fawzy s
map-marker Solihull, England

Housing association (costal)utility services

I pay £300.00 a year to costal housing association to provide my flat with centeral heating, however since last januaray, the raditors units in the flat not working. I complaint several times to the costal housing association officer about the condition above, and everytime send an engineer to fix it, however the heating system the next day stop again. Although, the engineer informed me that nothing wrong in the radiators of my flat and the main problem is known to them in the main source of the whole system of the buliding which is consist of 20 flats.Accordingly, when I asked to stop chargeing me with £5.60 a week for the heating service, the officer refused and insist that I have to pay them even it's not working or work one day and the rest of the days out of order or until I call again and again and this happining now for more than 6 months.

In sum, I should have full refund for the last 6 month and not pay any more until the service fixed rightly.

All my best regards

f. salama (dr.)

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