Kromtech Alliance
This software is a total scam and hi-jacks your computer
When we were new to the mac world, we reluctantly clicked on a link with mackeeper in it to help with our iMac. It have been stuck on that machine for years now.
I have tried many different methods to rid of this useless pop-up inducing malware/software with no luck. You can not uninstall this malware, ever! The only way to get rid of this vile garbage they call software is wipe your computer with a clean install.
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MALWARE!!! It does not help you in any way it takes over what ever browser you used to download it as well.
It started with a couple of issues that were slowing down my iMac (a great computer). MacKeeper popped up with a free scan--- I did the scan and they had asked for a number where we can call you back if the scan is interrupted.
They called-- scan result-- "There are many files we can help you get rid of." In a weak moment I paid for the cleaning. Then it started--- "Sir, we have discovered the problem. Your system has been hacked. Have you done any online banking.
You are at risk. The problem is you have no firewall. Then they sold me a firewall (my moment of ***). I called Apple (should have called them first) OF COURSE I had a firewall.
They helped me remove the new one and I contacted the bank to refuse the charge for Internet Fraud. Two days later the bank fraud department called-- "There are three suspicious charges that we've blocked on your account." One was for nearly a $1000 to Apple-online. They were the only people that had seen that account number. I had just lost my life partner and panicked about banking information being hacked.
This company engages in ROBBERY via the internet.
They are criminals-- who take advantage of people with scare tactics and tell lies like "Oh, here's the problem. You have no firewall to protect you."
Preferred solution: Full refund
Worthless Software
This software is supposed to keep your Mac computer running in tip top shape and alert you to any problems. I run it at least every week and the results are always the same. It removes some junk files and such and then it rates my iMac's performance as "excellent". Lately my iMac has been running really slow and the hard drive always seems to be making clicking noises even when the machine is asleep. I ran MacKeeper and again it said my system performance was "excellent". Then I took to the internet and at the Apple website it suggested that I run the "disk utility" software that came with the computer. Within 10 seconds I got a message that said the hard drive had a problem the could not be repaired. It told me to save us much info as I could and then replace it.
Now I was pissed and I reached out to the MacKeeper rep who basically gave me the runaround and told me that the software is not designed to check the hard drive.
So basically I paid these idiots to give me a false sense of security while the problem got so bad I have to replace the hard drive.
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If your hard drive is making a clicking noise that has nothing to do with any software. That is like blaming the seat covers for a flat tire on your car. MacKeeper has 16 apps that do a range of other functions and if the fast clean up is not finding junk files, it just means they are not there and the software is doing exactly what is is supposed to do.
We really care about our customers and I am sorry that you had any issues with your hardware, but MacKeeper or no other software can predict or repair hardware failure.
There is much more to MacKeeper than cleaning and despite your experience we really would like to apologize for the hardware problems you had on your machine and let you know that we are here to help you if you need.
Zeobit are ***