JM Family Enterprises
JMFamily Enterprises, Inc./Southeast Toyota, Employment discrimination in regards to my race
JM Family Enterprises Inc., Southeast Toyotas Distributors and their other companies and subsidiaries located in Deerfield Beach Florida, has Lobbyist in 5 states and Washington, D.C. that they work with to support their Business Interest.
They have had several cases of Employment Discrimination for race and age charged against them that were credit worthy and when the person(s) filing the charge did not accept their monetary offer to resign and drop the charges, they were fired. JM Family has an insider in the Broward County Florida's EEOC Department working as an influence peddler. In 1992 JM Family was mandated to invest in the African American community as part of an agreement to settle a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by black dealership owners (see below *). This is the reason JM Family gives a few thousand dollars as donations to the African American communities and host the African American Achievers Award Ceremonies, which they only give about $20,000.00 in total to the Achiever's charity, which they write off as contributions on their taxes.
If they were not ordered by the courts to make these contributions they wouldn't do it. If they are really interested in helping the African American community they would treat them fairly (they wouldn't discriminate against them) and they would pay them fair wages when working for their company compared to their white counterparts working in the same position. The few African Americans that remain working in the company work in the call and service centers in St. Louis, Mobile Alabama, and the ports in Jacksonville Florida.
In the Deerfield Beach headquarters there are only a few African Americans but not one in any decision making position or in the executive offices. Overall, African American employees are treated unfairly continue to be paid lower salaries then their white counterparts. The African American employees are more qualified for the position. Additionally, in March 2009 JM Family Enterprises laid off nearly all of the few African American workers and workers over 40 years of age.
Workers were forced to sign a silence agreement before receiving any severance pay. JM Family Enterprises, Inc. has continued to receive the title of one of the best companies to work for, which is anything but the truth. It is one of the worst companies to work for.
Fortune Magazine sends a survey to employees selected by the Executive management team at JM Family Enterprises, Inc. these employees were previously informed via e-mail by the Executive Management Team that they would receive this survey. How can you be honest when answering the questions on this survey, if they send it to your company's e-mail address on the company's computer where they are surely monitoring your response, if the employee told the truth about the company they would be fired. Why not mail the survey to the employee's home, this way the surveys cannot be traced back to the employee.
JM Family Enterprises, Southeast Toyota and their subsidiaries are so corrupt, they use their money to influence government agencies in South Florida to make decisions that favor JM Family Enterprises, Inc., Southeast Toyota and their subsidiaries and in some cases even the media and media outlets as well, in other words they do a lot of influence pedaling. They have Lobbyist in Florida other states including Washington, D.C.
where they Lobby for special favors for the best interest of their companies. JM Family Enterprises Inc., Southeast Toyota and their subsidiaries need to be exposed for their corruption and unfair business practices and anyone, any agency and company involved needs to be exposed as well.
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Having insider information on JM Family and JM Lexus, I can verify the information above is 100% accurate. They discriminant often and have paid$ into multiple sections of govt, media, and local areas. Ex: JM "sponsors" the sun-sentinel media. Media is hard pressed to not publish stories reflecting them in a negative light.
JM has lobbyist in multiple states, they got a huge" green tax credit" to install solar panels at the mobile, al location. These are just some of the small examples. JM lexus's previous vp/gm was fired for various unethical violations.
Once told by a higher management the "best thing about jm family, is you do not require a college degree to work here" Meaning we only take uneducated zombie's a tech degree(nothing wrong with it, have one myself) is more desired than anymore with a formal college degree.
JM has had mulitple discrimation and ethics violations, they are quick to silence claims and looking deep into the histroy JM was convicted of tax evasion some years aga, and multiple afrian amercian cases, they try to "compensate" for their past by having mutliple charities and award ceremonies. Not all are bogus, they do help the community I believe in some ways. But they raise $ for their own in-house charities. Such as the YATC at their functions. Huge Conflict of interest.
No-one likes to see someone beat their own chest.
JM Family is more like JM UNFAMILY.
Working for JM is like working for big brother, they monitor all incoming and outgoing emails, internet and calls.
Jm family forces the "JM koolaid" our way or the "highway".
