Ignite Energy
Prey on people with success stories of millions: A SCAM
What would you tell someone that doesn't have the $329 'start-up' to get into the business; borrow from a friend or family, have a garage sale, pawn your tv, skip a payment on something because with Ignite you're going to make money to infinitety. No, you wouldn't lie to people just to prey on them just so you can make the top 1% richer, then why do the associates, managing directers up the food chain believe the 'pipe dream'.
Ignite is just what it is, a MLM with the tent revivials and glitz but bottomline only the very top will ever make the wealth while all the recuits (associates) will struggle and perhaps recap some of their investment money. There is a court case that was filed here in Texas and it pretty much tells the story of the founder and the top pyamid people involved, the case was filed in 2009.
Ignite Energy is TERRIBLE!
I wouldn't call them a "scam," but they do NOT have good service, they have high rates, and I ended up paying $23.87 MORE than my last bill! Then, I switched to Ambit Energy, and they were able to SAVE me $25!
(So, I really "saved" like $50, because Ignite charged me extra) Don't take my word for it! Go out, and google it! :D I'm trying to get FREE energy right now, too! I've got 11 customers, and all you need is 15!
I'm so excited! Then the average of all the 15 bills, gets deducted off my bill!
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Ignite has a very good start on ideas and such but paying $329 is just crazy. Who has that kind of money just laying around. Plus the $25 dollars every month to pay for your website! :upset People living paycheck to paycheck do not have money to put out that they are not GUARANTEED to make back. :sigh
Now North American Power does everything Ignite does PLUS MORE. And the best part is ITS FREE!!! :eek No start up, no monthly website fees, no cancellation (unless in a fixed rate which is only 6 months), and the great part... you dont need to ask your family and friends to dish out $300 dollars. :)
Check it all out for yourself... www.napower.com/378043 ,)