google search would turn up. .

. Long story short? I had a productive day in Margate! .

. .

OK. As *** would say, "Ciao!"

reply icon Replying to comment of Lysandra Msg

Now that's funny!


Skid Mark's "using and losing" women again? What is it with the guy?

And what is it with women who continue to sign up for all the nasty stuff he doles out to his female associates? . . .

Women even considering going to work for *** should open their eyes and ears and ask around. There are very good reasons why even his friends call him him ***


The man is a walking sitcom character. .


. How *** can people be?


Dude and his mate need more cologne. .


. Lots more.


This guy is the worst. He obviously considers himself an "idea man" and leaves it to his put upon associates and staff to "make it happen." Worthless.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-993601

Skid Mark's good for nothing except gossip. .


. But I must admit, he is very good for that.

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map-marker San Jose, California

Mark Arbeit and Co. are best brokers in Margate, Ventnor, and Atlantic City, New Jersey.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I've dealt with Mark and his team on both my purchase of a beach block home and also several rental transactions.

He and his team are honest, efficient, and really get the job done. I came from out of town after several descriptions of what I was looking for and the price range.

He did not waste a minute of my time. All the homes he showed me were exactly what I was looking for and had several perfect choices to choose from.

Mark knows the area and the comps and protects his clients from making mistakes. He should be your only choice in this area: a true professional who really looks out for his clients.

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  • Honesty and professionalism
Reason of review:
Good quality
Lysandra Msg

Will Skid Mark's ticket get yanked if it becomes the law in New Jersey that a person convicted of a Megan's Law-type offense can't hold a realtor's license? .

. .

Come on, you realtors! Save me the time I would have to spend finding the answer to this question!


You have to love the way that construction is progressing-- or not progressing-- on this guy's *** Land" complex at Benson and Ventnor Avenues. Can you imagine how often *** has screamed, changed his mind, and telephoned his lawyer during work on the project?

. .

. I pity the poor contractor.


*** got his nickname the old fashioned way-- he EARNED it!


He's a real POS. .

. . Your proverbial emperor with no clothes. .

. . Why are realtors and other business people in and around Margate, NJ afraid to say as much? Because he won't do business with them if they do?

Hey-- he won't do business with them even if they don't! . . .

So what's with all the silence?


I saw *** and his entourage at an Il Divo concert. .


. Every single one of them was disgusting.


*** launched a big publicity campaign last fall, the main part of which was a slogan that went something like "In the world of real estate, two queens will beat a straight every time!" I write that the slogan went "something like" that because, within a week of launching the campaign with the slogan in ads and social media posts, the slogan totally disappeared. I think the slogan rubbed even Skid Mark's fellow travelers as, well, in poor taste.

Heck, I didn't even "get it" until I read those articles about *** in The Washington Post's archives for June 20, 25 and 26, 1987. And, yeah, it was in poor taste. So the guy obviously has poor judgment along with poor taste. .

. .

Just stay away from him.


SKID MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!! .


. YEAH!!!!!!!!


A "beach block home" and "several" rentals? There's your problem right there, Josie.

You were obviously a well-to-do client from whom *** expected some repeat business, so he refrained from any nonsense in his dealings with you. . . .

My wife and I? All that we could have offered *** was some good word-of-mouth if he'd just done what he was obligated to do and had looked out for our interests rather than teaming up with Lou Solomon and Solomon's online predator pal to stick it to us. . .

. *** must have thought that, if my wife and I were foolish enough to trust him, then we'd be foolish enough to keep our mouths shut after we were swindled. Well, he was half right: My wife does keep to herself what she knows. Me?

I'll continue to disclose the facts involved in our home purchase and its aftermath to anyone who's interested. . . .

I think that *** was "penny-wise and pound-foolish" in his treatment of us. But what do I know? Not much, if you believe *** and all the sycophants around town who give him the "Rock Star" treatment.

We'll see, I guess.

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Real Estate Expert Talks

"I'm a Huge Proponent of Building a Home" Ty Wilde About Real Estate Industry

"I'm a Huge Proponent of Building a Home" Ty Wilde About Real Estate Industry

Sep 15, 2020

To help every potential homeowner find answers to their most important real estate questions, we’ve invited Ty Wilde Realtor & New Home Construction Specialist. In this video interview, we asked Ty to share his vast experience and give expert advice on whether to build a house or buy a house, what’s the best time to buy a house, what to consider during the house inspection, and more.

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Ty Wilde
Ty Wilde

Ty Wilde is the Utah Realtor and New Home Construction Specialist with over 15 years of experience. He helps people to go through the process of buying or selling a home.

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