This is how they get on the top 100 lists:
They send out company wide emails letting employees to know to vote and when to expect emails from the governing agencys. For example computer world for the IT dept, Forbers, Fortune, and whatever "best companies to work for" list. Its all set up and done in secret. If you don't save positive things , then you are demoted or laid off. People have been fearfull for speaking out.
In 2008-**** JM laid off unheard of #'s of workers, to "save" the company. Bunch of BS, they say the everyone took a paycuts and all this ***, but if their tax returns were public it would show they profited from the layoffs. (trust me.)
JM did a 360 when the founder Jim Moran passed. JM was handed over to a group or panel of "jm" vested exec high up corp wigs, Jm was no longer in the hands of his wife and sons, family. But still taking in record profit #'s.
The image they try to produce on the outside is a falsehood. Everything on the inside is cut-throat corporate greed. JM Lexus, JMA, JM Family, OMNI Datascan, SET(south east toyota), and all subsidiaries. Stay away from JM, they will do you wrong. JM has no advancement, dead end career, many have been wronged by the, multiple dealers and businesses alike.
JM family is notorious for using contractors and sub contractors. Hiring few full time benefited workers. They are does this to cut costs and save big $. Not to mention they can "fire" you at any time for no reason at all. Use and abusive. FL dept of corp should investigate them fully. But them wont since the lobbyist and people on the payroll.
Once told by upper management, "let someone sue us, we have more lobbyist and lawyer than we know what to do with, we are very powerful."
Toyota Corp and Lexus corp and the state of Florida should do a full scale investigation into principal ethics and business violations at JM family. Toyota and Lexus should remove them as a large distributor.
Finally, they brainwash all associates, to "we do it better" slogans and various other lingo's. If you don't confrom to the JM way, "your making waves". If you want to be a corpatre zombie with no voice, jm family is for you. If your creative forget it. Follow steps 1,2,3,4 and you will go far. Ask questions or object or offer something"different" you'll be canned.
This is the DEAD truth, probably some pr jm person will come on here to refute the statement with "jm family is the best place to work, this person is just some uneducated slander monster". Really? that's why they go bumped down 2 places from last year.
You want the #1 in florida, go publix, at least things are legit there.
This is revelant to my subject and not a personal attack but the truth. The above is not a link or a script but a continuation to my complaint and a authentic news article regarding my subject.
March 15, 1994|By L.A. LOREK Business Writer
A black businessman has filed a discrimination lawsuit against Deerfield Beach-based Southeast Toyota Distributors, claiming he was denied a Toyota dealership because of his race.
William Adkins, 48, a former auto dealer who now lives in Frederick, Md., is seeking damages in excess of $1 million for civil rights violations, according to his suit filed March 1 in Broward County Circuit Court.
The lawsuit names James Moran, JM Family Enterprises Inc., Southeast Toyota Distributors Inc., Omni World Inc. and Dennis Puskaric, a former Southeast Toyota official, as defendants. It is the third discrimination lawsuit filed against Jim Moran and his auto empire since 1991.
Last year, William Armstrong and Willie Brewington, two black businessmen who brought discrimination suits against Southeast Toyota, settled their lawsuits out of court. As part of his settlement, Armstrong, who owns Hollywood Ford, was awarded a Toyota dealership in Homestead.
"We regard this as an ordinary-course-of-business lawsuit. We stand behind our record of equal opportunity employment," said Colin W. Brown, general counsel for JM Family Enterprises. "I find this a little bothersome that someone who has had no contact with us in six years, the next thing we get is a lawsuit from him."
Adkins waited to file his lawsuit because he didn't think people would believe him, said Richard J. Burton, Adkins' attorney based in Dania.
"He was certain that no company of any repute would do this," Burton said. "But when they opened a Toyota dealership on the exact same spot in which he had tried to open a Toyota dealership just a few years earlier, he then realized he had been harmed."
Adkins attempted in 1988 to open a dealership in the Union City area of Atlanta. Adkins owned a General Motors dealership in Ohio that he sold to open a larger one in Georgia to sell Toyotas and Oldsmobile’s.
Southeast Toyota has a network of 164 dealerships in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and the Carolinas. Of those dealerships, three are owned by blacks, two by Hispanics, two by Native Americans and three by women, Brown said.