Kenya Lrc

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Clinton, Tennessee

Extremely poor outcome

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I came to have all my remaining teeth removed and to discuss implants vs dentures. I filled out all the paperwork including my Autoimmunity status.

Dr. Daniel Dela Cruz didn't ask me any questions about my Connective Tissue disorder. My mistake was assuming he understood. After being released to my driver I was completely under the influence of the anesthesia and bleeding profusely.

The stitches tore through my gums causing the incision to gape open. I had to undergo restitching. That should have been a huge red flag that I wasn't a candidate for implants! Thank God I could only afford 2!

My gums never quite healed around them. My last visit before moving out of state I was pressured in purchasing a $180 Ionizer device to "encourage tissue healing." However, I continued to experience pain. A dentist in Knoxville said the implants needed to come out based on panoramic X-rays. He also stated the left implant should have been shorter and flush to the gum line.

I sought a 2nd and third opinion. All agreed. The implants were removed.

It has taken months for my gums to heal again. Now my dentures have to be refitted.

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User's recommendation: Go elsewhere for implants

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