Elder A
map-marker Lakes Entrance, Victoria County

Elder Exploiters?

Mr Glenn Hodges at Hibbert & Hodges told the State Trustees that there was no reason to protect old Mrs. Gwyneth Wallace because he would look after her.

He then lost her case. Every hearing he lost (but she thought they won them ????). He then covered up his negligence and his violations of ethics for years until a Judge in the Supreme Court, Randall, ordered him to report himself to his insurance company and stop acting for her and her daughter-in-law and for the son who Judge Lansdowne said had misled his mother. Neighbour and long distance Pilot Thomas Courtney delivered her files to Mr Hodges' office personally to assess, but he lost them or he hid them, and the only papers were in a shoebox at Trevor McTaggart's accounting firm.

He lost and he lost and he lost every hearing over 4 years. His barrister was highly cited except the Judge fired him from the case. The Institute of Public Accountants fined their accountant Trevor McTaggart for misconduct. Accountant Will Tehan fumed at these charlatans while barrister Mathew Stirling told Judge Randall they had a massive victory, except they were negligent and they lost and they were removed from the case by the Judge.

New lawyers under Mr. Pane QC and Ms. Elizabeth Bateman Barrister can't believe what went on. The barrister was disbarred because he avoided his trust accunt and used his gambling account at the T.A.B for hide cash fees from the tax office.

Law insitute elder abuse advisers said it looked classic elder exploitation and violated "section 60" of the elder abuse laws.

Receivers will dispossess the family very soon the way things are going. Avoid him.

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  • Judge randall saw ethics breaches that bowles refused to act on
  • Howard bowles protection
Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Full refund

1 comment

Trevor McTaggart haha what a low life dog

Nakyia Qoi

Hibbert & Hodges Lakes Entrance Victoria

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

We're devastated! After years of very very costly litigation, Judge Randall of the Supreme Court finally fired Hibbert and Hodges and the barrister.

This is the second time they were warned off, the first time by Judge Lansdowne, except the lawyer came up with a great plan, but its blown up. The Court transcript also says the Judge told them to call their insurance company. This is a disaster. Arbitrans Accounting's Trevor McTaggart claimed he was every bit as good as a Queens Counsel and that his expert report was backed by the Judge 100%, however the Judge fired them!

The Judge thinks their insurance company should pay us compensation.

The barrister had the temerity to say that he won a wholesale victory in 2015 however the lawyers forgot to pay all the secured mortgages! Instead of confessing their negligence, the Victorian Legal Services Board then allowed Hibbert and Hodges to continue to drain money for years.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Price reduction

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