Kay A Jkp

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Cheyenne, Wyoming

I want to sell my land at Hot Spring Village.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I want to sell my land at Hot Springs Village. I would like to know what we paid for the land and how much assessments we have paid over the years.

I want to say we have had the land maybe 12 or so year.

Lot 008 Block 06 Addition 141

My husband passaway in 2021 the lot is in his name. George R Anthony

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Lusia Jeu
map-marker Little Rock, Arkansas

Skytex Tablet

Wife and I attended the Seminar @ Hot Springs Village on August 11 2013 @ 8:00am Sunday morning.After the presentation and other steps we followed.At the time we could not see where the timeshare would fit into ours budget.We was asked to see a lady in the next room and she would get our information and give us a gift. A Sky tex Table.

They was out of tables and we was told they mail it to us the following week. They did ,but the table does not work and we are having a time trying to get it repaired/ replace.

The technican wants a reciept for the device to do either or one of the two. We appercate all the help you can provide with this issue.

Thank you in advance.

Willian Scovil

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1 comment

I am a manger at HSV, the location where Mr Scovil Attended his presentation.

The Skytex Tablets are offered through a marketing company as compensation for the time our guest spend Previewing one of our sales presentations.

1st off, to list this a $350 loss is BS!! the Tablets are given to our Guest FREE!

I'm am sorry to hear That Mr Scovil's Tablet isn't working properly.

We exchange any & all Tablets that aren't satisfactory to our customers expectation. Mr Scovil returned his tablet to us (I have the exact tablet right here, right now next to laptop as I type this)

the Tablet was returned to us with a Password Protecting it and an Alarm set on it, it was returned under the Statement that the Tablet didn't work at all & was returned to us with 0% Battery life ( after replacing the tablet and giving the Tablet a Full charge) I was able to bypass the password only to find that the Tablet function properly....

I could understand frustration with a device not working properly... But blame the Manufacturer not the person who gave it to you.

And to tie my company ( who has already, satisfied our customer with everything we've promised) to some fictitious $350 monetary loss is total BS

Scott Moulton

Sales Manger

Festiva Hospitality Group

Hot Spring Village,AR

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