Michael L Bdr

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Aggressive Collection Practices for Emergency Services

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Hospital Sisters Health Systems - Aggressive Collection Practices for Emergency Services
Updated by user Nov 22, 2021

There has been no response from the facility or the conmpany. They just do not care what one person's experience is, apparently.

The only people charged full rate by hosptals are people that are uninsured, underinsured or do not have an insurance company in network to negotiate heavy discounts. They will then sue the patient.

Updated by user Oct 22, 2021

Her insurance company has offered to pay the hospital the insurance company's in network rate. St. Mary's has declined that offer and threaten to send her to a collection agency and press legal remedy

Original review Oct 22, 2021
On March 28, 2021, a friend of the family brought my sister Jo Ann Londo, to St. Marys hospital, where he had been a chaplain.

She is a Catholic. Her friend only knew she needed emergency medical help, and St. Marys was the nearest hospital.
My sister was vomiting with a fever, and incoherent! When she was at the hospital the admitting nurse asked if she knew where she was.

She thought she was in Appleton. She was in no physical shape, or frame of mind to even consider if she was in a network hospital!
St. Marys Hospital, and all other healthcare providers heavily discount standard billing rates, called contractual adjustments. The only people they charge full price are the uninsured because they do not have insurance companies to negotiate rates for them.

This is one of the sickest aspects of the American healthcare system. St. Marys is a tax-exempt Catholic hospital and obligated to provide financial consideration for hardship cases, St. Marys does not have a contract with the insurance company she could afford through Obama Care.

She is a single mom working an hourly job without health insurance from her employer. She bought insurance on her own to protect her from catastrophic health events like she was hospitalized with. Her insurance company has agreed to pay their in-network rate to St. Marys as this was an emergency case , even though St.

Marys is not in their network. St. Marys, however, is not willing to negotiate and accept a payment rate like they do with all other insurance companies. This tax exempt, Catholic hospital claims to be a compassionate provider of care to their community.
Where is their compassion?
Our family will always be grateful for the care she received from the doctors and nurses at St.

Marys. The administrative and business side is an entirely different and very negative experience. They now threaten my sister with collection action.

She does not have the money for lawyers, which I am sure they are counting on. They figure they can just roll over her, threaten and bully her.
All she is asking is they take the payment her insurance company offers and stop threatening her.
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  • Compassionate professional clinical care
  • Aggressive uncompassionate collections
  • Out of network emergency care

Preferred solution: Price reduction

User's recommendation: Do not consider this hospital for emergency care if you do not know your provider's network

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Prof. Karen Jubanyik

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