lance s Bab
map-marker Zanesville, Ohio

If you need underhandedness to win a case, go here

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this lawyer is more concerned with protecting herself than her clients. She included herself in a restraining order by simply asking her client if she could be included in the order for no reason at all and the judge simply agreed and it was done.

Simply unbelievable. something is very wrong in this city. Fraudulent filings allowed very easily, just ask and you will receive, i guess! Totally unfounded RO, but they do not care if it is true or not they will take your case, just pay them.

the system there is rigged against the truth. The more unbelievable the lies are, the more people believe it

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  • Questionable process
Reason of review:
questionale process "abuse of process"

Preferred solution: remove yourself from RO

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