billy Yad

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Small claims clerk - rude service

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Tried to dismiss a case today and was confused how to do it in the system. I called the clerk in the small claims division this woman was hostile and rude from the get go.

Extremely condescending in answers.

She also directed me to a paid service to file a dismissal. I finally asked is there some kind of problem? The zero emotional maturity was insane. I then asked what happens if I don't show up.

Will it be dismissed with prejudice or without. She had no answers. The hostility was insane so I only assume this person was mentally unstable. She then told me I'm interrupting her all the time.

Am I missing something or is she at work performing a job that she has completely failed at and should be fired for the poor attitude.

She then directed me to a paid legal filing service to dismiss the case.

I didn't go for it and after digging around found that it's attached to my case profile and it can be dismissed for free.

There is no excuse for having zero knowledge on the clerks part. Whoever is hiring these people should also be fired! This clerk and her behavior was disgusting.

Now let's get to the disaster that is doing the filing in small claims when you file your case.

When I filed for the case the intake small claims women was extremely unprofessional as well. Like saying weird comments like I knew I should have trusted you.

Accusing me of filling out wrong forms after I followed her instructions. Who says that at a job. She is performing a service and is extremely unprofessional. Again these people need to be fired there is no excuse for this level of poor service and rude behavior.

Clearly this is allowed and this courthouse does not abide to professional standards. These clerks are a hot mess minus the hot part, and should not be public facing.

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  • Rude service
  • Errors done by clerk when filing

Preferred solution: Apology

User's recommendation: Avoid these courthouse

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