map-marker Denver, Colorado


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Dr hilton Becker is a horrible surgeon and works out of a filthy office. His work is sub par as is his awful personality.

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User's recommendation: Run, don't walk away!

1 comment

What happened to make you say that. Please let me know. Tks

Liliam V Ajq

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| map-marker Boca Raton, Florida

My horrible experience can happen to anyone

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Hilton Becker MD - My horrible experience can happen to anyone
Hilton Becker MD - My horrible experience can happen to anyone - Image 2
Contains 7 confidential files for company representatives
Updated by user Nov 29, 2019


Original review Nov 28, 2019

My experience with Dr. Hilton Becker:

I went to Dr.

Hilton Becker to have my breast implant removed and replaced by a smaller implants and to have a Tummy Tuck, and I paid for such procedure, I was aware that was a lengthy surgical procedure, so I decided not to do the tummy tuck, he said that instead will do liposuction and do a fat transfer to my breast instead of using an implant, to what I responded , I told him to do it, only if he can guaranteed that the ends results are the same, I was very clear with him on how I wanted my breast to look.

I remember very clearly, right before going under the anesthesia, when his assistant Adriana, told him “ If you not doing her a Tummy Tuck, I’m calling the next patient to come an hour earlier”. After the surgery he expressed concern for the texture of my tissue under the implant he removed, and wanted to contact the surgeon who had put them, at that moment my husband and daughter ask him if he did a Biopsy, to what he said No, and I should have, we all agreed to have a biopsy to have a done since was the right thing to do,

A week later Dr. Hilton Becker told us that he had talked with Dr Anton, and he explain why the texture looked the way it did, and he ask me if I still want to have the biopsy done to what I says yes. He was not very please with me answer, he did the procedure in his clinic he did it fast with minimal preparation, and that how my nightmare started.


Hilton Becker infected me with a Bacteria Called MYCOBACTERIUM FORTUITUM. I develop a terrible infection in my left breast where he did the Biopsy. As soon as I start feeling that something was not right, I told him and always his answer was, everything looks great nothing is wrong, Look Good and leave never spend more than one minute with me. Makes me feel terrible!

He left to South Africa for Safari when my breast was about to explode due to infection, the nurse had to practice and emergency incision to drain the pus off my breast.

The pus was sent to a lab, and Dr. Becker recommended to see an Infection Disease Doctor, Dr. Sanda Cebular.

She was who told me that this Bacteria is extremely difficult to kill, the treatment is very expensive and is a very long treatment, over a year long. As part of the treatment Dr.

Becker had to remove al the contaminated tissue of my breast, he refused to do that in the beginning, so Dr Cebular, ask Dr Julio Cardenas to review my case and both talk to Dr Becker and both recommended that surgery to remove the infected tissue is necessary as part of the treatment.

Dr Becker had to seven (7) surgeries to remove contaminated tissue the pain that I had to suffer was unbearable, he did it with no anesthesia he stuffed gauze inside my breast, for over four (4) I had to go every day to have that gauze remove and replace. Meanwhile as part of the treatment I had a Picc line (Peripherally inserted central catheter) in my left and four (4) times a day I was getting Antibiotics, one alone took over forty-five (45) minutes to apply, this treatment lasted three (3) months.

After the Infection was contained and wound started to heal Dr. Becker put me a VACC device on my breast, he used incorrectly in the beginning so after a few weeks have to cut open the wound an literally start over again, I carried that device 24/7 for over three (3) month. I was completely depressed, crying every day.

After the Picc line was removed from my arm, I started another antibiotic treatment Ciprofloxacin, (Cipro) for ONE (1) YEAR.


Hilton Becker spend a great deal of time with me during the initial consultation, after surgery he become a cold-blooded, money making driven, careless, feelingless, human being. My husband and family have been my greatest support and still are. Today I live with the consequences of the prolonged treatment with Cipro side effects, and a deformed breast that still make me cry when I see myself in a mirror.

According to several Lawyers, my case is difficult to win because the precise moment when I was infected is difficult, almost Impossible, to prove.

Dr Hilton Becker, partially paid for the cost of the infection treatment, never offer anything to compensate for the terrible damage that he caused me, emotionally and physically damage, and financial burden that the treatment has put in.

I did not go to Dr.

Becker’s clinic for all the pain and suffering that he put thru, I feel much stronger now, I want to share my experience with this Careless, Feelingless, Money Making Driven Human Being, named Dr. Hilton Becker.

These are photos that shows of what he put me thru: WARNING EXPLICIT IMAGES MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL VIEWERS

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  • Very charismatic salesman personality
  • Dirty room surgical facilty
  • Feeling-less post operation treatment
  • Poor sterilization practices
Reason of review:
Permanent Deformity after surgery due to infection caused by a contaminated surgical Instrument

Preferred solution: Full refund

Chrystina Qgl

Oh my Gosh ! You just saved me from changing the first dr that I chose to Dr .

Becker . I just left his office , and I am a bit of a complicated mess. He was totally opposing what my original dr wants to do . It made me wonder until a friend just sent me this review and I just got done reading it .

I felt like he was a salesman today telling me about his book and research articles being published . Like I cared about his popularity? The cost outrageous using the hospital as well . Also sad he could take some fat from my belly ?

I am 60 and a gym rat ! I do t have much fat ! Talking about making a new pocket on top of the muscle in the fascia and won’t even do behind the muscle . I have no idea where Becket came from but my breast drs have already told me that with my high risk of Cancer for me to go behind the muscle to get a better read on breast screenings.

I am so sorry for what you had to go thru but sharing it , well you just payed it forward. My prayers go out to you .


I to had a bad experience at the end.

Liliam V Ajq
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1847268

Sorry to hear that, the worst thing you can do, is do nothing! raise your voice make complaint, to board of doctors, health department, news channels, facebook, people listen!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1847268

Dr Hilton Becker is the worst of the worst. Save yourself a lifetime of sorrow and go elsewhere. He is not mentally stable and certainly not honest.

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