map-marker Nottingham, Nottingham

Very fed up with service

I started out with fibre optics in 1998 with NTL who were taken over by Virgin medic for a while things improved. Then not long ago Liberty bought Virgin and everything started to go downhill.

Customer service is nonexistent, you cant speak to anyone unless they are in India and the quality is terrible especially when like me youre 79 years old with bad hearing and hearing aids. Why cant we have a contact centre in the UK? There have been so many break downs in service especially broadband and now our telephones have been put in VOIP then when broadband goes down Im stuffed for any service. They said I would have an emergency line for when BB goes down, havent got it yet.

And of course no WiFi means no decent internet connection for sending messages to Virgins so. I have decided I want to look for another provider because they surely couldnt be any worse.

Virgin/Liberty get your act together for goodness sake lots of my neighbours are also looking for alternative providers. I actually think they dont give a damn.

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User's recommendation: Try to get another provider who are at least honest.

Michael B Pua
map-marker Miami, Florida

No call, no show

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I went to a liberty "store" in the mall shopping for internet access, made an appointment for four days later took the day off from work. I wasnt givin an installation window and spent the day waiting for an installer.

I called once in the morning and was told the installer will arrive between 1 and 5, he calls at 6:30 and doesnt speak any english so the installation doesnt happen. Both the women at the store and the rep. I called on installation day were for the english speaking customers. Next day is three kings day I dont call, wait till monday and they tell me it has been rescheduled for tuesday.

I take another day off from work Im told the installation will be between 1 1 and 5 I stop in at the same store in the morning to verify, they said it was on schedule. At 1:30 the installer calls and sounds like he is ten feet from his phone and wants to reshedule for wednesday I say no and I can no longer hear him.

I call liberty and they claim the installer was turning around and would complete the installation... no call, no show.

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Reason of review:
Poor customer service

Never heard of them. Where is this company located ? Don't engage them if you can help it - what you have experienced is just the beginning of lousy service - and just wait until their crooked billing department gets ahold of your account !

Michael B Pua
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1626335

They are in Puerto Rico, where I live one of the few options

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