Kenny S Vcz

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Missing Part from order

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Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

Ordered several parts to repair mower, several parts went on back order even though stating they were in stock. After finely receiving my order weeks later, parts were missing from the order.

Called customer service several times before getting through. Customer service agent was helpful even checking with the Wearhouse to make Shure the missing part V Belt 4L Wrapped set was available. Received what was the missing part to find I had only gotten one V Belt of the two V Belts in the wrapped set that was missing. Have been trying to contact Customer service to get the last missing V Belt I had paid for.

Tried Calling, online contact from, emailed orders@ jacks still no response. At this point I would not trust buying from them again, be aware.

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  • Older mower parts
  • Parts not available or back ordered even if stating in stock

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

User's recommendation: Buy with Caution

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